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More Than Ready to be a December Momma!

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Staring a new forum for all of us from the past boards who are hoping and MORE than ready to be December moms!

I know the category says ttc my first, but it's for anyone ttc, whether you've been trying 1 day or 600!

Although my EDD would be Nov 30th, I'm not counting on getting my BFP this month.

I feel like we all know each other so well, but just in case, I (Lindsay) am 29 (30 in a couple weeks!!), DH is 34, trying for our first, his 4th! We've been actively trying since August 2011, recently diagnosed with a wonky thyroid and high prolactin levels. I am taking medicine for both and hope to get my BFP once both levels go down. I am not trying anything this month and just going to see what happens while I wait to get my levels retested in April.....

BUT, if for some reason I do get preggo, I would know on my birthday!!!!! Last year I moved into my first house, this year BFP??????

1246 Replies • 11 years ago



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pbc-Thank you for the information. I appreciate it :)

11 years ago

Princess - no problem, I was curious to refind the info...I remember looking it up a while ago.

hopeful - I would be lying if I said I hadnt taken a test a 6dpo b/c I couldnt wait...yeah...after I blew through 25 tests in 2 1/2 cycles I quit testing!

stressylawyers - lets hope your feeling a little off mean something. Lots of people just know something is up and sending babydust your way.

mandy - if I start cramping in a couple days then I know its game over. However if you never get cramps and now do, could be a good sign!

fiverson - BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, that's all I got to describe AF coming for you!

Sweet - I'm trying pineapple core this time, just bought a fresh pineapple for the first time ever and coring was really easy. I didnt know thats what I was doing but yeah, going to go buy another one and eat the hell out of it. Im with you, trying anything I can

11 years ago • Post starter

Hi Everyone,

I just joined this thread. Hope everyone doesnt mind me crashing the party. I guess I ll give you all some background info:

I am 28 years old. I have a partner, she and I decided I would carry. I havent been pregnant before and thought this process would be simple, especially due to my age. I was WRONG! LOL.

I had a polyp removed, it was causing very irregular cycles. I also cannot depend on OPK's. It gives me false positives. This is our first IUI cycle. It was supposed to be with the HCG injectable but I ended up not usingit.

Cycle Started: 3/23/2013
First Sono: 3/25/2013 -Everything was Good
Cycle Day 10 Sono: 4/1/2013-- Follicle at 13mm
Cycle Day 13 Sono: 4/4/2013--Follicle at 20mm
Blood work said I was at a 12 on a scale of 20 for the LH surge.
Cycle Day 15 4/6/2013- Dr. said I was surging on my own so no need to use the HCG shot. So she went ahead and did the IUI.
Cycle Day 17-Sonogram to make sure I ovulated. I did! I figured it was released sometime between the IUI day and the following day which was Cycle Day 16.

So now we are waiting. Terrible waiting! But we have to go back on 4/20/2013 and test for pregnancy.

I am super excited and trying to stay hopeful and avoid analyzing every little thing, although its hard!

Baby Dust to everyone!

11 years ago

Thanks Nsking83 and Pbc!

Welcome Citind12! GL girl! Not too much longer before testing--keep us posted.

Congrats Cristi!!! Baby on board--WATCH OUT!!!!!

GL MamaSophie and welcome. :)

Welcome StressyLawyer--GL I hope you get lucky your first time ttc. That'd be beyond awesome!

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11 years ago

Holy Updates... this board has been busy today!

Wiggy, you aren't out yet, but I am so sorry hun. I know that disappointment all too well. Big hugs and prayers it still happens. She isn't here yet so you are still in! I know the "just relax and it will happen" or "don't think about it" SERIOUSLY are people that freaking stupid! When TTC you plan out every day of your full cycle.. .it is all you can think about... I say you teach them how to relax Wiggy... lay 'em out! :) LOL

Beautiful, I am with your DH on this one TEST already! :)

Mandy, You will get yours soon... and the doctor will figure it all out. Don't get too worked up... everything came back normal for me and DH (mostly) but yet I still wasn't ovulating! After months of Clomid... a change in meds is all it took! FX and praying for you! The fact that you never have cramps and you are having them now could be a good sign. FX for you!

ttcfirstbabe, yeah bbs (mainly my nipples) hurting like crazy now and I am peeing a lot more than normal. Congrats on the digital! I am not taking anymore tests (I don't think)... who knows LOL! Talked to my doctor today and are doing the u/s next Thursday to make sure everything is where it is suppose to be because of the fertility meds and my previous history... FX we will see a hb though it is going to be about 10 days to early for that! So she said I will have another one scheduled for 10 days later. LOL! Who knows!

nsking, first off WOOHOO on the $50! Isn't it great to beat a bunch of guys in a sports pool! And OMGosh those all sound like promising signs. FX... I am ready for you to test... haha! Still too early! :( Dang it!

Fiverson, thank you dear! I am not going anywhere... I will still be stalking all of you even if we have to keep going forum to forum! :) I am so sorry the witch finally got you. Big hugs to you and I will be following you closely because I know your BFP is coming!

Thanks Lacey! :) And don't you hop over anywhere... it isn't over until she rears her ugly head! Hang in there!

