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Feel depressed and stressed out, trying for a baby isnt fun at all. Arguements with my fiance. He doesnt understand what us women have to go through every month, hoping and praying for a positive result then hoping and praying for at least something. Sat waiting for your period to come so you at least have an answer. Usually have a 28 day cycle and now they are getting longer and longer. Feel really fed up, jealous of friends having babies and people saying to me 'your time will come'! The problem is its been a year and a half of trying and a decade of waiting for the baby ive wanted for such a long time. Really need some positive vibes

To all you girls hoping too!

3 Replies • 13 years ago



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Im right there with you...I dread hearing the next person in my family to announce they r pregnant....Its SOOOOO hard to be happy for DH jus sit and look at each other like "what the hell are we doing wrong"...He gets just as sad as I do.. :( He was always saying he was sorry to me that I wasnt pregnant again...I finally got it through to him that we are a team here and i dnt ever blame him...Men really dnt understand whats its like for us though...sitting and WAITING every mth over and over...obsessing over every little symptom..and in the back of my head i have already told myself theres noway i could be pg..and after all these yrs i cant imagine myself pg...Ive even had the crazy idea that if I had a m/c atleast I know i could get that nuts or what??no offense too all the ladies that have gone through that..BUT i will never lose hope..have you 2 had any kind of fertility testing done?? my DH had an SA done a yr ago and found a low and slow sperm count..He had a surgery and still nothing for us :( so frustrating!!! Hang in there and when you need to vent you can say anything you want here and all the ladies are sooo understanding and nice..and jus know you are not the only one who feels like you do :) Sending lots of positive vibes ur way!! Stay strong!!


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13 years ago

Thanks Jeni, we had some tests done that weren't great and have to go back in September for another sperm check to see wether it has improved. Mine all came back fine. We already have a little girl but she is not Daves biological daughter. Beth with be 10 this year. We have the option of fertility treatment but it doesn't come cheap and we cannot afford it at the moment. I'm just hoping that it might still happen naturally. I suppose I should count myself lucky that I have had the chance to have one already. Are you going to try any fertility treatment?

Emma xxx

13 years ago • Post starter

Hi Emma :)

Well Im pretty much in the same boat as you...really cnt afford any fertility treatments yet..the only way my hubby was able to have his surgery is because he has medicare due to a motorcycle accident...and his dr was sooo good to us and said he was havin a hernia it was covered...havent had his sperm tested since then..thinkin of buyin the test u can do at hm..but deep down i think i have some kinda of issue too..I was in a 2 yr relationship before we got together..never used protection and never got pregnant..its so irritating!!! my cycles have always been 27-28 days..according to my ovulation test i ovulate who knows..we are both guna be in a wedding next mth and after that im guna try and find a doctor and c what i can do....was at my moms earlier and she tells me my younger brother and soon to be wife are tryin to get pg right after the wedding...I really dnt know what I'll do if she gets pregnant right away..dnt think i can handle that :( I feel like such a child myself sayin this but dammit its not fair!!! tryin to stay positive though but sure isnt easy..I'll be prayin you 2 can get pg naturally and us too!! and jus because you have a child already doesnt mean ur not allowed to hurt over not bein able to get pg again..Im sure you want this baby just as much for your DD and hubby as you do for yourself....So good to talk to you...and im on here WAY to much if you need to care!! and BABYDUST!!!!


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13 years ago

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