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Faint BFP... but AF is two weeks late. Anyone else?

I posted earlier, but I'll keep this short and sweet. Have any of you been around 6 weeks pregnant and still gotten a faint BFP?? I'm worried that it should be darker by now. And if not, then what is going on?? Any advice or opinions are very much welcome. Thank you and have a great week!!! ;-)

6 Replies • 8 years ago



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Hi Phoebe!
After looking at your hpt images, I would recommended making an appt with your doctor and/or getting a blood test. It will be beneficial to see if your levels are doubling every two days. Are you having any symptoms? Are they increasing or decreasing? I can definitely see lines on some of the tests, and they're sort of tricky.


8 years ago

I'm having tons of symptoms, and way before I even thought pregnancy to be a possibility:

Vertigo (never before in my life. Lasted three days)
Nausea (set in about three days ago)
No appetite
Food/smell aversions
AF like cramping (back, pelvis, legs)
Bbs feel fuller (areola seems wider?)
High CP
Tons of cm about two weeks ago
Bloating/constipation/gas (sorry, TMI)
LMP was January 24th

Thank you for your reply. I'm going to call now. Have a great day!

8 years ago • Post starter

Forgot to add I'm still fighting off a UTI. So maybe it's to blame for all of this? I haven't taken the antibiotics lately because I had a bad reaction last time.

8 years ago • Post starter

Sorry, I wish I could just edit my last comment, but I forgot to mention that I do have the blue veins visible on my chest now. And today, I'm having sharp pains in my, umm, vagina? Pretty bad lower back pains as well. Idk what to make of it all. I'll hopefully get into the dr soon! Thanks!

8 years ago • Post starter

Your lmp was Jan 24th!? Do you have regular periods? If so, given that and your symptoms I think you're definitely pg! I saw your other thread, keep us updated on your doctors visit today! Good luck!

8 years ago

You are too sweet! Yes, Jan 24th. And I have regular periods. I'm worried that if I am pregnant, I'm doing something or everything wrong (eating, medication, etc) Also worrying that if it's not pregnancy, then obviously there's something else going on. I will definitely let you know! Thanks so much!!! :-)

8 years ago • Post starter

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