Posts by Gakuosmummy

Success stories  

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Success story


Hello ladies.

My DH and i have been trying to have a baby for over 1 year.
I always regular periods and from using the opks, I ovulated every month.

After trying for the whole of 2016, we decide to see a fertility specialist just to give us a different perspective.
We set up an appointment and it well went well. She was very helpful and encouraging.
She ordered for a HSG test to be done since both our hormones where very good.
The HSG came back and the results were bilateral tubal blockage.
The specialist told us the best case we have to have a child was through IVF due to where the blockages were.
We started the process. We sold a property to get the money.
This was in January 2017.
in February, we were now preparing to start and after my period, i would go back to the doctor on cycle day 21 to get my Lupron shot. I did get my lupron shot and now after 7 days I should get my period, call the doctor and after the baseline results start the stimulation.

But GOD had a different plan.

3 days before my period which was on a Saturday, I started to spot. I thought it was my period so I called the doctor and we set up an appointment which was going to be a day before my period so that is Monday.

But on Sunday morning before my morning walk, I had an inclination to try a pregnancy test.
And i peed on it and it was POSITIVE.
What? How?
I thought it was the effect of the lupron but after checking on the internet, there was very little chance that it was the lupron.
So after the walk I did another test, it was positive.
Monday morning I took another test, it was positive.

I had my appointment on Monday to officially start my IVF. But JESUS He had another plan for me.

I showed my doctor my pregnancy test and we had a trans vaginal scan which showed a very nice lining.
She ordered a beta HCG and progesterone levels.
After two hours, she called me which a big congratulations. I am pregnant.
Beta HCG were 227 and progesterone was 32.5.

Today I am 4 weeks 1 day pregnant. Without any medication.

Jesus You are faithful.

After finding out that my tubes were blocked, I knew i would never conceive naturally. But I never stopped trusting in God. I put all my faith in Him to heal me and restore my body.

All glory and honor to unto His Holy name.

Jesus I am ever grateful for this gift.

I will live for you Jesus.

Looking forward to a happy and healthy 9 months.

Ladies, don't give up on God. He is a faithful God and He hears our prayers. Trust in Him.
Your miracle is on its way.

All the best.



Latest 7 years ago


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