Replies by tryingforads

Replies 31 - 40

@love - OMG! A line! Two days in a row! That's so exciting! Who cares if it's faint? A line is a line, right? I am so excited for you! You're still testing pretty early so I wouldn't worry about a faint line.

And good job replying to Ali's question - much more eloquent and sensitive than my reply! I totally am a talker, too, and I love being able to talk, talk, talk here.

How sweet your DH wants to save pics of your tests!! Do you have a pic for us by any chance??

@Sanders - How's it going? 4DPO right?

And our other PG ladies..???

I am 4/5DPO today, feeling tired and have had a headache for days but not really counting that as a symptom since headaches can be caused by a zillion other things. Also have had non-stop pinching/weird non-AF cramps on the right side since O day. CM is sticky but I am not dry like usual after O, so that is curious. And I THOUGHT I had a metallic taste in my mouth yesterday, but not 100% sure as it was pretty mild and I do sometimes imagine things!

...I am so sure we timed our BDing really well this month, so I am excited to find out what happens here... most of the time I find it impossible to believe I might actually be PG. This will be my first pregnancy ever, when it happens.

11 years ago
Reply to Whos excied to start ttc for the 1st time!


Hello all! I know this thread is very old but thought I would add my 2 cents.

My midwife says it's okay for your body temperature to increase as long as it doesn't go above 104. If you are worried, take a thermometer with you on your run or take your temperature right after you're finished.

Although we feel hot when we exercise, our body is cooling itself down. the body's sweating mechanism is designed to keep our internal body temperature at a constant rate. You might feel like your temp has risen, but check with a thermometer and you will be pleasantly surprised! To help ensure your sweating mechanism is working, be sure you are well hydrated!

(I do Bikram yoga, which is yoga in a room heated to 100-104 degrees. I take my temp during and after yoga and it's never higher than 99.4 degrees and it goes back down right after class. My midwife says it's fine - so please if you are an anti-Bikram or anti-midwife person I really don't need any lectures - believe me I have heard them ALL.)

11 years ago
Reply to A thread for RUNNERS who are TTC or pregnant!



Hi Ali! Nice to meet you!

Sounds like you have all of your bases covered as far as fertility/ovulation go! Good job!

As for your hubby not being as excited to you, I'm not sure what to say... I definitely feel like we girls can't help but be more "into it" because yes, it is our bodies and we have to pay attention to our cycles, O dates, symptoms, temps, CM, everything. It's a lot of work and I think guys just don't get it sometimes - all they have to do is BD!

However, I do think that him saying that this is "more your journey than his" is EXTREMELY insensitive!! If my DH said that to me, he would be in trouble for sure! Hubbies have to be supportive because there is so much going on with you. Just because the baby will be inside of you doesn't mean it's more "your thing" than his!

Hope that doesn't sound mean... I can definitely understand him not being as excited as you. My hubby is the same way and is very much "let's take it as it comes." Being on here has been really helpful because I can gush about symptoms, CM, etc. and not wear DH out with it all. :) I have also heard things about how some guys just don't feel connected to their babies until later on in pregnancies or even until they're born... like somehow they just can't believe there's a baby until they see/hear/touch it. He might also just be tired of you talking about this stuff all the time (if you are). I know my DH gets tired of it sometimes and he'll just ask me if we can talk about something else. :) If that's your hubby too, there isn't much we can do about that but I do think he should make an effort to be supportive of you.

I hope I'm not being to advice-y and I just want to lend you some support! Sometimes TTC feels lonely, doesn't it?

11 years ago
Reply to Whos excied to start ttc for the 1st time!


@love -

Yeah, the online friends are a very good thing! It's nice to be able to talk with women about it, not just our hubbies. We aren't telling anyone that we're TTC either because we want to avoid the questions as well. Luckily, people aren't asking us too much when we're having babies because I have made it very clear that we are in no rush :) (even though now we kind of are). My FIL even went as far once to tell me that I wasn't getting any younger and that was when DH and I put a stop to THOSE questions. Couldn't believe his nerve...

I am saying some prayers for your BFP... surely you and your DH can't BOTH be seeing things! Remember it's possible that implantation hasn't even happened yet. Be patient with yourself! It sounds like you are doing everything right and I bet you will get your BFP very soon!

Hang in there, lady. I hope you had a nice 30th birthday!!

11 years ago
Reply to Whos excied to start ttc for the 1st time!


