Replies by lizhaley

Replies 41 - 50

I really hope you will be able to this cycle or next then so everything will fall into place for you! Wow! I can't believe you have been on that many cycles already time sure does fly lol. Af finally showed for me im sure all the tests probably just threw my body off a couple days. I have two more cycles of increased fertility Thanks to my hsg so I'm hoping it happens for me within the next two months too! And I know! Only 10 more days untili get all of my results back, I'm so anxious I'm ready to find everything out. I wasn't able to get my bloodwork done this cycle but hopefully that won't be to big of an issue at my appointment but we will see!

10 years ago
Reply to CD 6


How are you doing shelob? Has af started for you yet?
It seems to be holding out for me. Im ready to get it over with and start a new cycle already. Today makes my 4th day late and still no af! I had cramps the first two days I was late but I feel pretty normal now with no cramps at all yesterday or today. Its normal for me to be a day late maybe even two but 4 isnt normal for me. I guess those tests really did throw my body out of whack lol. Hope you are doing well!

10 years ago
Reply to CD 6



I completely agree! Very frustrating! I wish it was as simple as just pushing a button or taking a pill "Okay, I'm ready to conceive this month!" ....if only haha. I hope you are enjoying your holiday today and I hope you are able to relax some! I know exactly what you mean with it seeming like it puts certain aspects of your life on hold. There have been several times that I have wanted to do something or purchase something but I decided to put it on hold or wait on scheduling a trip and all kinds of things for that same reason. I'm sorry to hear that. I know a year has got to be a hard milestone to face. Anniversaries of unfortunate events tend to bring back a lot of the memories of what has happened. You just have to try and stay positive. As I'm sure you have read and been told before miscarriages happen for many reasons. Just because you have had or even 10 doesn't necessarily mean you will have another. Our bodies do very well with deciding for us at times what will be best. If your body knows something is wrong and will cause you more pain later sometimes it chooses to evacuate it from your body, be it a cold or a pregnancy that isn't viable. I know it is incredibly hard to deal with and it sits heavy in your mind you just have to think that your next baby will be healthy and beautiful. It sucks having to wait to have our own babies but since it hasn't come easy or on the first try I think it will make us appreciate it more when we do finally receive our little blessing. Hopefully was sooner than later...Im tired of waiting :] haha

After af finally shows I get to do my cd 2 blood work to test all of my hormone levels and on the 11th I finally get to know all the results to my tests. I was hoping I would be pregnant before then but hopefully it will put me one step closer to my goal!

10 years ago
Reply to CD 6


Not silly at all! It happens to me too. It frustrates me bc I just don't understand how if we bd every other day for two and a half years and there is no specific reason we cant conceive I just don't understand how we haven't caught an egg yet. Its beyond frustrating sometimes lol.
'm sorry that this month fell through for you I know its got to be a little hard watching your sister go through everything without being able to. You just have to try and stay positive and know it will happen when the time is right! That's what I keep telling myself!
Af should be here tomorrow for me..two days at the latest. My cramps kind of come and go but that's so normal for me. I still def have way more cm than I normally would but like I said I attribute that to the tests opening everything up I guess. Who knows the female body is so complicated sometimes! haha

10 years ago
Reply to CD 6


Yes we still bd'd :] I cant temp because every week we switch shifts from days to nights. The temps would be too irregular to chart. Plus I am a mouth breather at night and if you breath out of your mouth at night the temps arent accurate unfortunately.

how is your cycle going?

I am currently 2 days away from when af should show. I started getting crampy today so I expect it will show unfortunately. I was really hopeful for this month but looks like it will be a no go. I also found out one of my best friends might be pregnant with her 3. Im so hapy for her but I cant help but feel a little jealous lol.

Hope things are going great for you!

10 years ago
Reply to CD 6


Glad you had such a fun time! how are things going now?

Today I am on cd 22. Im not sure how many dpo I am this month bc I didnt use opks and Im not sure if all the tests delayed o or not. But I am about 8 days from my expected af start date. Not much new with me. I have been having crazy amounts of cm the past week, and fertile cm at that. usually this time of my cycle its pretty dry and I usually only get like a day of barely any fertile cm. I assume its something to do with the tests I had done, Im not taking it as an early sign of anything. Even tho this month I feel like I wont get my bfp because of all the tests and stress I can already tell that I will be more disappointed than usual since the tests are supposed to boost your fertility but oh well lol. Hope you are doing good!