PBC, Congrats!!! And I know exactly what you mean about insurance. I have Military insurance and it will cover everything at 80% except IUI and IVF treatments, including the u/s and meds. UGH! My RE gave me a price list for IUI and it would cost us around $750-850 each time! UGH! And not a chance... you are not going to the new years board... you are going to have a baby in 2013 with me dang it! I am glad you have stuff to keep ya busy through the TWW! Doubt you will forget though! :)

Thanks Carla!

lizpickone, sorry dear... hope it stops! :)

PrincessBlues, Thank you! :) FX and GL to you! :)

firstimer, I too had a m/c in December and just got my bfp as well! Congrats to you and lots of sticky sticky vibes!

Beatles, I use the Answer brand... you get 20 strips for about $19 at wal-mart! They are awesome and have always worked for me... if you get digital OPKs they are a lot more and you get less in a box so you have to buy more! Glad to hear the uterus is good! And awww a Heart shape... kind of sweet for a baby! :) And yep WATCH OUT is right... ask my 13 yr old and my DH about the Watch out... LOL I am a raging B**ch at times, not that I mean to be! Haha. OOPS!

Hopeful, thanks dear! and Oh I am keeping my FX and sending baby dust your way!

stressylawyer, welcome and GL to you!

Sweet and PBC, I could never pull the "bitch move" I have to follow you guys... I will be that crazy stalker lady! Ha!

MamaSophie, FX, GL and lots of babydust... welcome to the party! :)

AFM, I talked to my doctor today... because of the wonderful jump in my betas they don't feel the need to draw blood again (which is probably good.... my arm has 2 nice bruises... LOL)! We are going to do the u/s next Thursday, I will be almost 6 weeks, so they wanted me to be prepared to not see a hb then... she said we are just making sure the pregnancy is where it is suppose to be due to the m/c's and my history mixed with all the fertility drugs! So, I am really going to try to not take any progression tests... we will see how long I last on that one! Haha!

I am sending baby dust and sticky vibes to each and everyone one of you! Big hugs and love to you all!

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11 years ago

Cristi, god love you. You're just so upbeat and positive and I dunno, I just don't see how any of us could get any BFNs with all the sparkly dust you're throwing around! ((And PS, yes it's GREAT beating a bunch of guys in a pool...I don't really follow college basketball that much, so I got pretty lucky, but 2 years ago I won our fantasy football league and the guys HATED it. I'm a huge Cowboys fan and am probably the most obnoxious NFL fan you'll ever meet.....what can I say, I need hobbies. ))

In all seriousness, I don't know what I'd do with you ladies! When I'm ready to just talk someone's head off, you all are here....whether you want to be or not

Another happy unrelated note, I set a goal for myself back on 3/16 to run 36 miles in 4 weeks (I know, only 9 miles a week but still trying to build up distance) - hit it today, 2 days early! It was a hot one today - 80! - definitely need to make sure I stay well hydrated on days that I'm planning on running; felt a little dizzy at a few points and I only ran 2.4!

Anyway.....looking forward to a nice long shower, watching DVR of The Voice from last night and early to bed. & to all of you.

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11 years ago

nsking, Thanks! I try to be upbeat and share as much positivity as possible, I am not always this way though! I draw a lot of that from you ladies on the board! I would be lost without you all! :) I play fantasy football with my dh and all of his family... his mom came in first and I was in 2nd... my father in law was pissed that I beat him. LOL! It was great to beat him, my BIL and my dear sweet hubby! Love it! Congrats on hitting your goal EARLY! My goal is to be able to run some day... haha! I am getting in an hour on the treadmill each day now that my leg is fixed, or getting there at least! Stay hydrated for sure.... now that it is warming up your body is going to need it! The Voice... ahhhh love love love that show! Enjoy!

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11 years ago

Well this morning I tested and and it was what looked like a faint positive but I think the test was defective because there was red on the side not a horizontal line. I was going to test again but had to leave for work and to my suprise af came!

I'd like to keep up with everyone but all this has just brought me in a down mood... :*(

My periods always come as early as wednesday and as late as thursday so starting today was sad especially since i was bleeding what i thought was implantation bleeding since Monday.

Well i wish you all luck and congrats firsttime!

Baby dust baby dust baby dust to all!!! ���� <3

11 years ago

Jess71311 -- I hope you get your BFP!! My cousin did IUI twice, and it did not work, so they went with IVF and she now has adorable as ever Triplets...Yes, I did say triplets! She originally had twins and a few weeks later at her 3rd appt. (how ironic) another one!!! What happened was, one of the embryos split into two producing her identicals and the other is fraternal (ALL GIRLS!!!). Which is also ironic because my Aunt (her Mom) had three girls also (not multiples, though, and then five years later had her last, a boy! My cousin did it the opposite: she had her son, who is from a previous relationship, although current hubby adopted him, but she had him fiirst. He is now 11 years old, and the triplet girls just turned two a few weeks ago. Elmo party :) w/ surprise visit from Elmo, and they weren't even afraid of human size Elmo, lol.

Anyway, good luck with IUI!!! I know how expensive IVF is!! My same cousin is having it done again next month, but only putting one in... But who knows, with her luck the one will split into twins! Haha

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11 years ago!!! I definitely understand how down you feel....AF is a yotch. Don't apologize to us for being sad, we've all been in your boat! He'll, I might be right there with ya in 10 days or so

Keep your head up, we all love you!

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11 years ago

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