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Confessions of the Infertile Woman

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Hi ladies. I know I'm not the only woman here who has fertility problems and sometimes feels very alone.

I'm only in my fourth month of ttc but I've been told by my doctor that due to a deformity of my uterus I may have some serious problems staying pregnant (if I'm ever blessed enough to even become pregnant). I will know more though after I get an mri tomorrow.

Anyway, sometimes thoughts pop into my head and then I feel guilty for thinking such negative things. I fear that if I confess these feelings to other people that they will judge me as a bad person or as insane as some of these things are irrational.

But I know I can't be the only one who experiences this.

So I thought I would create a thread where we can confess our frustrations and negative thoughts that we have regarding our fertility problems. I want this to be a place where we can freely express our emotions without anyone judging, just supporting.

Basically, I want a group therapy page!

So let me start off by giving some of my own confessions:

~When I see pictures of my friends' pregnant bellies, I feel jealous and angry

~I know I'm supposed to believe that God is testing me, but sometimes I feel like he is punishing me

~I get angry when I see people that don't take good care of themselves (much less their children) having babies when I can't.

~I judge other mothers as being less deserving

~I have constant nightmares about having miscarriage after miscarriage which cause me to wake up sweat drenched

~I feel like a failure as a woman

~I fear my husband may one day resent me if I can't give him children

~I fear this is somehow all my fault

~I hate myself for not being able to really be happy for my friends who have been blessed with children

~Sometimes the only way I can cheer myself up is by thinking "Well at least I won't lose my sexy body as quickly as my friends."

So many dark thoughts cross my mind sometimes and I was always a very happy, positive person before.

What dark thoughts do you have that you feel you can't share with anyone else?

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288 Replies • 13 years ago



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good morning girls. well i made it to cd 23 today,but have tell tale cramps and spotting, so i'm going to call to see if i can get in for the hsg app. wish me luck,something good has got to happen it's been long enough. for some reason today im feeling positive about getting the hsg app. and i don't know why? please cross your fingers for me,if i get this done i will finally be able to see the f.s. and go from there...

13 years ago

morning ladies we made it another CD!

Aisha- you are very welcome im still need that reassurance sometimes too

Victoria- that has to hurt! have you talked to you friend about it??? im sure you would be a better god mother than your SIL anyways so its your friends loss not yours!!!! we all love and support you so dont let this get you down. and its probably all for the best im positive that you are going to have so many babies you wont have time for a god child anyhow!!!! and watch the kid turn out to be evil or something (im just trying to cheer you up )

aroma- im keeping my fingers crossed and praying for you!!!! i hope everything works out!!! let us know as soon as you hear something.

AFM- i made it too 5dpo yay! im about to drive my self up the wall waiting for the end of the 2ww news (keepi yalls fingers crossed it good news). ive been trying to keep myself busy but its not working.

i did read this fun thing on the internet about 2ww activities and you get some of your family members or really close friends to each take a day of the week and obsess over weither your pregnant or not and report back at the end of the day how hard it was and if they experinced any symptoms. i would really like to play that game but nobody but DH and you guys know im ttc. it would at least keep me from stressing and obsessing.

Shea Soy Cycle1- Soy Cycle2- Soy Cycle3- "For nothing is impossible with God" Luke 1:37

13 years ago

Victoria- You are so right. At least I know clomid helps me and we will both have positive results soon. I was just having a really bad day emotionally yesterday. I'm sorry you were so hurt by what your friend did. Is it possible they made that decision because of family pressures? I know it hurts, but like Shea said soon you will have your own children and it won't matter.

Shea- I'm in the same boat; no one but my dh, one friend, and you all know I'm ttc (and that friend only knows because I'm going to be the maid of honor in her wedding in July and I ordered my dress a few sizes too big naively thinking I would be at least 6 months pregnant by then ). Perhaps a variation of that game could be just to observe what others around you say and see if they also complain of any tww symptoms since so many can be caused by other things. Maybe that could help keep you from obsessing?