10 years ago
Reply to CD 6


Happy late Anniversary!! I hope you both had an amazing day!! Thats good you think you are about to ovulate! I hope it happened for you and you were able to get the timing right to conceive on your anniversary that would be a great story! haha
Yes Im so glad the tests went well! All that worrying for nothing lol. We find out the results feb 12th because I have to take a cd 3 or 4 blood test and that wont be until the 30th or 31st because right now im on cycle day 14. So I guess that was their first appointment available after that. Once af shows I might try to call to see if I can get it sooner. Im skeptical about this month because yesterday was the first day we were able to bd since the tests and today or tomorrow is my o day and we bd every other day too. So Im a little nervous I wont catch it this month but we will see!
How are things going for you?

10 years ago
Reply to CD 6


Well today went well! It didn't hurt at all either! It actually picnhed less today when he put the catheter in than it did day before yesterday. Once he started to wiggle around the ultrasound wand and I could feel the catheter moving around I could tell my cervix was still sore. It didnt hurt just felt awkward. And I didnt even notice when he started to put the saline in. They actually let dh come back and hold my hand this time lol. It went relatively well. The doctor said he didn't see a fibroid but did see some calcification in my uterus. I'm not too sure what that is but he said it isn't too terribly bad. They cyst was still there and measured 2cm almost an inch. And I have another appointment on feb 12th to go over the results of both test and have my bloodwork read and stuff.

Sorry to hear you are still waiting to o. I bet irregular af is a pain! My cycles usually stay between 27-30 days thankfully. Yeah Im funny about opks here recently too. Kinda seems like they dont turn like they should or get as dark as they should before they start going back neg. I quit using them too!

10 years ago
Reply to CD 6


Tomorrow I have my next test! Im a little nervous for this one.. I woke up today feeling sore I guess you could call it. Not exactly what af cramps feel like more like my uterus and stuff just feels tired if you could imagine that lol. I guess its from being poked around and expanded so rapidly. The spotting from it is very little but that is normal they said. So basically im just nervous about tomorrows test because I am already sore so im afraid it will make it hurt worse. I considered calling and postponing it but im ready to have it done. So I will see how I feel in the morning and if I think I can handle it I will be back up here tomorrow hopefully telling you how well it went lol. This test is basically the same thing. They insert a catheter through your cervix and pump saline into your uterus making it expand and fill up with fluid. Then they give you an ultrasound while the fluid is in you and it is supposed to help better visualize what the inside of your uterus looks like. They can see if there is anything in there like scaring fibroids tumors or anything like that. Then they pull the catheter out, the fluid runs out then you go on about your day HOPEFULLY pain free lol. After that I have the whole string of blood tests on cycle day 2 or 3 and probably an ultrasound then they will schedule me an appointment to hear the results from all of the tests and then on to whatever is next lol.

How are you doing so far this cycle? Im on cd 10 so that should mean you are past your o time now right? Good luck this month :]

10 years ago
Reply to CD 6


Thats good to hear that you get to try a new doctor. I think its very important that you like your doctor and that they are at least somewhat compassionate. If you have a good relationship with your doctor it makes all the difference and even helps you relax. I also think that the counseling is a good idea. I think it will help clear and ease your mind. You havent had an hsg yet? Im really surprised by that. Here they wont even let you start any kind of fertility pills until after you have had one. Not only does it rule out blocked tubes (which would make taking fertility meds useless) it can also make sure that your uterus isnt in an abnormal shape. It can also find scarring or fibroids or anything like that. I def think you should get one done. Im excited for you tho that you are on your way to getting your bfp :]

I had my hsg today. It was so much better than I expected. Everything that I have read and from talking to people they all have said it is crazy painful. But for me it was relatively painless. There was a little pinch when they put the catheter in but I couldnt even tell when he injected the dye. When I sat up afterwards there was some minor cramps but no where even near what af cramps feel like. I'm still a little crampy but they are very very light cramps. I am so happy that I finally went through with it, the minor discomfort was def worth it. It barely took five minutes from the time i laid on the table to the time we were done. The doctor told me that my tubes looked clear and that my uterus is in a good shape. I know i have some scarring and a fibroid but they will most likely be delt with Thursday when I go back for my second test. Also he said that having the hsg boosts your fertility for the following three months because your tubes are wide open. I feel much more positive now than I did this time yesterday :]

10 years ago
Reply to CD 6
