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Going on a DIET

I was putting losing weight on hold to ttc but now I am really rethinking it. Maybe I can lose weight and ttc at the same time. I'm not sure how healthy that is but I need to do something. Losing weight should make it easier for me to conceive... Right? Even though when I was skinny I still didn't get pregnant but who knows. I can't get pregnant and I'm insecure about my weight I might as well change the one that I have the most control over (weight). Maybe I will start off with a juice fast to really jump start my weight loss and then I will start walking 5 miles a day since I already walk three at work.

Every since I have been actively ttc I have put my life on hold. I haven't don't anything that I said I would do this year so I guess it's time to lose weight, get my phlebotomy certification and try to get pregnant I guess I can do all those at once right? I sure am about to try. This was going to be my last month ttc but I have changed my mind and I am going to continue until I get my rainbow baby. I have been really depressed since af came but I'm starting to feel a little better and I'm ready to take on cycle #6.

8 Comments • 10 years ago



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This is where I'm at! I mean there are people who abuse their bodies everyday and still manage to carry full term babies, how is walking on an elliptical or treadmill and counting calories going to hurt me or my chances of getting pregnant! If anything it may alleviate some of the stress associated! So I have joined planet fitness... Started last week at 196 and got on the scale today and down to 192... I feel good, but if I stop every 3 weeks cause of my 2ww I will never accomplish anything... Just gotta live a normal life and when it happens it'll happen... ay least for me ! I have been trying since August 2013, not even a hint.of a bfp yet, but I'm pretty sure it will happen in Gods time! :-) Don't give up! Just let go of some of the stress associated with ttc! Good luck with getting fit and healthy!


10 years ago

I am with you Nunumama. It seems for me, every pregnancy I have, I gain a little weight but after birth I loose more weight than I gained, then after a while, I put back on the weight. I am insecure about my weight also. I am not morbidly obese just over weight. Now I just discover I might have high blood pressure (going to see a doctor about that soon). I am thinking the problems might be with me is, I have not seen my general doctor in I don't know how long, that I made an appointment to see my doctor on health wise to make sure I am healthy enough to conceive. But in the mean while, I am not giving up on TTC. So you don't give up either.

10 years ago

Okay mommy2merey we can be weight loss buddies.

10 years ago • Post starter

I could lose 50 too that would put me at my smallest weight since high school

10 years ago • Post starter

I was fat in high school but i was still very happy and secure with myself then so I would rather be that weight than the weight that I am now.

10 years ago • Post starter

Yeah it's not happening for me either. I need to start my diet whenever I lose weight I lose it fast.

10 years ago • Post starter

Yea that's exactly the way I am.

10 years ago • Post starter

Lol I have those too and garcinia camb....I'm not sure of the name but when I saw it on dr oz I ran out and got it. I really want to start off juicing and then just eat really healthy and exercise after the juice fast.

10 years ago • Post starter

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