What women are saying


Page 31

Larose  10 years ago
Been super tierd these last two weeks


bkmama  10 years ago
so tired..naps every day this week..lucky i work from home :)


Jazzy2012  10 years ago
Last cycle was 3-8-14. Ovulation 3-20-14. Extremely sleep & exhausted for a week now plus a lot of cervical mucus. Any advice?




Jazzy2012  10 years ago
I'm 12 dpo. Usually after ovulation, I completely dry but I've been noticing a lot of cervical mucus the past two weeks.


JAlyse95  10 years ago
0 dpo but I'm tired all day even though I slept well the night before.


Bfringer  10 years ago
Dpo 8 and I can't get enough sleep. Let's hope and pray I'm sleeping for 2


aletheok  10 years ago
15 dpo, more tired than usual but not exhausted. I've been feeling like this for the past week


KritikaG  10 years ago
2dpo and extremely tired and exhausted all the time...


Quanice  10 years ago
7dpo tired eyes are heavy


stupidgirl@  10 years ago
7dpo but v exhausted and tired even i m not working just studying at home Am I pregnant?


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