@Sanders - one more thing, my cervix has been way lower than normal. I know that a low cervix is not supposed to be a good sign, but my cervix is always so high that I can barely reach it OR so high I can't reach it at all. And I read things about how a change in symptoms can be a good sign, so I have to admit I am curious about my super low cervix...

(I also know that cervix position is not a reliable indicator of pregnancy, but hey, it's something else for me to wonder about. :) )

11 years ago
Reply to Whos excied to start ttc for the 1st time!


Hi Sanders! I've been noticing some burbling and twinges today on the right side of my abdomen too! I would almost think maybe I hadn't O'd yet, but my CM has changed pretty dramatically so I'm pretty sure I did O when i think I did. Also, my CM is sticky but I feel like there is more of it...

Today I'm also noticing a heightened sense of smell but I have learned from my other cycles not to put too much hope in those kinds of symptoms because I am very good at tricking myself into thinking that I'm experiencing symptoms that aren't really there! So basically I'm waiting for "real" symptoms, like morning sickness, bleeding gums or nose, darkening areolas... Because it's all too easy for me to obsess over every twinge, every bit of "nausea," every stuffy nose, etc.

And thanks for the advice about the OPKs. I am definitely going to think about it! Maybe it wouldn't freak DH out as much as I've anticipated!

11 years ago
Reply to Whos excied to start ttc for the 1st time!


@love - I just used the implantation calculator for you and apparently 9DPO is the most common implantation day and 10 and 11DPO are also quite common. I'm sure you've already used the calculator, but just wanted to try to reassure you a bit!

So your little one could be implanting today - that might be a good birthday present! Not as good as a BFP of course but still pretty good!

11 years ago
Reply to Whos excied to start ttc for the 1st time!


@Sanders - That's cool that we're at the same DPO (or almost!). Are you feeling anything? I know it's crazy early, but some women swear they can feel stuff immediately. I am not one of those women, at least not this month! :) Had a little cramping the day before yesterday, probably just from O, nothing serious. I had some EWCM this month, which I don't always get, so that was exciting!

@Lynn & mjmcfarlane - Congrats! How exciting! MJ, I have been wondering if I should get some OPKs... but DH and I are more NTNP right now and I think if I came home with OPKs he would freak out a little bit! :) He is in between jobs and I know he wants a baby but right now he is pretty stressed about money. This is only our third month of BDing without protection, so I'd like to give it a little more time. That's so awesome to know about the B6 though and that you got pregnant right away after! If we don't get pregnant in the next few months I am going to be following your advice for sure!

@love Happy birthday lady and I'm sorry you didn't get better news today! But if you O'd on Sept. 27 doesn't that only put you at 9DPO? Still plenty of time to get your BFP, I think!! The calculator on here says that your implantation possible hasn't even happened yet - so I am sending you lots of happy, sticky vibes. I hope you can still enjoy your birthday! You should have a margarita ;) - one good thing about the baby not implanting yet and no placenta yet is that you wouldn't be passing alcohol to it! (That's what I do when I get AF to console myself... I know you haven't gotten AF yet but just sayin' it's like the one positive I can take out of getting a BFN haha)... Anyway I am sending you lots of hugs and birthday wishes!

11 years ago
Reply to Whos excied to start ttc for the 1st time!


@Lynn - that looks like a to me! Yay! How exciting!

& thanks for the words of welcome! Keep us posted!!

11 years ago
Reply to Whos excied to start ttc for the 1st time!


Hi ladies - room for one more?

We are TTC our first - this is our 3rd month of trying and I am 1 or 2 DPO today.

My cycles are so irregular. Last month was 29 days, the two before that were 42 and 46 days. If I O'ed when I think I did, then this cycle will be 48 or 49 days. Makes me crazy!

Anyway, I thought it would be nice to suffer the TWW with some other TTCers! Where are you ladies in your cycles? (I will go back and read, too.)

I'm not charting BBT, just checking my CM and trying to pay attention to my body. I seem to be able to tell when I O, but no BFPs for me so far. We're trying to be very "casual" about TTC but today I don't feel laid back at ALL! :P

This month I think we BDed at the perfect times - not exactly on purpose, but I'm happy about it and praying it worked this time. I know we've only just started trying, but because of my irregular cycles I do worry...

Anyway, because our BDing was so well timed this month I am very anxious/excited for this TWW. How can it only be 1 or 2 DPO???

, ladies!

11 years ago
Reply to Whos excied to start ttc for the 1st time!
