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Our clomid journey...

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This thread has gotten me through some of my most difficult days throughout TTC. I have learned so much from the amazing friends that I have met here, not only about TTC but about life itself. I hope that our sisterhood only expands and that we can continue to learn from one another and help each other. You ladies are wonderful. A big welcome to all the new amazing ladies that have joined. I am so glad to have found this thread. Our journey continues. Looking forward to getting some good news :) Love you all.

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299 Replies • 12 years ago



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Hi girls,
Still no AF today, but the day is not over.
Went to the doctor for bronchitis (again!) They wanted to do a chest xray, but i told them I was ttc they decided not to and did a pregnancy test of course . She told me just because it was neg didnt mean I wasnt. I wish af would come on. I remember when I was preggo last time, I knew my hcg was at least 55 from going to the er, but it was neg two days later at doc. Then 2 days after that my levels were 175. so ya never know.

I want you girls opinion, I have had bronchitis that turns into pnuemonia if I dont get treated quickly for it, several times over the last 2 years. I told the doc this cant be normal, and he says it is something in my environment causing this like some type of allergy. do you think this is possible? I have never heard of this before. I am afraid this is hurting my chances while TTC. Even though to my shock I did get pregnant during my last battle with pneumonia, which could have had something to do with the M/c all the meds I had to take and x ray etc. I am supposed to use an albutorol inhaler but I dont during the tww because I am pretty sure your not supposed to use that if you are preggo. I just dont know what to do anymore. One thing is for sure this month I am determined to get my .

I want to hear about some from you gals!!!

Jess User Image

12 years ago

CJ, I would have tested too. I get addicted to those sticks I swear.

I felt the excitement last month went AF came because it was my first cycle on Clomid and I wasn't sure how it would all work out. Starting over was good for me.

As for today I got a call from my doctor about my day 21 blood test and she said well you are just under a level 2 for the pregnancy test. I said I was getting my progesterone tested. So my excitement level went up at the word pregnancy and then I was like what are you talking about. Heres hoping they get the test right tonight and let me know my progesterone levels in the morning. 8 days till testing so thats keeping me going. :)

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12 years ago

Hi Everyone!

Sorry I've been absent for a few's been a rough week, but we got good news today!

We've been going to the drs every week for the past 3wks for a follicle check in preparation for our 1st IUI....1st visit, no dominant follicle (CD 16), second visit, small follicle (16mm, CD20), 3rd visit today (CD 24), BIG follicle (23mm) with a secondary follicle on the other side (~13mm) a positive OPK this morning! Yay to digital smiley faces!!!!

We're on for IUI tomorrow and Thursday!!!

My dr is so amazing--we were concerned about the cost, and she told us not to worry--that we would have to pay for the lab portion, but that she would take care of the IUI itself of our insurance wouldn't pay. Told us that cost shouldn't be an issue for us, and she wants us pregnant as much as we do! Nearly teared up right there.....luckily, found out our insurance covers IUI. I hate that this isn't true for everyone!

Sending everyone lots of and . The ups and downs of TTC can be maddening, so glad to be going through it with all of you.

User Image Me-PCOS since 1997 DH-low morph 18% Off BCP since April 2010 Started Metformin (1500mg) April 2011 May 2011-Clomid 50mg--no ovulation, BFN June 2011-Clomid 100mg-late ovulation, BFP, chemical July 2011-Clomid 150mg-late ovulation, B2B IUI, BFN August 2011-Femara 5mg-ON TIME ovulation, IUI, BFN September 2011--Femara 5mg, ON TIME ovulation, B2B IUI, BFN October 2011-HSG Test--CLEAR!, no Meds.... November 2011-New RE December 2012-Clomid/Follistim/Trigger B2B IUI, BFN due to big ol' cyst. BCP. Sonohystogram-clear! February 2012-Follistim (1 folli--grr!), Trigger, B2B IUIs, BFN March 2012-cyst. Grrr. On BCP for 10 days Coooome oooooon baby!!!!

12 years ago

yay for ahola!!!!!!!!!! I am sooooooo excited for u to have ur IUI!!! Sounds sooo hopeful!!! I'm praying for u!

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12 years ago

Where is everyone?

Shea Soy Cycle1- Soy Cycle2- Soy Cycle3- "For nothing is impossible with God" Luke 1:37

12 years ago

Hi ladies! Sorry that I missed out on some posts again.

