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July 2018 Babies

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I was in the JUNE 2018 Babies forum.
Since no BFP that cycle on to the next.

If you wish to to join from our previous posts please do so! Just wanted to add a July baby post. Hope some of yall roll on over here.

Congratulations to all who received there BFP in that Forum!!!!

449 Replies • 6 years ago



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Beautiful - That sounds promising! My close girlfriend described her first trimester as basically feeling hungover everyday - not awesome to feel terrible, but perhaps a good sign!!!

6 years ago

@twwtoolong. I am taking pills called Conceive Easy.

@Vettechgirl11. That's horrible hun. Wish they would give you a more defenitive answer to ease your mind.

@Ninni84. I hear you on the ovulation tests as I give up on mine. Maybe you have ovulated already and now just have to wait and see if the witch shows up.

@Beaut1ful38. My temp this morning was at 98.1 however I did wake up at 4:20. So, I am not sure if I should count out todays temp or not. I literally give up on those OPKs as the lines just don't seem to be getting darker but I definately feel crampy and when I checked my cervix it feels wide open.

Last night, didn't get to BD as DH fell asleep as he was tired. So, I am hoping today we can squeze one in. I am leaving it all up to him as whenever it time, there is always something that prohibits us and I am not about to "rape" him either . I just keep telling him, "don't say sorry when the witch shows up as I tried". Frustrating being a girl sometimes.

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6 years ago

Dragonfly- I have heard of those, it has vitex and then some! Hopefully you will have time to catch that egg tonight!

Vettchegirl - just a follow up - dr's only use the 25 miu/ml urine tests, the note about ectopic is just to light a fire under your dr's butt and reason to push them for a blood test, they are far more sensitive (anything over 5 mui/ml of hcg is considered a positive). I hope you get a BFP soon!!!!

6 years ago

@twwtoolong. Thank you, I hope so too and just hoping that we don't miss the egg. Not sure what Vitex is but with regards to Conceive Easy, it is supposed to help you get pregnant quicker but then I read some reviews saying that it's a joke and all fake and that it is a waste of money.

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6 years ago

twwtoolong- Thank you, i just feel this cycle is way different and if not then my body is playing tricks on me.

dragonfly- keep testing, can you post today's opk test?

been at work a few hrs and i just want to take a nap. keep yawning, but went to bed at 10pm my normal time really. maybe its due to the weather : raining and cooler temps rolling in and friday!!! LOL

6 years ago • Post starter

@Beaut1ful38. Like you, I am at work today as well. When I get home I can try and post it on here if the picture isn't too big. I will keep testing. I have been testing at night and it seems that my urine is so pale and worried that it won't be enough.

Went to the loo and when I wiped there was more ewcm and that it stretched from my middle finger and thumb. Feeling tightness in both ovaries leading into my back and my boobs are getting slightly sore and starting to cramp in my lower abdomen.

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6 years ago

Question, can illness delay ovulation? Ive been sick since Monday and my OPKs have been at a standpoint. Today is CD 15 and they are pretty light still. Last month I had a near positive on CD14 and full blown positive on CD15.

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6 years ago

@Patience820. I do believe that illness in stop ovulation from happening. Do you temp at all? If you do, what are they at?

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6 years ago

I was temping but I stopped because I had a fever and read that it wouldn't be accurate.

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6 years ago

@Patience820. Yes, that makes sense as temps could be all over the place. Would it matter where one temps from or will it be the same reading?

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6 years ago

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