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More Than Ready to be a December Momma!

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Staring a new forum for all of us from the past boards who are hoping and MORE than ready to be December moms!

I know the category says ttc my first, but it's for anyone ttc, whether you've been trying 1 day or 600!

Although my EDD would be Nov 30th, I'm not counting on getting my BFP this month.

I feel like we all know each other so well, but just in case, I (Lindsay) am 29 (30 in a couple weeks!!), DH is 34, trying for our first, his 4th! We've been actively trying since August 2011, recently diagnosed with a wonky thyroid and high prolactin levels. I am taking medicine for both and hope to get my BFP once both levels go down. I am not trying anything this month and just going to see what happens while I wait to get my levels retested in April.....

BUT, if for some reason I do get preggo, I would know on my birthday!!!!! Last year I moved into my first house, this year BFP??????

1246 Replies • 11 years ago



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Hey everyone. Thanks for the hugs. Im doing ok. Gotta book DF in for drs sometime next week to get his SA sorted and then I will have my cd21 (well 7dpo as I don't have the text book 21 day cycle) and go from there :)

Good luck to all of you in the tww. Fx'd for you all. Hope I don't see to many of you on the jan board....

11 years ago

So who all is left to test in the group?

DH is away at a conference all weekend so I will be doing the best I can to keep myself busy & distracted from thinking too much!

This morning I woke up and kept BURPING....didn't feel like I was going to be sick, but also felt just..... It has passed though, now, so who knows what that was about. Still have sensitive/ tender nips; bb's feel a little heavier/ fuller than normal, but I'm a 38DD (or was 30 pounds ago, I probably need resized....but still, they're not small ) - so it's really hard for me to tell if they're "bigger."

Anyway, not too much else going on in my neck of the woods.....a rainy gloomy chilly day here, but at least it's Friday!

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11 years ago

AF is expected btwn next Thurs and Sat. I won't unless test unless she doesnt arrive by Monday.

Last night was a crappy night. My feet feel on fire, my hands feel on fire, well just one - but its also the hand I accidentally picked up the barrel of a curling iron, but that was Monday, so dont know if this is related. My throat started hurting, couldnt breathe out my nose, starting getting achy and my temp was 99.2, and that doesnt seem like much but for someone whose temp is usually 96.7 or 97.1, its was definitely felt. Today I feel better but like i am getting a sinus infection or bad head cold. It's miserable. And I have a huge paper due tomorrow.

Other than that, no more cramping!!!!

11 years ago • Post starter

AF is expected next Saturday for me, which is also the day I'm leaving on a vacation to Mexico with my husband. I'd really like to not have AF on vacation.

I'm 6DPO and don't feel different at all.

It's a gloomy day here in WI too, but agree that I'm glad it's Friday!! We have a pretty busy weekend ahead so I should be fairly distracted and by the time Monday rolls around I'll be 9DPO and entering the symptom reading (and over analyzing) phase. Just in time to head out of town for work and have way too much time on my hands... which means buying and peeing on WAY too many sticks. :)

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11 years ago

I'm still here as well. My last two cycles were 26 days instead of the usual 28 days so AF is either due tomorrow or Monday. My temp was lower this morning but it could be because I woke up much an hour earlier or it could mean that my temp is on its way down. I felt so discouraged after seeing the lower temp. I'm praying that it was just off because of the time and it will be back up tomorrow.

Either way I'll wait for the rest of you on the December forum.

By the way it's nice and sunny on the Caribbean island of Montserrat where I'm from.

11 years ago

Lol everyone is talking bout nice weather and such I'm here in ontario canada experiencing a blizzerd and tons of ice! Lol glad our power isn't out. Oh well I guess. Summer will come soon hopefully. I'm on cycle day 8 and so far so good today no AF or spotting :) gonna start to get some bding in so I can only hope to ovulate early!

And yes beautiful, this board here is so much more active than the january board right now!

Good luck to everyone waiting on AF or waiting to test! Babydust to ya'll

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11 years ago

It went from being in the 70s and sunny to in the 50s and cool. Probably why I am now sick!

11 years ago • Post starter

Hitting up a fish fry and then French Quarter Fest. with my cousin and her trio. 75 degrees and sunny! Tomorrow? Goddaughter's First Communion and celebration party at my parents. 75 and sunny again :). No I am not bragging, oh wait, yes, I am! ;)

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11 years ago

So everybody, I have a question... I recently felt a gush of cm and went to the bathroom expecting it to be spotting like yesterday and the day before but found that it was a mix of creamy/eggwhite cm! I'm only on cycle day 8 today so is this a good sign? We're starting to bd tonight.

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11 years ago

beatles - knock it off! It's cool and in the 50s here, but by Sunday and Monday it should be back up in the 70s and sunny. So there!

Sooooooooo glad this week is almost over - the week after my month-end weeks always is SLOOOOWWW....and BORING..........definitely has not helped keep my mind off of things!

Random TMI moment, but I keep feeling like I am "wet" - like o-time CM - but nothing really is there when I go to the bathroom, except the annoying little spots on my underwear.......I haven't really "tracked symptoms" for the last couple of cycles, but this seems a little odd to me - thoughts?!

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11 years ago

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