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It's a long TTC road!! Come and stay awhile! :)

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I'm starting this thread for the women who have been TTC for a while....and either not having success or are having multiple frustrating losses. There is no judging....and it's a group for support (and virtual hugs!) whenever we need it.

So, come....stay awhile....grab a hot cup of tea (or coffee!) and type away!

Me...33 Hubby...34 Nov 2002...high risk pregnancy, preterm labor @ 31wks, held in our son until 37wks, born 7lbs, 20in October 2007...blighted ovum @ 6w4d, D&C October 2012...fetal death @7w4d subchorionic hematoma, D&C, 46 chromosomes, normal female Waiting to TTC until June!

300 Replies • 11 years ago



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Hi Ladies!

I am sorry to hear about all the BFNs this cycle....but I know how exciting it is to devise a plan for the next cycle.

I am looking in to the Maca Root and Tribulus natural herbs for when we start to TTC again in a few really seems to cover a lot. Increased libido, cysts, promotes and regulates ovulation, healthy uterine lining. Men can take both supplements too right along with us. Anything helps! I like that it is a more natural approach over the Femara and Clomid.

@ you have cysts that burst? I had one burst over last was it painful. I was in so much pain I couldn't move off the bathroom floor for about 5 minutes....then when I could move, I went to the emergency room. I thought it was my appendix....but, nope....ovarian cyst. I know I have simple cysts that grow and shrink on my right ovary....but is that considered PCOS? I haven't been tested for it.....

I officially start NuvaRing tonight.....will be on it for 2 months while I do all the testing on my gallbladder and GI system to figure out the source of my tummy pain. My BBT thermometer is safely put away in the bathroom...sniffle sniffle. It's okay though.....I can get through this! LOL

Me...33 Hubby...34 Nov 2002...high risk pregnancy, preterm labor @ 31wks, held in our son until 37wks, born 7lbs, 20in October 2007...blighted ovum @ 6w4d, D&C October 2012...fetal death @7w4d subchorionic hematoma, D&C, 46 chromosomes, normal female Waiting to TTC until June!

11 years ago • Post starter

@Boston, Yes you can! These 2 months will fly by I bet :-)

11 years ago

bostonmama08 good luck on the natural route! Can't hurt right?! I have tried some supplements over the last year and liked a few and saw improvment in some areas. Try this site for finding out what you should take, . It helped me a lot! I haven't actually had a cycst burst but it was close! Some who have PCOS have cystic ovaries and some don't. But like my ovaries always have little cycsts on them. I wouldn't think one or two cysts at a time randomly would indicate PCOS. But it may be wise to ask your dr about PCOS as PCOS can come with lots of other health issues.


Waiting to O now... I have my u/s tomorrow again...

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11 years ago

1 dpo... Here we go again!

11 years ago

@Ale, GOOD LUCK!!!

11 years ago

Good luck all!

I had my u/s yesterday it showed one good follicle but a thin lining. They gave me an estrodial RX and I am to Tigger tomorrow. I woke up with the flu this am! Just my luck!

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11 years ago

So I was reading everyone's posts about the Benadryl and figured what the hell, can't hurt can it.. So I bought some last night to start taking this cycle after I ovulate. My husband of course asked me why I was buying them cause he knows they knock me on my ass Lol. That is going to be the LONGEST 6 days ever! Thank goodness the first 2 days I will be taking it falls on a weekend. Anyways, I started telling him what the logic is behind it and he said "BABE! Think about it, remember last time we got pregant.. You know, when we came home from Colorado? (HELLO HONEY, I'M NEVER GOING TO FORGET THAT!) You were taking Benadryl at the time to help you sleep! Yes we miscarried but maybe there really is something to that!"
So I used to not be able to sleep through the night, I was working out a lot and it actually made it impossible to fall asleep early so I would always take a Benadryl to help me sleep. I did this every day for a couple weeks maybe. Just one pill at night, standard 25mg so no i was not even coming close to dosage limit. Yes I did get pregnant, I miscarried at 8weeks though. It was our second miscarriage. We weren't trying the first time and the second time was like a "One Hit Wonder" incident! We didn't try again after that for a year and half and started in November 2012 with ZERO luck so this Momma is taking Benadryl just to see if maybe, just maybe it will be my miracle worker!

Fingers Crossed This Really works!

11 years ago

@mandy- I'd say give the Benadryl a try! If it helps relax you and let nature work....go for it! What CD are you on and what CD would you start taking it?

@dolphin- I'm glad you have a good follicle and the doctor is helping you with your lining! I wish you the best of luck with the estadiol and trigger!! Sorry to hear about the flu....seems to be going around and around this season.

@aleerph- Good luck this cycle!! Any symptoms yet? Thank you for the info on the natural route and website! I'm really in to doing that lately...trying natural remedies to see how my body responds. I just started taking my Maca Root softgels last week to prep my body for when we start to TTC again in a few months.

AFM- I am just waiting for my gallbladder scan on April 5th...and see what that says. My tummy issues have subsided for the most part, but it doesn't hurt to still have the scan.

You know what I did too....I stopped taking 800mg of folic acid. I've felt a lot better since. I only take 400mg now thats in my multivitamin...along with my fish oil, cranberry tablet, Vitamin D and Maca Root. I have just felt better, less achy and nauseous. Not sure if that's what was making me sick.....but I know I've felt better since stopping the extra folic acid dosage.

Hope you ladies are having a great weekend!

Me...33 Hubby...34 Nov 2002...high risk pregnancy, preterm labor @ 31wks, held in our son until 37wks, born 7lbs, 20in October 2007...blighted ovum @ 6w4d, D&C October 2012...fetal death @7w4d subchorionic hematoma, D&C, 46 chromosomes, normal female Waiting to TTC until June!

11 years ago • Post starter

What is this Benadryl thing? I thought you were supposed to stay away from antihistamines as they can really dry your CM up long after stopping them. I may have to research Benadryly! If it helps with TTC and makes me sleep I call that a win win!

Let me know how the maca goes. I tried that this summer but didn't have much luck. I may have to go natural again before we start IVF if we go that route.

Well I am 2DPO now. I triggered on Friday. I ovulated sometime Saturday. I was in lots of pain! It wasn't very fun! Anyone else get lots of pain with ovulation? I feel like a million bucks now though that the first part of the cycle is over. Now I just have to wait until the HCG is out of my system and start to test.

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11 years ago

Yeah, I'm a little confused by the benadryl thing as it's supposed to dry things up

It's great to hear how all of you are doing lately, while I was trying to kind of not focus on much ttc this month I went to a wellness center we have here and when they did my latest Meridian Stress test, my body said I needed progesterone (and I happen to be past o) so I'm kind of hoping that means that while not preventing we caught an eggie.... Not really sure when I o'd though so not sure when to start testing

Our little angel's first birthday in heaven is Wednesday so i thought about testing on his angel day but can't decide I may just wait until Saturday that way I know whether or not I need to take it easy in Disneyland On monday :)

11 years ago

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