Replies by spartiechic

Replies 1 - 10

Lolo - Thanks! I hope so. Still going to give it the ol' college try.

Bumpin - Thanks! I'm still hopeful and, if it doesn't work out this month, it gives me another month to lose a few more lbs and pay down debt.

Holly - I totally hear you on the 5dpo bfp's. I think those are just flukes or miscounting on the part of the women who get them. My OBGYN sent me for an HSG before referring to an RE because she knew they would want the test done (which they did). However, you can get one done through an RE, as well. An HSG stands for Hysterosalpingogram. It's an outpatient procedure where a catheter is inserted through the cervix and dye is injected into the uterus. An x-ray is taken of your reproductive system after the dye is allowed to go through the fallopian tubes to the ovaries. It can show potential issues, such as blocked tubes. Mine showed an apparent blocked tube on the left side. I say apparent because you can get false positives and the only way to be certain is to do a laparoscopy. Since I'm 37, we decided to skip the laparoscopy and go straight to the treatment.

9 years ago
Reply to June 2015 Babies!


Ugh! Had my u/s today and had two really good sized follicles (13 and 14mm) in my left ovary and two very small ones (6mm) in the right. The left tube was the one that looked blocked in the HSG so this cycle looks like a bust. Now, it is possible that my tube isn't blocked, but was just in spasm when they did the HSG causing it to appear blocked. It's also possible that the egg could get picked up by the right fallopian tube. However, I'm not holding out a lot of hope for a June baby. The doctor and I decided to withhold the Ovidrel and save it for next cycle when I'll probably ovulate from the right side. I'm just going to do the OPKs and do the regular timed intercourse that I usually do. The doctor said that was a good idea, just in case one of the scenarios above actually happens. I can save a little money by saving my Ovidrel and progesterone for the more likely scenario of waiting for next cycle.

9 years ago
Reply to June 2015 Babies!



for everyone in the TWW! Congrats to everyone who got their BFP!!

Marcie - I hope your Dr's office gets back to you soon! Hopefully, you're just a slow progresser and will get a BFP in the next few days.

AFM - I've been doing my FSH injections faithfully every evening. Not too many side effects, yet. I heard the worst of them comes after ovulation so I'm trying to prepare myself for the bloating to come. On Wednesday, I go in for blood tests and an U/S. Then, we'll see what's going on in there and get the word on when to administer the Ovidrel. Really hoping that all this work brings good news in the end.

9 years ago
Reply to June 2015 Babies!


Basia30 - We're doing Gonal-F with Ovidrel.

lolo - Sounds like you had quite the Saturday! I hope that your back feels better soon and that you get your BFP. If not, maybe your insurance company will cover the IUI. I didn't think mine would cover my HSG, but ended up with a happy surprise. It's the same with the fertility it is possible.

9 years ago
Reply to June 2015 Babies!


Hi all! I'm still here on the June board, even though it's CD1 for me again. After discussing it with the RE and my DH, we've decided to try injections of FSH/hCG for this cycle. Not really excited about having to give myself an injection, but very hopeful that this is our cycle. We'll try just the injections with timed intercourse for a couple of cycles before going on to IUI. Then comes the big decision: IVF or move onto adoption. Only a few cycles away...fingers crossed I get my BFP before then.

9 years ago
Reply to June 2015 Babies!


Welcome Scooby! I'm so glad you found a better RE. I can't believe that the last one didn't do any testing. That's crazy! I hope this new one can give you the answers and help you get a sticky BFP very soon.

9 years ago
Reply to June 2015 Babies!


I'm in for a June baby. Fingers crossed for everyone to get their BFP this month.

9 years ago
Reply to June 2015 Babies!


Bumpin: I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm sending you lots of baby dust and sticky vibes for when you're ready to try again.

DanielleH13: Thanks!

Lolo1176: Thanks! We have Blue Cross/Blue Shield. Apparently if the hospital says that it was a medically necessary test, it gets covered.

It does get tiring hearing that your clock is ticking. The doctors have been really great about it and have been very encouraging. I hope you guys don't have to do IUI and get your BFP soon. We're thinking about trying more meds before we go to IUI, but I'm thinking it's almost an inevitability.

AFM: I'm out for a May baby, but I wasn't all that hopeful this month. We're waiting for the results of my FSH test to decide what we're going to do. Right now, we're leaning towards Fermera for a couple of months before going to IUI.

I finally got my husband to watch The Great Sperm Race. He had so many questions that were answered after watching it. I think he finally gets why IUI may be our best chance before going to IVF. We're really lucky to have a RE who has an endowment that covers about half of the cost of IVF. That makes it possible for us to try it if everything else fails.

9 years ago
Reply to May 2015 Babies!!!!


Sorry, it's been awhile since I last posted. I'm going to have to read back to catch up on everyone.

I went to my first RE appt today and things went well. We have some options and will have to decide which way we want to go. I'm glad I brought a copy of my latest labwork with me. He took a look at it and is concerned about my thyroid levels. He's putting me on Synthroid as of tomorrow. I still have some labwork to do (FSH testing, etc), but I can't do that until I start my next cycle. Then it's discussion time with DH to figure out which route will work best for us. We have some decisions to make...and soon.

On the bright side, I checked my bill for the HSG and, by some miracle, my insurance covered it. I only have to pay $12. That's such a big load off of my mind.

I wish all of you the best and hope you get your BFPs soon. I may be on and off of here as time ticks on and we finally decide if we want to spend any more time on TTC naturally, if we're going to TTC with help (IUI or IVF), or if we're going to move into adoption. At 37 and 39, we don't have the luxury of time anymore. It's been quite a journey so far and I'm hopeful that we will be parents soon.

9 years ago
Reply to May 2015 Babies!!!!


Basia30 - Fingers and toes are crossed that this is our month. I'm feeling much more hopeful after reading about possible treatments and the prognosis is good for someone with at least one tube open.

RPope84 - I've also heard that so I'm very hopeful that this will be our month. I totally feel your pain about people accidentally getting pregnant. I told a friend of mine that I'm totally feeling fine about one coworker who is currently expecting because this is her first, she's in a committed relationship, and she tried to get pregnant. I have another coworker who is with a total lazy good-for-nothing, can barely take care of her other two children, and just had a third. That one was a hard pregnancy to get through as I had to listen to all of her ups and downs with her b/f. I just keep telling myself that it'll be my turn soon.

Another quick update: I got a call from my doctor and they got the results of my blood work. I'm anemic and have a vitamin B12 deficiency. I feel so hopeful that I'm finally getting some answers. I've been so tired lately. I went over the list of symptoms and they all fit me to a T. I did some reading and vit B12 deficiency can also cause a LP defect, mess with your estrogen levels, and cause infertility (by preventing implantation). I go in this week to get my first shot and am going on supplements.

9 years ago
Reply to May 2015 Babies!!!!
