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November Testers Part 2!

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Welcome! We are a group of women who have come together to support each other throughout our cycles. We are thrilled to welcome newcomers to the group! Please introduce yourselves and let us know how long you've been TTC and a bit about your background.

No drop-in BFPs or BFNs please! We like to support each other and provide a loving environment for our fellow girls, many of whom are having lots of trouble.

697 Replies • 10 years ago



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Luv--I'd call just in case...leave a message and then call back in the morning.

AFM...well, I did some reading and it seems that ovidrel can stay in your system for 12 days if you assume a 29.2 hour half life and that the 250iu syringe is equivalent to ~6500iu hcg. That would mean that I shouldn't start testing until Thursday but I'm not waiting. Waiting is soooo hard! I will start testing tomorrow and hope I see a BFN by Tuesday and then a BFP by Thursday-Sunday.

10 years ago

RBK I am pulling for you!! Sorry about your husband's injury. I totally understand you train of thought before taking him in, I am the same way. The medical knowledge I have, can sometimes cause me to worry about all the things it could be. I can not stand spiders either!!! When I was deployed I was so afraid of the infamous camel spider...LOL One time a huge tarantula was in our aid station, and I literally treated our walk in patients outside and refused to go back in until they caught it.

Megan- I originally started temping oral and my temps were all over the place. So I switched to Vaginal and they are so much more clear and I can definatly see the pattern.

Welcome Gem! Congrats on the wedding!!

Luv- yes it is sooo annoying having to buy the stuff over and over. I do the same with my pads and tampons, and it is so sad having to go buy them. But we did decide to go ahead a try this month, even though the due date would be close to our daughters birthday. I really don't think I would not be able to try anyways. YEAH!! For the Pos OPK and I would still call and at least leave a message. I use both the Smile OPK and the internet cheapies, just because with me there has been times the Smile ones are positive 3 days before I actually ovulate, I like to see the line get dark then fade, to me gives me a better idea of then I ovulate for sure.

Law that sounds like a plan, isn't it weird to test hoping for the BFN and the turn and hope for the BFP. I really do hope this is your month!!!!!!!

AFM- I was looking in to some of the over the counter fertility aids but I am a little worried to take them, some of the reviews of people who have normal cycles say it messes their cycle up. And seeing as mine is 25-26 day cycles with O on 13 and a 13 day Luteal, I am afraid to take them and mess it all up. Has any one heard of Cassava root? It suposivly is to help increase the chances of twins, but I think hmm twins great but would that not mean it would increase my chances of one too??

10 years ago

Afmedic--thanks girlie. I wouldn't take anything that could screw with your cycle. It's not worth it.

I tested today...BFN...oh, I nearly forgot, my boobs are even fuller/bigger this rate they're going to be small Ds by 14DPO. I wonder if I'll be on the crinone for the first 10 weeks of pregnancy --it really sucks. I have "issues" with enjoying intimacy and this doesn't help but whatever it takes to have a healthy baby is worth it. It's so hard to go through this TWW because the symptoms are insane but meaningless since I'm on progesterone.

10 years ago

@luv: I had to jump in quickly - CONGRATS on your + OPK!!!!!! Ahhh!! Wooohoo!!!!! Yes! Yes! Yes!!!! I would definitely call and let them know and follow up with a call tomorrow morning. Too bad you guys can't go in early before his meeting tomorrow. And most definitely bd this morning which will give him some time to build his supply back up if you do the iui tomorrow afternoon. I'm so excited for you!!

Sorry I don't have it in me to reply to everyone. I'm reading along and sending good thoughts to all of you!!!

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10 years ago

Hey Ladies,
I hope everyone is having a nice weekend. Its too difficult for me to keep up with everyone on this forum but I have been reading along.

Luv--Holy crap those are some big boobs. That has to be hard on your back. One of my girlfriends was that size actually got a reduction covered by her insurance because they were causing her so much pain. Ive also been having crazy dreams the past couple of nights. One of them was great about our new home and I was so disappointed to wake up in this apartment, ha ha.

It sooo exciting every time that smiley face appears. I agree with Law I would call just in case.

Law--Baking in the middle of the night??!! That is so foreign to me, ha ha. Oh how my DH would love that!! Im sorry you had a boring day yesterday. I hope today is better for you.

Ive also been very thirsty. Im really pulling for you this month so I hope that you get your BFP at the end of this week!! I know I said that I was going to wait until Friday but Im very tempted to test early. Im doing my best to convince myself not to because I dont want to be disappointed again. Plus, I dont have any of the cheapies. I only have the clearblue digitals, which I actually found on sale for $10 last month, so I bought 2 boxes.

RBK--Im sorry to hear about your husbands injury because its always a scary thing when you dont know what it is. But Im glad to hear that its nothing major. Im crossing my fingers for you this month!!

Megan-- Welcome, Im not a mouth breather so I temp orally and find it to be easiest for me. Good Luck!

Beyond--Welcome and I hope your lack of symptoms was actually a symptom, ha ha.

Gem--Welcome, Congrats on the wedding and Good Luck!!!

AFM--I am 7DPO and Im just experiencing the usual symptoms. Which are mainly a backache and sore boobs. I think the cramps I was feeling was just gas pains. It sucks that its so hard to tell the difference sometimes. The only strange thing that has occurred a couple of times is when I woke up at 6:30am to take my temp my boobs were extremely sore but after I went back to bed and woke up a couple hours later they were not as sore. Im trying not going to read into that too much.

10 years ago

Lawbride good idea! But I think I will wait a bit, my Wondfo is not positive and I want to see if I still get a dark wondfo in the afternoon (yesterday my afternoon wondfo was VERY light, because I am so hydrated).

afmedic I took Fertilitea and it really stimulated me, other than that I don't know much (like Cassava root I have no idea about haha). That is good info that your digital went positive early! Seems like mine is too, which is why I'm not freaking out right now :)

SMH I'm glad you're so excited for me :) :) :) I will call in the morning if everything is still going along, hoping the wondfo will get darker to confirm my suspicions. My ovaries haven't been throbbing yet today but they were quite active yesterday!

10 years ago • Post starter

Rice I hope your crazy boobs are a good sign! :) Mine don't hurt my back at all, maybe it's because I'm pretty muscular. I have a strong body/back so I can handle it ;) Plus I keep my posture pretty upright. It helps!

10 years ago • Post starter

Luv--that's awesome then!! I have tiny little B's so I have no idea. Your strong muscles will make pregnancy easier for you too :)

10 years ago

I have always been very well indowed...Before my first Pregnancy I was DD and now I am E!!! I have been cleared for a reduction but want to wait till after I have my second baby cause do not want to get it just to have them grow again. They def do not fit my body frame and can cause issues occasionally, but I think I am so use to having large Bs, it does not bother me too much.

10 years ago

Rice--you need to invest in some internet cheapies! I buy mine on Amazon. I started baking at ~5:30 I not quite the middle of the night. lol. Today I made monkey bread muffins with reese's pb chips.

luv--I see. Well, hopefully after holding it a bit longer you'll get a confident positive.

10 years ago

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