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October 2018 Babies

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Hi and Welcome to October 2018 babies corner! This forum is created for those of us that didn't get a bfp in December 2017 and anyone who wants to join/pop in/lurk around our corner for happenings, updates, good news moral support etc. Little bit about myself. I'm 40 & DF is almost 50. I joined quite some time ago. Df and i have Been actively ttc'ing for a couple of months now with no such luck. We'll keep praying for our little addition to the family and understand that this is in god's hands and it's only going to happen on his time, not ours. In the meantime, i can only pray the sperm will meet that egg soon!! How bout yall? What method(s) are you currently using?

please excuse any typos as I'm on my cell phone

764 Replies • 6 years ago



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hey guys
i'm officially joining you . i think my AF will come today or tomorrow and then the waiting game begins , then again another killing waiting game begins in 14 days!! auh man , it's so hard.

is there any way to find out if you have blocked tube other than the scan ?

This cycle i'm gonna try every other day method if DH can bare it. ( though they would love having so much sex all the time , but it's not the case for my DH)

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6 years ago

Hi Penny... you can have an HSG done. They shoot dye up there and make sure it flows through.

BFP 10/17, MMC - 11/17, IUI#1 - 4/18 BFN, IUI#2 - 5/18 BFN, IVF#1 - 6/18

6 years ago

Penny- like Ruby said I would ask for an hsg. I had one done And it showed s blocked right tube. Although it’s not 100%. When I got pregnant with my son the egg came from the right side( told me in an early ultrasound)
Hsg can also increase your fertility for a couple months after.

AFM- all my opks negative, maybe I already ovulated and just missed the surge?? I’m trying to not stress too much and bd still and just see what happens. I am having some clear thin cm today?!

Me:30 DH:37 TTC since sep 2017 TTC #2 BFP dec 2017( femera 1st round) - chemical pg User Image

6 years ago

@holly and Ruby
Thanks for the info , this is what i meant by scan . should i get my GPto refer me for the scan or i can just call them and make an appointment. honestly i have never ever been to obygin before. which i think i need a referral for that as well? i just went to an infertility clinic to do the fertility tests once . should i contact them ?

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6 years ago

Penny... you can get a script from either an OBGYN or (I’m assuming) the fertility clinic. My OBGYN wrote me the prescription, although I never ended up going.

BFP 10/17, MMC - 11/17, IUI#1 - 4/18 BFN, IUI#2 - 5/18 BFN, IVF#1 - 6/18

6 years ago

I got a positive opk today! CD 17.
We bd this morning so hopefully can get one in tonight or tommorow morning too.
I told my DH it was positive...he was like “oh no” lol

Me:30 DH:37 TTC since sep 2017 TTC #2 BFP dec 2017( femera 1st round) - chemical pg User Image

6 years ago

Does anyone know much about progesterone cream as I was advised to look into Emertia? So, I was looking at the Emertia Pro Gest cream and there are two of them. One I think is the original and the other has lavender in it. Does it matter which one I can get? A bit confused and I don't want to buy one that won't work. I also started the Baby Asprin as it does help aid with implantation and helps with other things as well (releasing more eggs, etc.) and some said that they took it even when they were pregnant and some stopped after the first trimester.

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6 years ago

Dragonfly- is the baby aspirin you take Tylenol chewable?

6 years ago

@Beaut1ful38. No, it is Bayer 81mg. I just went to the drug store and just asked for Baby Asprin and that is what they gave me. Hope that is the right one.

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6 years ago

Dragonfly- thanks I’m not sure which one to buy. But I have been reading up on Musinex so I bought that the help with my CM. I did see evening primrose oil but not sure how to take that? Anyone??

6 years ago

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