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Our clomid journey...

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This thread has gotten me through some of my most difficult days throughout TTC. I have learned so much from the amazing friends that I have met here, not only about TTC but about life itself. I hope that our sisterhood only expands and that we can continue to learn from one another and help each other. You ladies are wonderful. A big welcome to all the new amazing ladies that have joined. I am so glad to have found this thread. Our journey continues. Looking forward to getting some good news :) Love you all.

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299 Replies • 12 years ago



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I think I know y my tummy was hurting!!!!

I got my first ever positive OPK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love this smiley face!!!! I'm so happy I even took a pic!!!

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12 years ago

those opks are positive!!!! i think ur lh was just longer than usual.

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12 years ago

Little - get to 'ing!!!

TTC #1 - Since 2010 BFP #1 on 11/22/11 (ended 12.13 ectopic) I'm a home cooking, OCD (at times) cleaning, NASCAR watching, Drag Race Loving, country living (being classy is over rated), stay at home, spending some months alone, 4 wheel riding, proud union carpenter wife & I wouldnt have it any other way! Follow my journey in life:

12 years ago

Nat: Now that is definitely a clear +OPK! Get to BDing! I looked at your bbt chart and if your temp goes up tomorrow, then you can count today as your O day. Time for the swimmers to do their thing...

Little: yippee for Oing! Happy !

Ashley: just saw your Clomid ticker. LMAO!

Carolyn: I know that you're on a trip but I hope that you POAS again & the line keeps getting darker!

Margaret: thanks for checking in. We missed you but do enjoy your trip!

Rkeech: for you!

AFM: cd9 and I'm going to start POAS on my OPK. It's probably too soon since I usually O around cd13-16... But one month I had a fluke and O'd on cd11. I also will go get some grapefruit juice. Just read that it helps with cm. My TTC regiment is growing. I'm drinking pomegranate juice, now grapefruit juice, will be starting my Robittussin tomorrow, green tea, flaxseed oil... Anyone else want to add to this?

12 years ago

I don't have much time but I am popping in to say hello. I have not left! I started my new job this week and I am exhausted! I have no energy to get online at the end of the day. Love you guys!

*~* Rachel *~* Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers

12 years ago

Nancy- Thank you so much! And I really appreciate you looking at my chart. I received clearblue opks in the mail today but I ordered the non digi ones by accident. One line has to be darker than the other. It was a positive no questions. Did not even need to guess so this means that the Wondfo opk worked. After the smiley face I got on CD12 I kept testing. It was negative until today. Just when we thought we were done with the scheduled ing. Honestly it is not even so much fun anymore when it is scheduled. I hate that. And about taking temps at the same time everyday. The time that I get up varies because I am not working . Should I just set an alarm? Enough about me. I am ing that you get everything that you need on time. What CD are you on? When do you usually O? Thank you again for all your help.

Rachel- It is good to be busy. How are you liking the new job? Are you in the TWW or waiting to O. Just wondering since we have not heard from you for a while. Miss you!

Shea- How are you doing? Have you started Soy yet?

Victoria- Hello . I am so glad that you feel good about this break.

Margaret- Have lots of fun! Thank you for thinking about us. You are super sweet. Glad to have you here and I really mean that.

Little- Yeeeeeaaay so happy for O. I take pics too when I get the smiley face. I always do because it makes me so happy. Happy ing.

Carolyn- The last hpt you posted definitely has a line and I do see a little bit of pink. . Have you tested again? How are you feeling as far as symptoms today? Hope to hear from you soon :)

Norms- Thinking about you!

Aloha- How is it going?

Jess- Are you feeling better?

rkeech- What is your name if you don't mind me asking. I hope that you get your very soon.

Kraken- Have not heard from you. How are you?

AFM: A very clear positive OPK today with two different brands. Had been getting negatives after the smiley face I got about 4 days ago. I am glad I kept testing. Increased CM gave me the urge to opk test and good thing I did. Hopefully I O tomorrow or the next day. And I thought I was in the TWW...not!

Goodluck to everyone testing.
Huge to anyone who needs one.

We'll ge there ladies.

to everyone!

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12 years ago • Post starter

Well, we are back from our trip..... but I am very disapointed today because I took a digital and it said..not pregnant..... so discouraging!!! I don't know what to think because I have been feeling so terrible lately..... sore bbs, fatigue, naseau, thirsty, gas, super bloated..... but if those aren't from pregnancy symptoms then what are they from? I hate the disapontment every month.... just sad right now.....

12 years ago

Sorry forgot to introduce myself my name is rachael and I'm 23 engaged and we've been ttc 9months because I only have half an ovary left total doc put me on clomid and metformin this isour first cycle trying this ( we only get to try 3 cycles of this) so hoping it works first time as today been feeling weird things going on in lower abdomen and nipples are so sore and very gassy so keeping fingers crossed I go in Tuesday to check progestrone to make sure I'm ovulating I pray I am I always get af every 26 days so its due this Friday keep ur fingers crossed oh also I'm peeyn halot and moody but I go through most this every month but doing good and tryn to wait to test

12 years ago

AFM: where did you find your tickers at the bottom? The clomid and uterus one?? Soooo funny! What website did you get them from?

12 years ago

CJ - Photobucket! LOL -- How was your trip??

Racheal - Welcome!! Good luck to you!

Love - good luck! Glad to see you got your + :)

Rachel - How do you like your new job?

Beach -

AFM: CD 4 today which means my not so happy pills start tomorrow. This is cycle 11 for DH and I. AF came with a vengence this month! Im beginning to see a pattern that Im going to mention to the DR when I go in about 2 weeks for my internal u/s. Im beginning to notice that every other month AF comes with a vengence. So Im thinking I might only O from one side....hmmm. That could put a HUGE damper on things. Ive brought up the idea of starting the adoption process around the first of the year. Ive read it could take up to 2 years and so we could also still try while the process is getting complete. IDK. Its an idea to toss around I guess.


TTC #1 - Since 2010 BFP #1 on 11/22/11 (ended 12.13 ectopic) I'm a home cooking, OCD (at times) cleaning, NASCAR watching, Drag Race Loving, country living (being classy is over rated), stay at home, spending some months alone, 4 wheel riding, proud union carpenter wife & I wouldnt have it any other way! Follow my journey in life:

12 years ago

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