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Hi ladies
I am 41 dh is 40 we have been together 20 years have 6 children aged 19,17, 13, 9, 7 and 5. We have 4 angel babies and we are ttc for the last time
Would really love twins
Anyone else ttc twins ? I obviously know how much work is involved I have plenty of experience in hard work and I know the risks involved in a twin pregnancy (I already have a twin angel baby)
I am only taking natural supplements no clomid or fertility aids as I have no history of fertility problems .
Any advice or a ttc buddy appreciated

110 Replies • 8 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

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Hi mummy- have you tried adding cassava to your diet? It'd supposed to help naturally stimulate ovulation. There's an area in Africa that has a high twin rate, upon investigation they discovered they ate a lot of cassava. I've seen it in specialty grocery stores and in supplement form. I've not tried it myself :) good luck to you. I'm secretly hoping to conceive twins :). I'm on clomid and had 3 follicles rupture this cycle so there is a chance....but probably unlikely.

Wife, nurse, & mom to 12 yo and 4 yo, & TTC #3 since 12/2014.

8 years ago

Hi jku thanks so much for your reply and advise
I am popping in to town after work today to get some soy isofavine as I have herd that can help stimulate ovaries I am cycle day 2 today ( boo) but at least I can start a new cycle and try some new things so I will have a look in the specialist food shop for the cassava :-)
This is only my second cycle after having mirena removed last cycle I took high dosage of folic acid along with a pre natal and I added calcium and magnesium supplements too
I had a strong ovulation as I felt it ( I have never felt it before ) so I am hoping all that along with some new things will do the trick this time
Wow that's amazing you had 3 follicles maybe you will get your little twins I really hope you do
Please let me know how you get on

8 years ago • Post starter

Hi jku thanks so much for your reply and advise
I am popping in to town after work today to get some soy isofavine as I have herd that can help stimulate ovaries I am cycle day 2 today ( boo) but at least I can start a new cycle and try some new things so I will have a look in the specialist food shop for the cassava :-)
This is only my second cycle after having mirena removed last cycle I took high dosage of folic acid along with a pre natal and I added calcium and magnesium supplements too
I had a strong ovulation as I felt it ( I have never felt it before ) so I am hoping all that along with some new things will do the trick this time
Wow that's amazing you had 3 follicles maybe you will get your little twins I really hope you do
Please let me know how you get on

8 years ago • Post starter

There's another product called pregnitude. I have not taken it but I've seen some other moms swear by it on here. Hope you were able to find the cassava!!

Wife, nurse, & mom to 12 yo and 4 yo, & TTC #3 since 12/2014.

8 years ago

I did find the cassava thank you I started all my new supplements yesterday I'm rattling right now lol
How are u getting on ? All good I hope x

8 years ago • Post starter

Glad you found it! FX it works! I'm 5 dpo and just waiting to test. Having lots of symptoms but I've heard when on clomid you can't trust them as they can be deceiving.

Wife, nurse, & mom to 12 yo and 4 yo, & TTC #3 since 12/2014.

8 years ago

Wow bet you can't wait to test when was you thinking of waiting till ? X

8 years ago • Post starter

So, I tested this morning at 6 dpo haha, I have about a zillion wondfo strips so why not? Of course, as it is soooo early. I will prob test every morning though now that I have started even though I know it is so early... I have a progesterone level check tomorrow, will let you know how that goes. I'm not sure how valuable the info will be as we know I ovulated via ultrasound...but will check anyway.

When is your expected ov day? Do you bbt? use opks?

Wife, nurse, & mom to 12 yo and 4 yo, & TTC #3 since 12/2014.

8 years ago

Lol I would have to start at 6dpo too I wouldn't be able to help it :-)
I'm on cd6 and had a temp dip this morn so took an opk I wouldn't normally start opk's till prob cd8 I ov quite early sometimes anyway but because iv herd soy iso can cause earlier ovulation I thought I had better (plus I love to poas ) it was pretty dark not positive though so I'm guessing I will ov quite early I also have dull ache in right ovary
This is my first month of temps so not really sure how reliable it will be but did opk's last cycle first time ever and found them useful.
Keep me updated on your poas activity

8 years ago • Post starter

Hi jku how did u get on with your progesterone check ?

8 years ago • Post starter

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