Posts by alikvasnok

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Success story

Gratitude for pregnancy after MMC

Hi all! Sharing my story in the hopes it will help or give others TTC some hope for their own journey. I am currently only 4wks3days pregnant and praying this little bean sticks! I had a MMC in 08/15 - the little one passed 3 weeks before my 1st ultrasound and I was devastated! I am 37 and hoping for our 2nd child (my first is a beautiful 6 year old DD).

My 3rd cycle TTC we did it! Here's how it went (sorry about my notes - maybe TMI, but its what I recorded on FF:

AF CD 1-6
BD w/Preseed CD 10, 12-17 (pms)
O'd CD 14-15 (no real POS OPK, but BBT rose CD 15)
CD 20/5 DPO: Fluttery lower abdomen, "bubbly vagina", Mild cramping & backache
CD 21/6 DPO: MAAAAJOR headache - could barely function, felt fuzzy & slightly dizzy, fell asleep @ 6pm (I think this was implantation)
CD 22/7DPO: lots of mild cramps, high temps
CD 23/8 DPO: blue veins on breasts/slightly tender, slight dizziness, impatient, high temps but feel like I'm out (BFN)
CD 24/9DPO: insomnia, no appetite but loads of energy, cried for silly reasons, tested & faint BFP!!!
CD 25/10 DPO: cramping/contracting uterus, very scant light brown/yellow D/C when wiping (lasted 3 hours appx.) SCARED!!! Darker BFPs. Went for BETA/hormone level blood draw: BETA: HCG=21.9 / progesterone=23.9
CD 26/11DPO: clear/yellow D/C, BFPs darker
CD 27/12 DPO: 2nd blood draw: BETA: HCG 72.5

Currently I'm on CD 32, doctor's office called to say all looks good & they will see me for my first scan on 3/18. Meanwhile, I remain cautiously optimistic and very, very grateful for this pregnancy.

I wish all of you TTC lots and lots of baby dust and those who have gotten their BFPs the best wishes and luck!!! = )


Latest 8 years ago


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