What women are saying


Page 2

Vickylovesjohn86   6 years ago
I've been bloating badly mainly through the night with a lot of gas


Mama Dee  6 years ago
belching for a few days now. 13dpo. gassy too but so much burping


  6 years ago
3DPO and gassy for no reason




MissShorty0312  6 years ago
Since 2 DPO Now 4 DPO Very Gassy & Bloated


emeraldrainbow   6 years ago
3 DPO, very gassy in the evening, abdomen are not happy lol


StephSteph  6 years ago
11DPO faint poitive w/ FMU. Very gassy, sore/sensitive breast, alot of heartburn


PinkLady1972  6 years ago
im having alot of gas im 6dpo been like it for last 3 days and it is not a nice smell either


Radynesty  7 years ago
2DPO feeling very gassy and bloated.


Radynesty  7 years ago
1 DPO and stomach is making loud gurgling noises ,


Mickaylajones  7 years ago
19 dpo noticed I was a lot gassier than normal along with being bloated around 15/16 dpo


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