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Posts by waiting4anangel

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A friendly and supportive place to meet and share with women from all over the world. Ask questions, share in discussions, journal your thoughts and post helpful information.

Posts 21 - 30



Am i pregnant?

Hi, I'm 12 dpo..My cycle is 24 days length.I missed my AF yesterday.Today im in CD 25..I dint get any speci ...

1 Answer      

Latest 11 years ago



8dpo.!!!I feel out dis month.. Need buddies:-)

Hey gals..I'm 24 and my husband is 26...we are officially trying for the past 4 months..i started using opk's ...

8 Replies      

Latest 11 years ago





Need to know the reason :(

Hey ladies..!!! We got married last may 26.We were TTC since we got married.For the past months i'm getting ...

1 Reply      

Latest 11 years ago



2 DPO..having mild fever,diarrhea..Anybody has the same?

Hi Buddies My O day was on Oct 15..Having body pain, mild fever from 1 DPO..Today had stomach indigestion a ...

66 Replies      

Latest 11 years ago



Nervous ande fingers X...Please clarify..!!

Hi Buddies, We r trying ttc for the past 3 months.In the previous 2 months i had spotting and related sympt ...

1 Reply      

Latest 11 years ago



8 dpo..No IB yet :(:(:(

Hi Buddies, I'm currently 8DPO..i had all related symptoms like runny nose,mild fever,diarrhea,acne breakou ...

8 Replies      

Latest 11 years ago





Any Do's and Dont's for TWW starting from first DPO?

Hi Buddies, Any Do's and Dont's for TWW starting from first that we can be very careful.. :confused ...

1 Reply      

Latest 11 years ago



Felt shock while travelling..will it affect my pg ??

Hi Ladies.. Pls help me :( I'm 11 dpo..while travelling in bus the driver put sudden break while i was slee ...

1 Reply      

Latest 11 years ago



Felt shock while travelling..will it affect my pg??

Hi Ladies.. Pls help me :( I'm 11 dpo..while travelling in bus the driver put sudden break while i was slee ...

6 Answers      

Latest 11 years ago



11 dpo...temp down..symptoms flew away :(

Hi Buddies.. I'm currently 11 DPO..Still 9 dpo i got symptoms like cramps,gassy,bloating,temp rise,runny no ...

0 Answers      

Latest 11 years ago