Aroma- I know you told me your name but I forgot! I'm sorry! Glad you are feeling more positive today. Let us know if you get the hsg app.!

AFM- I'm in a much better mood today. I had exams all morning but I wore a new pair of "sexy jeans" with heals to the exams and had a male classmate tell me my husband was a lucky man I guess if I can't be pregnant I might as well be sexy. Some days dressing sexy just makes me feel better... anyone else do that?

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13 years ago • Post starter

That sounds fun getting family members and friends to freak out like we do. I took that stupid test on 8 dpo and now i'm 10 dpo could I still be in the running???? Symptoms today include:
some twinges
still having vivid dreams
white/creamy cm

does this sound promising...? =) trying to stay positive and not test till May 1st, it's killing me not to!!!

13 years ago

Joanie- You are definitely in the running! Here's a little info that may give you more hope!

Implantation can occur between 6-12 dpo with 84% implanting between 8-10 dpo. At implantation, your hcg will be 5 mIU/ml and will double every two to three days after that. So 48-72 hours after implantation you would have hcg levels of 10 mIU/ml and it would be another 48-72 hours to have levels of 20 mIU/ml which is about the sensitivity of most "early detection" hpts but you should check the package insert to see how sensitive your are. So basically if your tests are 20 mIU/ml like mine, if you implant at 12 dpo and your hcg takes a full 72 hours to double, you could have negative tests through 17 dpo and not get a positive til 18 dpo!!!! So a negative at 8 dpo means absolutely nothing!!!!!!!!

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13 years ago • Post starter

i just did a test at 7dpo i knew it would be a why did i do it , it was bfn.

next i will be testing when is here .....

1 son 17 years old , and expecting B/G twins atm that are due next month : )

13 years ago

Victoria - I am so sorry! That has to hurt. I know how it feels to not be included in the life of a child that you really should be. I only get to see my niece about once every three months and they only live 15 minutes away. It hurts my feelings a lot.

Everyone - I went to my therapist today and she suggested that I take a sabbatical from Facebook to avoid seeing all of the sonogram pictures, baby pictures, and complaints from pregnant women that I was getting so upset by. I am going to try it. It will be hard because that is my main way of communicating with my friends and family, but I put a post saying that if anyone wanted to reach me they could call.

I go to the doctor a week from today to beget my prescription for Clomid! May 14th I leave for Florida for a much needed vacation. Maybe I'll be one of the lucky few that comes home pregnant!

*~* Rachel *~* Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers

13 years ago

Hi ladies

kitten - dont feel bad, I tested late in the evening only 2 days after my possible implantaion dip and almost imeditely after downing 2 bottles of water... not even possible for a bfp and yet I tested! haha! Ttc makes us all a little nutty

Aisha - thanks for the fb message hun, it made me smile

Joanie - like Aisha said, your DEFINITLY still in the running! even a bfn at 12 or 14dpo could still be in the running all depends on when implantation occurs!

nursejones - LoL I would LOVE to try that with my family... but not many ppl know I am ttc either.

aroma - with the hsg!! I am keeping my for your bfp this cycle!!

TeacherToria - I am so sorry about your friend, I know that really stings... but as the other ladies said soon you will be too busy with your own kiddies to be a god mom

As for me... had a temp drop this am which has left me pretty devastated... trying to keep busy today. & I am hoping it was only because my house was so chilly this morning (turned off the heat and opened the windows yesterday so it was a degree or 2 colder n the house) my temp goes back up tomorrow!

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

13 years ago

rachelm - sorry we must have been typing at the same time! Good luck & have a great trip!!

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

13 years ago

I think that's an awesome idea to take a break from watching shows about babies or looking at friends on FB with kids or expecting. I may do the same, for my sanity!! I'm trying to hold out for Missed Period or at least till May 1st. that's also 5 years that day that I miscarried, hopefully it will be good news on a sad day... Good luck to everyone... and Rachel sometimes a change of routine is just the ticket! you may come back with a little present for yourself!!

13 years ago

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