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7 days late and Negative HPT test, including First Response Brand.

Is there anyone out there on this forum that can tell me if they experienced the same while pregnant, and how long it was until you got a POSITIVE? I have a Dr's appt this coming Friday (4 days from now) so I've already got that covered. And I've also taken to First Response tests which were both negative along with 2 lower quality brands that were also negative.
Symptoms are minimal. BBT is 97.5 Farenheit/ 36.4 Celsius, and symptoms are similar to when I get my period (mild breast tenderness, fatigue, nausea- yes- these are PERIOD symptoms for me!)

Anyone out there that can share their experience with me? I promise to come back and update the results once I know for sure.


12 Answers • 10 years ago



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Answers (sorted by laughs)

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Are you sure when you ovulated?

10 years ago

Hi Mischia, I'm not 100% sure anymore. I usually track my ovulation by tracking my cervical mucus, and I had the egg white consistency in the middle of the week when I was due to ovulate. But about 1.5 week later I had some more of that. So I don't know if I ovulated later? And in that case, would it mean my period will come later?

10 years ago • Post starter

I am currently 14 weeks along and didn't test positive until 10 dpo, well, what I suspected was 10 dpo. May just be too early for you. Positive thoughts coming your way.

10 years ago

kshives1027 - thanks for your answer! Was this 10 post OVULATION or were you actually 10 days late? Because whether I ovlated 3 weeks ago or 2, I'm way past 10 dpo. How long after your missed period did you get a positive?

10 years ago • Post starter

I missed my 1st period and was still testing negative until my second was due. I was still testing negative until that was a week and one day late, so 5 weeks and one day late for the first missed period, before I got my first positive! I'm now 11 and a half weeks pregnant so it can happen. Many women have low hcg levels which aren't picked up by hpts for weeks. On the other end of the scale you could have too high levels of hcg leading to a false negative. This is know as the hook effect. (I'm a Google addict) lol! Either way you're not out til af shows so don't be disheartened by women on here testing positive before their missed period. Good luck and baby dust your way x

10 years ago

Yes when ovulation is late period is late.Good luck xxxx

10 years ago

Thanks ladies. This is totally stressing me out. I'm never this late. Always vary between 0-1 day late or early on a 30 day cycle. Even after a missed miscarriage of twin boys at 16 weeks back in January- which I had to be induced to deliver on January 30 :( . How does one stop being so obsessed! ughhh

10 years ago • Post starter

I was never late either! Try not to stress too much (I know that's easier said than done) but for arguments sake if you're not pregnant, the stress can delay af. As for being obsessed, I have no advice! I turned into a right poas addict and spent a small fortune on hpts lol! It's all I thought about and couldn't understand why I wasn't testing positive and had no signs of af!! Hopefully you don't have to wait as long as I did! X

10 years ago

I was only a day late for my expected period. I was 10 dpo. I was on Clomid 100 mg and the next step was going to be IUI, which the timing is crucial for, so I tested 1 day past when AF was due so I could get into the doctor if necessary for other tests. With my first, I didn't test positive until I was 12 or 13 days late, as I wasn't expecting to be pregnant. I would try, as hard as it is, to not POAS every day. It is a waste of money, especially with already having a doc appointment on Friday. Plus, you will just drive yourself crazy with crossing your eyes looking at lines. After 18 months of trying to conceive this baby, I hate to think how much we spent on tests. Baby dust to you, can't wait to hear the results of the doc appointment! Fingers crossed.

10 years ago

You ladies are all awesome! I feel the love and positive vibes! Know you're getting them right back from me! Still no AF, and I gave up on peeing on sticks a few days ago because of the constant BFNs. But tomorrow is my Doc appointment and hopefully I'll get some bloodwork done and see what the news is. I will come back and post the result once I know. Thanks again! Please please pray for me! I'm so tired of my heart breaking in the bathroom on a monthly basis since our loss. I'll be praying for some blinding baby dust and healthy pregnancies for all of you!

10 years ago • Post starter

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