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40+ TTC in 2015

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I had to scroll through so many pages to find recent ladies who are TTC and decided to open a new thread for 2015. This should make it easier to find friends and buddies who are going through the same emotional roller coaster of TTC in their 40's.
Is it worth opening a new thread monthly to keep it current?
Would also like to wish everyone the best of luck, the more people that get a BFP gives the rest of us hope so please don't forget to post.
Baby dust to all ????

219 Replies • 8 years ago



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Babyangelg, don't loose hope it can take longer for 'the over 40' ttc for levels of htc to rise as we tend to have lowered metabolism. And of course if it doesn't come to anything take ten mins to scream into a pillow and thump it repeatedly. Really does help to release the frustration and 're-centre your energy for the next month, the last thing we need is stores of negative energy. But don't loose hope until after arrives.
Donna, we all go through hard times but please remember we are here to help you through those times of crisis. Sometimes the help can save you from missing valuable months of trying, at the very least we can help carry you from the dark (dont know the words for "that place"). I hope it is a lucky month for you too, when is your birthday?
I'm on CD12 so my lh should start to rise soon as ovulation usually happens around CD17, might be near to yours Donna?
This might be tmi, my dh has to work a lot at night and we have a five year old so doing the deed can be near impossible at times, never mind 5 days before o and 2 days after. So I can at least try every day I need to I get dh to produce in a throw away cup and put it in a medicine syringe. (You can get the syringe at any chemist, used for children's medicine or bulk up online reasonably cheap) That way we both only have to take a short time out when time is in short supply. Don't forget that this method works best using preseed, or any sperm friendly lubricant, and using a soft cup to keep everything close to your cervix. Some people say an orgasm increases chances, some say it's nonsense. It also depends how much time you have. I'm not suggesting replacing bd'ing but it can be handy for emergencies. My goodness, I can't believe I wrote this down.
Take care everyone and blizzards!!!!

8 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies,
Found a website "" and thought I'd post here, you might know it all or find a nuget of information you find useful. I subscribed and downloaded the info to make sure it was free and not some scam before passing it on. It takes ten mins to read and could prove useful to many women.
Let me know what you all think xx

8 years ago • Post starter

43 and TTC, have a 21 and 20 year old that I am a single mom to, now married and starting again. Im excited!

8 years ago

Welcome TCecchetto!
Kerzie, thank you for mentioning the fertility website. Lots of great info! No news at my end, progesterone test done today. Otherwise, preparing for an extended trip.
Best wishes and baby dust blizzard to all - hmmm its supposed to snow tonight?!

8 years ago

Welcome Tcecchetto and good luck!!

Kerzie, thank you for the info. I'm going to go look into that site next stop.
About your tmi, resourceful women just do what has to be done I guess if I had O'd while away, I could have just taken some "love" with me in my travel bag, hoping TSA didnt get too nosy of what was in the jar be fun to explain that one right

Mozart, I think we are the same dpo(dpiui) toady is 6dpo for me.

Pixandpeotry, I really appreciate your positive energy!!

afm, today is 6dpo. Last night had a intense pinch on the left side that stuck around for a min, it was a little out of the ordinary. Other than that, a bit of dull cramping but not much else going on. .... waiting....

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8 years ago

Welcome tceccetto,
I hope your journey of ttc is a short but enjoyable one. If I was to give one bit of advice it would be to take folic acid, vit c, vit b6, b complex, zinc and co cq10 from the start in their most absorbent forms. I wasted nine months thinking it would happen natural as it did in 2010 with my son. Also the ladies here are wonderful and supportive, no matter what you ask or say someone will try to help.
Mozart, are you going away? Please tell me it's for fun. I hope it's everything you deserve and that the break gives your body everything it needs for that Take it easy, put your feet up and laugh a lot (laughter and happiness can cause magic to happen).
Praying for you xx
Talula, that sounds promising, whatever you are doing keep it up. Will keep fingers crossed that was implantation.
I get so excited for each of you at this stage xx


8 years ago • Post starter

Me again,
TC, I just read in another post that you are late and have some encouraging symptoms. I hope this is your time for a ,

8 years ago • Post starter

Hey ladies, so nice to see so much chatter on here! Welcome TC - we all wish you tons of luck that you have a quick and easy journey to your take home baby! Keep us posted on what's new!

BabyAngelG - Sorry about the BFN. I try to think of it as another opportunity for a fresh start! I'll be cheering you on this next month!

Kerzie- Thanks for the new website, I hadn't been to that one before. I'll take all the new information I can get! Also, as others have stated, there is no such thing as TMI on here. We all do what we have to, and pray that it works every time!

Talula - Things sound promising for you. I try not to read too much into the TWW symptoms, but yours sound good. I'll keep my . Keep us updated please!

Mozart - I love that you are such a font of information. I hope you have a great time away, and that the rest of your TWW flies by. Can't wait to see you post that !

Donna - How are you hun? Have you O'ed yet? Hopefully, you got in lots of ing. Sending you loads of .

AFM - CD9 and just gearing up to O soon I think. Probably over the weekend. Had a weird temp jump today, but that happened last month right before the dip before O too. Getting lots of ing in anyways, and hoping for a nice solid OPK soon.

Thanks ladies for making my journey more enjoyable. And a blizzard of to us all.
- Pix

8 years ago

Kerzie and pixandpoetry, thank you for your well-wishes. The first part of the travels should be fun - relatives in Kansas - then an overseas trip that might be more strenuous. Trying to relax and finding lots of opportunities to laugh. Laughter is the best medicine. I am certainly hoping for a BFP but nothing really points into that direction, no symptoms, no cramps......that's how all my BFN cycles felt. Well, I can't do anything about it other than patiently wait. 7 dpo today, I will get my progesterone results back tomorrow.
Also getting ready to write a journal entry on patience. Patience is what we need most of :)
Good luck to all, stay safe and healthy.

8 years ago

Hope it takes your mind off the TWW, Safe travels Mozart xx

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8 years ago

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