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When to start vitex?

So I just picked up some vitex, because since I came off the pill four months ago my periods have been a little irregular. I read that you can start it anytime in your cycle. But I also read some terrifying info that it isn't safe to TTC while on vitex and now Im freakin out about it. I'm on cycle day 11, and no positive opk yet, but I'm feeling some pre-O cramps. Should I start it now, or wait til my next cycle? If anyone can clear up all this conflicting info I've read, I would be very grateful!

4 Answers • 9 years ago



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Answers (sorted by informative)

1 - 4 of 4 Answers

I came off of bcp and had a 52 day cycle. During that time I started taking vitex. I started taking it on cycle day 42 because I didn't realize I ovulated on cycle day 39. I had my period 10 days later and continued taking it up until I ovulated again on cycle day 13. Now, I have heard conflicting stories myself about taking vitex until bfp and then quitting. Some were fine and some had miscarriages. I really didn't want to take that chance and my gut just told me to stop them. I don't know if it's due to the vitex, but I did get a bfp that cycle. I am 7 weeks 2 days and everything is good so far. My advice would be to wait, but do what you feel is right. Good luck and I hope this helps and you get your bfp soon!

9 years ago

thanks! i haven't ovulated yet, that is for sure, so i think i'm ok. congrats on your bfp!

9 years ago • Post starter

I took the fertailaid brand (has vitex in it, but dose not listed on the bottle). That bottle says to start anytime of your cycle, take for 3 months and stop at the first test showing a BFP. Some stop it sooner ie O day. GL!

9 years ago

PS. Check out the Fairhaven site online for more info on vitex.

9 years ago

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