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April Fools and a BFP..... about time right???

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For those who are out for March

Me 27 Hubs 34 TTC #1 since May 2012 2 rounds with cervical cancer and removals of tissue, high risk hpv + 5 CPs/ early miscarriages 3 failed rounds of Clomid Went to the RE 1 failed round of Femara 1 failed IUI with Femara HSG Clomid + Femara, trigger, IUI- we shall see User Image

473 Replies • 10 years ago



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Pbc- yea I wasn't 100 percent sure on my o date because I didn't quite get a positive opk but then it went negative so I just thought maybe I missed the surge. I normally o around cd 15 then well my chart started looking triphasic after cd 28 so I could have ovulated then as well but we did bd the day before so I'd still be in even if I did ovulate super late... Also my spotting is brown and still hasn't gotten heavy yet for AF... Wonder what's going on and yea I felt perfectly fine after throwing up like it wasn't something I ate or anything because I just ate my usual stuff nothing different... No alcohol or anything so I really don't know why I just all of a sudden felt sick and had to puke.. Wierd.

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10 years ago

so i had a random memory when i was looking up additional information on bbt charting and found what i was looking for but on the websites i found statments from people who only tried for 1-3 months and got pregnant. it reminded me of when my hubby and i were preparing to get married and we had to go to this engagemd couples conference. i love my faith and my church but they made us sit through a video on natural family planning and had some lady who has 8 kids talk to us how wonderful it is to decide every month to have a baby or not. ugh...i i don't want to be rude but i kinda want to punch her in the face now.

well CD9 and i had a temp dip today but i did have to get up in the middle of the night and was tossing and probably not too accurate. i am starting opks tomorrow, i got the digital ones this cycle to see if that helps with my interpretation.

ttc since August 2012 diagnosed with PCOS January 2013 failed IVF with 2 embryos May 2014 FET with 3 embryos August 2014, Successful!! confirmed ectopic on 9/24/14 taking a break from ttc and pursuing adoption homestudy ready 1/8/15, waiting for the call that will make us a family!

10 years ago

Beatles- I should be around 2dpo

Me 27 Hubs 34 TTC #1 since May 2012 2 rounds with cervical cancer and removals of tissue, high risk hpv + 5 CPs/ early miscarriages 3 failed rounds of Clomid Went to the RE 1 failed round of Femara 1 failed IUI with Femara HSG Clomid + Femara, trigger, IUI- we shall see User Image

10 years ago • Post starter

Sweet - hmm...I am not sure what to tell you either! Ugh...our bodies can do some strange things sometimes. I've never gotten sick before AF like that so I don't know what to tell you? I just hope that maybe you O'd late and this is your BFP!!! GL!

Yummy - how are you? I remember you from previous boards. And if I remember're preggo. How far along are you again? How is everything going?

Bama - WAHOO! Congrats on the new job! How exciting!! When do you start? So happy you can get away from that stressful environment!

SMC - I know exactly what you mean! DH and I had to listen to two couples talk about their experience with natural family planning as part of a conference and both had 8-9 kids. UGH!

AFM - I am on cd 5 and AF is on her way out. YAY! The first two days were absolutely horrible but the last few have been pretty normal and not so bad. I hope this month is it for us!

Baby dust to everyone and GL to all!

10 years ago

Hi ladies- hope everyone is doing well and praying for may BFP's this month.

I honestly cannot believe how hard TTC is and has been. My DH and I are going on 10 months. I know that is NOT that long and some have been trying for years, but I am 36 so I do feel that the window is rapidly closing. I know how much I want to have a baby with my DH but at the same time I want nothing more than a HEALTHY baby. I am not sure I could endure the possibilities of finally getting pregnant and then finding out something serious is wrong.

I guess I will keep my prayers with GOD that he will not only allow me to eventually get pregnant but will provide us with a healthy baby. Girl or Boy I do not even care!!!!

I am not doing anything this month... well I did OPK's and got 2 blaring positives yesterday and one today so far which would be perfect timing as I am CD12. Last month I went to CD39 before AF's arrival and I was never soo happy to finally see her. I was worried that I had actually stopped cycling all together.

If I conceive this month... My EDD would be around April 5-7, Wouldnt that be something as our first wedding anniversary is April 7.

It has been a rough month. June left me with having to put down my furry baby, losing my job, not ovulating and being late for my period, when I thought it couldnt get ANY worse, My Best Friend in this world was killed in a tragic car accident on June 30th. I just dont understand why when you are going through HELL there is always more hell piled on????

Cristi- I am soo glad that AF showed for you. I hope that with the med error that you will still O this month and catch a super healthy eggy!!! my prayers and all to you.

Sweet - I had such a similar cycle last month. I was 9 days late, I know you are much later, but I started the odd spotting, it stopped, started and stopped.. They finally on day 10 she busted the door down. I had multiple positive OPK's last month all throughout my cycle, even 3 days before AF came, I was told that my body kept tricking myself into gearing up for O but that I didnt have a mature egg to drop so I was trying to ovulate over and over with no success.
I had 2 faint faint pos' last month with all that mess.
My fingers crossed for you that you are either one of those who do not test pos on a pee test for a long time or that your cycle gets back to normal. I would however see your Dr at this point regardless. That is a long time to go...

Love you ladies and hope this month proves to produce MANY MANY BFP's.

10 years ago

Thanks ladies :) although I'm sure this is AF here now.. Just waiting for her to kick her ass into full gear. I had another low temp this morning so I'm just gonna assume this is AF coming on. I have no idea why I got sick yesterday morning that's a mystery to me! I have never gotten sick like that before without having the flu or being hungover or something. Also if this is AF now I wanted to try EPO this cycle should I start it now?

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10 years ago

35andready - SO sorry for your losses! Big hugs to you! I hope you get your BFP this month so you can have an anniversary baby! GL!

10 years ago

@35 sorry it has been such a rough road for you lately. I really hope you get your BFP!

I am CD 15 and still no + OPK. I had a 30 day cycle, then 35, then back to 30 so I have NO idea what to expect this cycle. This is our 4th month TTC, I know not very long by comparison, but I am 32 years old and I have Lupus. My Dr told me TTC could be very difficult. I went off all of my meds and finally got the green light to concieve and I really hope it happens for us.

I hope we get some BFPs this month!

10 years ago

I just want to ovulate. Ive been testing I get two lines I jus pray it gets darker towards my predicted O days.I believe I do my bbt wrong. I move too much when getting the therometer .fx and prayers please ! Feeling a little down in spirits.discourage and emotional sorry being a cry baby

10 years ago

Hopeful- thank you.. It has been a month laced with grief.. How are you doing?

Moll doll- thank you also..
Lupus runs in my family And I have to get tested here and there. I've lost 6 family members to lupus so I know how hard of a disease it is. My fingers crossed that you get ur BFP very quickly as I know u will need to get back on those meds after u have a baby..

Sweet.. Don't take my advice, but just a quick warning.. I took soy 2 months ago. All was okay... Then last month I added EPO to the regimen and that threw my cycle all outta whack.. I do not know if it was the EPO or the combination, but be cautious.. Herbals can mess with a normal cycle or make an abnormal cycle worse... Just use the fertil lube... Much safer.. EPO really only helps with EWCM... But I think supps can cause ur body to go haywire when it is adjusting...

10 years ago

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