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I've been doing the OPKS for the first time this month, between 2 and three times a day, One when I get up(Even though this one is not recomended) One when I get home from work, at (14:00 ish) and another one either when I get back from work again (20:00 ish) Or before I go to bed (23:00-01:00 ish), My problem is I'm now CD13 and there isn't even a slight line? Is this normal? Will it go from completely blank to a line from one day to the next? It's just I see other people with slight lines getting darker. I'm worried I dont ovulate, or I'm infertile, it's only our 5th month trying, but we seem to BD non stop and AF always seems to arrive. OH and my last period was really strange, I had no dark clots like I normally have, just a very water light reddish pinkinsh blood. Has that got anything to do with anything?

6 Answers • 8 years ago



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Answers (sorted by likes)

1 - 6 of 6 Answers

Are u holding ur urine or continuing to drink a lot? Which tests r u using? Ur tests may not be as sensitive as u need, but yes, it doesn't need to get progressively darker, it really can go from nothing to surge in a matter of hours. There's also a possibility that u don't process hormones into ur urine efficiently. This doesn't mean it's not in ur blood and u won't/don't O. Consider tracking temps next cycle. It won't help foresee O, but can confirm if it's happened and when. That way ull know if u just don't have urine surges or truly aren't O'ing.
Good luck! =))

8 years ago

Most dont get a positive until 12-36 hours before they ovulate. You are only CD13, so I wouldn't worry at this point. You may have a short surge, or you may not ovulate until later in your cycle.

TTC #2

8 years ago

I have had cycles where it is CD 19 before I get my surge. I would go back and forth between no lines and faint lines until the day of the surge. My guess is that you have not ovulated yet.

8 years ago

Ok, so I did my afternoon opk, and I can see a faint line, obviously it's negative, but I'm glad to see a faint line, but now I have another question, is it normal for the cobtrol line to be much more faded than usual? Thanks for all your replys, hope you can answer me this question too BABYDUST :)

8 years ago • Post starter

Depends on the test, they all have a certain amount of dye that is shared between the test and control line. Ur control *could* be a bit light becuz u actually have somewhat of a test line now, dye that otherwise may have went to the control. Hard to say for sure...not a big deal tho.

8 years ago

Thank you for all your help, but OPK seem so confusing for me, is it normal to get a positive Opk in the afternoon, ut almost positive at night??

8 years ago • Post starter

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