What women are saying


Page 10

Guest  12 years ago
Feeling chilled daytime and sweaty and hot flash at night


RMEWife  12 years ago
18dpo, I stay cold all day but very hot at night


Guest  12 years ago
I'm 8dpo and I am experiencing hot flushed that last for a few minutes followed by feeling really cold.




moonie901  12 years ago
im 9dpo and ive been having chills for 2 days. this never happens to me during my tww! im usually very hot.


greenowl529  12 years ago
I have been getting hot flashed,but my hands and feet are cold, followed by sweaty palms,feet etc. So weird.


Mrs.Jerome  12 years ago
11dpo...have been getting cold night and I had a very weird dream last night...I'm feeling a stinging feeling right now..fingers are x!!


HOPEfulMama20  12 years ago
from 10dpo to yesterday(13dpo) I've been freezing every night, so much that I have to turn off my fan and I've never slept without a fan!!!


Guest  12 years ago
yesturday my leg cramped and have been having weird dreams. yikes what do u guys think help


Guest  12 years ago
i had hot flashed followed by chills a week straight. then i have stuffy nose a little runny but not really. bad headache one day at work,


Guest  12 years ago
5dpo and ive been cold for past 3 days in the middle of summer, lots of other symptoms too! fingers crossed x


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