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Starting Clomid this cycle - any advice or insight?

Now have been trying for 9 months, but doctor is wanting me to get on Clomid b/c my periods are so irregular that she doesn't think I'm ovulating. I start 15 mg/day starting Saturday (day 3), through day 7, and then I guess we'll see what happens! Have to have bloodwork done about a week after I think I've o'd....guess it's back to being anal retentive about tracking my o-date! Any advice, insight, experiences welcomed!

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3 Answers • 12 years ago



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Answers (sorted by laughs)

1 - 3 of 3 Answers

I was on clomid for 3 months. Couple of things I will tell you. Take your pills at night. That way you avoid the side effects. Clomid actually regulated my periods to 33 days, whereas before I was irregular and had longer periods. I did not actually conceive on clomid, but I believe it was because they later found a polyp the size of a ping pong ball in my uterus and it was blocking the sperms pathway. Good luck to you and lots of baby dust.

12 years ago

I just finished my 1st round of Clomid on Tuesday. I didn't have any bad side effects except for a mouth that was dry as the Sahara! I took two 50 mg a day. Going in for an u/s on Sunday to see if I will ovulate. I ovulate on my own but only have a 7 day luteal phase. Good luck!

12 years ago

I recommend using an OPK or fertility monitor while you are on it. Since it will be changing your hormones, it will be a brand new cycle for you in length and such, and you won't really know when you are ovulating yet. I agree with a PP about taking it at night. Not everyone has side effects, but if you do get them, you can sleep through most of them. Good luck

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12 years ago

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