Carolyn: I love hearing all about your obsession b/c I am the same. I am sorry that some other ladies are being critical. I haven't really checked the other threads as I spend enough time on our Clomid thread. I definitely see a line but I can't see a color. Try again tomorrow? FX for 2 lines!!!

Shea: I just got online and saw your other post about feeling lucky! I am soooo happy for you and I wanna catch some of your luck. I too have decided that I'm going to pull out all the stops this cycle (if my online orders get delivered on time). I see that you're going back on soy. Did your doc still refuse to prescribe Clomid?
Oh and on taking B6, you can take it throughout your cycle. My dose was 100mg but then dropped to 50mg b/c I felt too energized. I also took Bcomplex instead of just B6.

Aloha: You're so lucky that your insurance covers IUI. tomorrow!

Littlemonkey: What Carolyn said about flaxseed is also what I've heard. I tried B6 for 3 cycles but that was when I was taking a bunch of other stuff. I must have overdid it b/c my LP was even shorter than before & I had weird mid-cycle spotting. For the lining, I started drinking 1 glass of pomegranate juice daily. I did it last cycle and TMI warning: my period was a little bit heavier than before. I usually have only 1 day of heavy bleeding and then just very light bleeding for 3 days, plus a few more for light spotting. This time around, it was 3 full days of heavy/medium flow. And now it's just light spotting. Try it! It's one of those can't hurt but may help idea.

Jess: Sorry if AF comes but you know, it's not over til she's here. You know your body best but you just might never know... About your bronchitis, I have no idea. Can your doctor test you for what he/she thinks you're allergic to?

JLMarks: FX for you! BTW, I was also given the same rationale as you for going on Clomid. Unfortunately, I spotted even worse on Clomid and now you're feeling crampy. Do you think that you O'd on day 19? That could be ovulation spotting and it's supposed to be normal.

Nat: LMAO!!! He, he. You're so funny. I've been worried about saliva too b/c ahem, ahem, we like to "play" around before intercourse. OMG, did I just tell you that?!

AFM: Boring CD5. Just waiting for my online orders to arrive before I O. Like Shea, I want to pull out all the stops too. I may have to wait til next cycle b/c I think that the instead cups will be here after I O.

12 years ago

Nancy- yea my dr. wants me to chart this cycle to see whats what but im still going to Give it my all. Im praying i wont need clomid and this will be my last cycle ttc until baby #2. Im just impatient and dont wanna wait another 60 days before ttc. I feel like its been long enough and i need every chance i can get.

Shea Soy Cycle1- Soy Cycle2- Soy Cycle3- "For nothing is impossible with God" Luke 1:37

12 years ago

Ladies Hello ;)

Quick update and promise to write tomorrow.

Got smiley face yesterday at 11:00 am but not sure I am going to O. No pain at all. I usually have pain. Definitely ing though.

Love you guys :)

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12 years ago • Post starter

Yay!! for all the positive opk. Happy

Shea-I know what you mean about being impatient, I am hoping I dont need clomid either, but I am thinking if I dont get my bfp this cycle I will go ahead and ask for it. Maybe he will go ahead and give it to me even though he wants me to wait until Dec or Jan, but that is so far away!!

I was also wondering about the B6. will B complex work the same? How much should I take?

Aloha YAY for IUI!!

Cj Dont feel bad about being addicted to poas I am also an addict LOL and I think alot of us here are.
So poas all you want to and tell us all about it!!

Beachbum the doc didnt really offer to do any allergy test or anything, kinda acted like it was no big deal, he just said we have to be careful treating it since I was TTC, maybe thats why. I think I will talk to my OB about it .

Everyone else How are you? Any good news?

The is playing some mean tricks and still has not shown her face. I think my cycles are screwed up since m/c my usual cycle is 26 days. Last cycle was 31 (first real cycle) now this one I have no idea. I have always had regular cycles so this is a real bummer if it is going to be irregular now. What is wrong with my body!!
Walgreens was out of preseed but I have everything else to go with this cycle.
DH is looking foward to O time because we dont do much until then lol poor DH.

I hope this thread is bursting with sticky very soon!!

Jess User Image

12 years ago

ok ladies did another test today........ here it is.....

So this one is a definately light pink in person.....

12 years ago

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