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More Than Ready to be a December Momma!

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Staring a new forum for all of us from the past boards who are hoping and MORE than ready to be December moms!

I know the category says ttc my first, but it's for anyone ttc, whether you've been trying 1 day or 600!

Although my EDD would be Nov 30th, I'm not counting on getting my BFP this month.

I feel like we all know each other so well, but just in case, I (Lindsay) am 29 (30 in a couple weeks!!), DH is 34, trying for our first, his 4th! We've been actively trying since August 2011, recently diagnosed with a wonky thyroid and high prolactin levels. I am taking medicine for both and hope to get my BFP once both levels go down. I am not trying anything this month and just going to see what happens while I wait to get my levels retested in April.....

BUT, if for some reason I do get preggo, I would know on my birthday!!!!! Last year I moved into my first house, this year BFP??????

1246 Replies • 11 years ago



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Congrads CHRISTI!!!!!!!!!!!

good luck with your pregnancy... hope you inform you family and friends in a fancy way... (**,)

i am 8dpo today. and AF due on sunday. hopefully i will get BFP friday because saturday is my dad's b-day and i would like to share the news then. its been a year since the MC.

i have a lot of symtoms like the "wet feeling" increased appetite, empty tummy feeling, had tummy twinges at 5 and 6 dpo.

wanting this so bad right now....

Good luck to everyone

11 years ago

Well...the stupid got me yesterday! I bawled my eyes out...poor DH had no clue how to console me. It just has been so hard watching everyone else get pregnant and have kids around me (including my friend who is in labor right now as I type this) and everyone asks us ALL THE TIME when we are going to have kids! Ugh! So I went to the gym and signed up with a personal trainer (she's a good friend of mine) and took out all of my anger, frustration and sadness on a punching bag. I am totally not a violent person at all but it felt so good (not to mention it was an awesome workout!) Now I feel like I can accept it and move on and start all over again. We are going to keep trying and also try to get ourselves healthier too and hope that helps us get pregnant this time!

Carla - thanks for thinking of are you doing? Did you get your BFP! I sure hope so!!

Pbc - hang in there. Ugh, I am pretty sure I had what you have last week. I haven't had a fever or sore throat like that since I was a kid! AND my Dr. wouldn't give me anything either...just told me to drink plenty of fluids, take Ibuprofen and my allergy meds etc. I was so pissed...but now I am feeling better. Fx'd for you!!!

nsking - your symptoms sound soooo promising! Fx'd for you too!!

I am heading over to the January board but I am still going to stalk this one to see how all of you are doing! Baby dust to all!

11 years ago

Nsking...I sure hope this leads to a bfp for you! Everything sounds so promising!

Cristi...I won't be able to keep anything secret when I'm preggo. I won't necessarily hide it but I won't announce it to the world until I'm feeling good.about it.

Today I feel much ear is stopped up and I keep getting dizzy but I can breathe out of my nose! I think Af is coming early bc my cm is approaching pre af consistency. I expect to start spotting today or tomorrow. Plus a hint of cramps today. I figured being sick would mess with my cycle.

11 years ago • Post starter

Thanks for the positive vibes, ladies. I don't know, I feel like this cycle is definitely different than others, but I'm still telling myself that the trigger shot (2 weeks ago tonight) is still in my system and could be playing a great big mind f$*# game with that's why I'm scared to test. Plus, I've not POAS since June. The negative test at 15 DPO devastated me; I have found (in the 18 f'ing months we've been doing this) that it's bad enough when AF shows up without me having to know in advance she's on her wicked way. So...........while I'd love to have the courage to just do it already, I just can't.

Hopeful - BOO!! Stupid AF.........there is something to be said about getting focused on getting healthy though - we were supposed to start 3 rounds of IUI in December - and while the timing never lined up (b/c of my job in landscaping/ snow removal - stress WAY too high), I was also glad to take Dec, Jan and Feb kind of "off" to focus on myself and my health (started WW on 1/5). It has made a WORLD of difference in DH's swimmer numbers, too (he isn't doing WW, but is definitely eating a lot more fruits & veggies b/c I always have them around now - they're "free" points!) - so it's definitely a good thing.

I was just thinking that DH is away again this weekend at a golf outing with his fraternity brothers....if the stupid witch shows up it should be if it's a BFN at least I guess I get to cry at home by myself all weekend. But NO! Thinking positive. Or trying to. I ran all 3 days over the weekend and everytime that I slowed to a walk to cool down, I would talk to the "baby". Weird, maybe....

to all you ladies!!

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11 years ago

Hey everyone,

Hopeful - Sorry AF got you. But at least we'll still be cycle buddies. My temp dropped yesterday and today it was right down so I expect AF anytime today.

Pbc - Glad you're on the mend. Hope your cycle doesn't get messed up

Nsking - Its not weird that you talk to the baby. DH has been talking to the baby for the past two weeks. I'm just sorry there wasn't really a baby in there.

AFM - I've put away my thermoter and OPK's. I'm not doing any of that this cycle. My weight has crept up and my BMI is now 26 which is overweight so I'm going to focus on diet and exercise for now. Have to be in full health and fitness to carry the baby

11 years ago

Hi everyone
Well AF was due on 4/14/13 still waiting for her arrival if she shows up. Currently on CD 30 of a normal 28 day cycle. I took an Hpt on Friday and got an evap. So..I am not sure when I o'ed this month, and I just started temping I know you should wait for CD 1 but I couldn't! Temp went from 97.18 on Sunday to 97.78 this morning. Don't really know what to think of that. If AF doesn't show by Wednesday I might test again.

pbc-hope your cycle doesn't go all wonky on you!

FX for everyone they get their BFPs soon!!

PS I think my ticker is wrong!

~Lacey~ DH-30, Me-27 DS-Jackson born 7/6/14-12 days early due to gestational hypertension. User Image

11 years ago

nsking - I admire your patience! I'm 9dpo and already planning my HPT run so I can test tomorrow. I have zero willpower.

Sorry that AF caught a few ladies. :( What a witch.

AFM.. 9dpo. I have sore boobs, but that isn't totally uncommon for me so who knows. Wait and see... planning to test tomorrow morning since I can never hold off until AF is due. Hoping to come home from my work trip on Thursday with a positive pregnancy test to show my husband before we head out on vacation. Fx!!

<a href=

11 years ago

I just wish AF would get here already for me. Although it feels like she was just here. I haven't decided if I want to keep trying so hard or just get over it for a while. People left and right keep announcing their pregnancies on facebook and I feel so jealous.

11 years ago • Post starter

thilashni, thank you! FX and prayers that you get your BFP!

hopeful, big hugs dear. Sorry the witch got you!

PBC it is good to know you are able to breathe better now! Glad you are feeling better. I hope you are wrong about the witch!

nsking, are you waiting until AF is late to test??

Lacey, FX and GL! Don't worry my ticker is wrong too... ugh! LOL

PBC Big hugs my friend! I know I am probably the last person you want to hear encouragement from but it will happen... I just know it will.

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11 years ago

Cristi, I am so happy for you b/c I know how much you have struggled and to everyone else on these forums that have struggled whether for 4 months or 4 years. I am more or less jealous of those people that I DO KNOW have not experienced fertility struggles. They looked at their partners and were BAM, pregnant. Part of this ttc journey is learning to get over the jealousy and "woe is me" feeling and be proactive about it.

I was a little overly optimistic that my medicine would work and I would get pregnant right away, I'm not one to overtly think that but I always have it in the back of my mind. We will see though b/c I get my results back soon! If my thyroid and prolactin are lower that is and if they are, I can be a little relieved.

11 years ago • Post starter

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