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Calling all December testers!

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Hey everyone! For those who were not on the november forum. Welcome! whethere you are in the tww yet or not its a good place to start if you are testing in december. for those that where on the November forum welcome back! this is a continuation of that so we can all meet up again! im currently on cd 1 and wont be testing til the 2nd december! gl to everyone! hope we get some more bfps this month!xxxxxxxxx

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589 Replies • 11 years ago



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TWW here we come! I wasn't sure if O was ever going to come, with how weird my cycles have been since the miscarriage. But I had an almost positive OPK Friday night, and a very positive OPK Saturday around 1pm. I was able to BD friday night and Sunday morning. So I hope I didnt miss my opportunity. DH complained about being sore Saturday and didnt want to BD (1st time in the 7 years we've been together, that he has turned me down, lol!)I was upset but I had to let it go. We'll see if it's meant to be this cycle or not. We definitely BD'd tons beforehand. Im so very glad its Thanksgiving week, as I feel that will make the first week of the TWW go by quickly. Today is officially 1DPO for me! I also used Preseed this month, and I LOVE it. It definitely does not take too much. Use more than a pea size drop and its waaaay too much... haha just an FYI

JandBbaby.... Keeping my for you that your lining thickened up! The follicles sound very promising . Hopefully your BD'ing like crazy, since O is getting close. Does the trigger shot cause any weird symptoms? Or does it just make you O? Stay hopeful hun!

LJTsmomma... Sounds like you will ovulate this week huh? Hope you're getting your BD on! I LOVEEEE that your DH talks to your tummy already. MY DH would never do that lol. BUT he did drag me into the baby department at the store yesterday and showed me this crib that he claimed he "loves it because its so practical" or something like that haha. on catching that egg!

Luvtowalkfast.... Welcome!!! Caffiene.... hmmmm. Im addicted to my 2 cups of coffee in the morning. I gave it up for a few months, and I was such a zombie that I decided it wasnt worth it lol. I can avoid pop, but not my coffee! So sorry to hear that AF is being terrible! Are your cycles normally fairly heavy, or lighter? Hopefully you'll get your BFP this cycle and be able to share with only a select few this Christmas . I plan on telling DH the second I get a BFP, since I waited over a week last time (to come up with some creative way to reveal the news) and the day I told him I started to miscarry! Baddddd luck! Then I will probably only tell my mom and dad besides him!

Katie....Let us know what your OPK says today! What are your BD plans? I try to BD every other day from AF, then 2 days before I O I try to BD everyday. This cycle I didnt BD the day I got my +OPK, because DH was "sore" haha. But I did BD twice within 36 hours around my +OPK, so hopefully that was enough!

Maybebaby... Hiiii! I am praying so much that you get your boy this cycle. You should be 0-1DPO right?! Sending and your way.... especially toward team blue! Im 1 dpo today! So TWW here we go . I hope time goes by quickly! When do you plan on trying to POAS? I want to try to wait until 14dpo (Dec 2nd) to test, but we will see how my will power holds up! Im going to definitely wait til at least 12 dpo.

Mrs. Rev... Sooo I got my +OPK saturday around 1pm. I also temp so I am counting today as 1 dpo since my temp spiked .8 this morning. Some OPKs give you a 12hr notice, mine are supposedly 24-48 hr notice, so I think your O day really depends on what kind of OPKs you use. What kind do you use? Do you temp too? Have you O'd yet? Let me know

Camasia... Looks like you'll be the 1st of this bunch to start POAS! Im excited to see what your results are. Your CM sounds promising too!!

Slewakoa... Good for you girl!! I think instinct is a better way to approach TTC. Its definitely healthier to not stress about when to BD. I wish I could let things happen more naturally. Im on my 10th cycle, so my "doing things naturally" thinking is out the window at this point!

Maternalbliss.... Welcome to the group! I hope AF is over soon for you and cant wait for you to join the TWW!!

Sorry for the super long post. I had so much catching up to do! Here's to staying busy !!!

11 years ago

Hi armywife! I am not sure what my cycles are like anymore, LOL. I started my period when I was 15 and my cycles were short and HEAVY as hell (it was insane, I'd soak through a super tampon and a pad in like 90 minutes). I was on the pill from age 18 to 30, where my cycles were normal and very light. This is my first normal ovulatory cycle after stopping the pill, and I'm having like PTSD flashbacks to being 15 and having to change my tampon every dang hour :-P Yes I am hoping to get pregnant ASAP because I cannot do this every month! I will go broke having to buy this many tampons!

Amen about the coffee. I am trying to at least cut back a bit. I was at probably 200 mg a day which is safe during pregnancy, but I want to ease back to about 100 mg a day. I already have a headache! Wah :(

I think I will start charting my BBT, do you guys find it useful? I use OPKs as well and it worked like a charm, what additional info will I get from BBT charting?

