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Please help... Breastfeeding and TTC

Hello. My LO is almost 6 months and almost EBF still but we are TTC baby #2. I have not yet had a period but got a positive OPK on 5-16-14. Now it is 6-2 and no period and many negative HPTs. Should I for sure get a period since I got a smiley face OPK? Or could I be pregnant but for some reason (maybe breastfeeding) my hcg is low or not showing up? Grasping at straws here, or more accurately pee sticks! Anyone ever TTC while breastfeeding and had a similar experience?

3 Answers • 10 years ago



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Answers (sorted by informative)

1 - 3 of 3 Answers

If you actually ovulated, you should get a period. However, just bc you got a + opk doesn't mean you actually released the egg. Since you are ebf, you could have just had the lh surge w/o the release of the egg. Bf itself shouldnt lower your hcg levels, however, it may be too soon for a pregnancy to show up on a hpt.

10 years ago

I've always heard breast feeding lowers your chances of conceiving. Doesn't mean it can't or won't happen but can lower the chances. Your body know you are taking care of a baby already, hence the milk being produced. It is also hard to tell because without you having any cycles yet there is not a cycle to base the length of your cycles on. Which can change after having a child. Good luck!

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10 years ago

Hi. I dont really have an answer to your question but was interested because I am also BFing and TTC. My son Daniel is now almost 13 months but we arent going to put pressure on him to stop BFing until he is 15 months. We are hoping to be pregnant again by Christmas. Here's my situation:

I assumed I wouldnt ovulate until we had him completely weaned. Well on June 8th I got my first line on a ovulation test. It was only half as dark as the control line. I kept taking an ovulation test until that Thursday and they just kept getting lighter. So I'm kinda assuming I ovulated on Friday or Saturday if at all because of not getting a positive OPK. So by that assumption my first postpartum AF would be due 06-19 since my luteal phase has always been 12 days long. I plan to test on 06-21 if she has not shown her ugly face. We could be TTC buddies if you want.

9 years ago

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