11 years ago

Haven't taken my opk test today. Will do one later tonight when i Get home. It was nagative yesterday. Since. I entered my fertile period 2 days ago so we gave it a go last night and the night before, so do you ladies think I should take a brake tonight or just keep going until O And a day after O.

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11 years ago

I checked my cervix today and got a glob of yellowish stringy cm with mucous. First off I must say that is funny I know my body and I'm a nurse I've never had a colorish cm lol new word. I told my husband that I think I'm pregnant he said good because I'm tired of scheduled sex lol! Fx and baby dust to us all smooches!

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11 years ago

Hi maybebaby:

I also test on Dec 2nd. That is if I can hold out that long. My husband keeps talking about buying stock in pregnancy tests the way we buy them. I am one day past ovulation and still going to try to BD for a couple more days just in case. My dh won't complain LOL

As a matter of fact he is taking a nap right now so he has no excuse later on.

How early on do you guys test? I used to test when I was 1 day late with my previous pregnancies. Not sure how accurate these early tests really are.

Good luck everyone,


12/08 + 1/10 + 07/11, Had to do a lot of for baby #4. Yuck!!!! User Image

11 years ago

welcome 3lilbrownboys! You have come across a wonderful group of ladies.

I am still a week away from O (or somewhere around there...) I have not used OPKs yet, but I'm starting to think it would be worth it. Not only would I know exactly when I am about to O so I can attack the DH, but then at least I would get to POAS and see a + for once. My last two pregnancies were without trying at all, 1st ended in MC and the 2nd I got my DS out of. They were wonderful surprises. Now that I am trying, it seems to be taking FOREVER to get my BFP. UGH!

So, by my calculations...we now have Armywife, jandbbaby, wadjet, camasia, maybebaby, slewakoa, mrsrev, and luvtowalkfast in their TWW. That is super exciting!! And Camasia should be starting her POAS just after Turkey Day!! Wahoo. Now to live viciarously through you all in your TWW while I am still waiting for my O day. Keep it interesting ladies!!! Can't wait to start hearing about all those wonderful BFPs this month!!

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11 years ago

@LJTsMomma - Yes, officially in the 2ww! I'm only 5dpo, so it feels like an eternity before I can test... or before I can test and actually get a legitimate answer haha.

Haven't really noticed any symptoms except I've been extremely moody. Went from getting super pissed at my husband for not throwing away an old Halloween pumpkin and making a huge deal out of it (LOL) to getting all emotional and crying over a rerun of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. Haha. What the hell is going on with me today?!

Glad I have you ladies to keep my mind off things. Any updates from you girls??

11 years ago

Hey everyone 2dpo today! I actually had my temp spike yesterday so must have actually ovulated Sunday night and not Monday morning as I thought. Temp still up so suapecting now that might be the case ! Hope fully I got my bean! Though that means I had a super short surge this month! Actually this was my first month using cheapie opks and I think I've confused myself! I think I may need to post pics but basically Saturday all day neg opks. Then Sunday morning negative but sliiiightly darker opk. Then every four hous getting darker but not fully positive nearly though at 7.30pm. Then I only had one cheapie left and a clearblue one so decided to use the clearblue as thought maybe it would be more sensitive. This was at 12am Sunday night and it was posit e straight away. Then used my cheapie the next morning and it was the intensity as the 7.30pm one the night before and when I got home that evening did two more both four hours apart and still the same. But definitely negative this morning. So never actually got a full positive withe cheapie a. I'm just wondering though where the ones on Sunday afternoon/ evening actually positive and the cheapie a weren't sensitive enough to show it up properly? Sorry for the long winded obsessive post! Any opinions welcome xxxxx

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11 years ago • Post starter

good mrning ladies! not a whole lot to report here... 5 DPO and had very restless sleep last night... I neeed to make this quick b/c I am actually up so early to study for an exam today but at least it's the last day of classes before thanksgiving break!

@WADJET-we're on the exact same days! yay!!! here's to trying our best to hold off haha!!

@2LILBROWNBOYS- welcome!!! You are very strong to hold out to test that long, unlike the rest of us! hehe! To answer your question, on this website there is actually a day-by-day statistics chart with precentages of women that get positives so many days after O----I believe it starts to hit 50% around DPO9 if I am not mistaken... but a lot of people don't get a positive until later

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11 years ago

Just checking in with you's everyone feeling this morning? I'm still a few days away from O but keeping on with the BDing every other night, but may try to attack the hubby every night until Friday. Not sure though. I think I would be extremely disappointed if I didn't get my BFP after trying soooo hard. Listen to me...talking like I got a BFN and haven't even entered my TWW yet. Ugh. I need to's to thinking POSITIVE!!

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11 years ago

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