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Textbook Symptoms, late AF, and BFNs???

Hi ladies! I'm hoping you all could help me get to the bottom of my "Pregnancy Test Mystery."

First, a little backstory on myself: I am 19 years old and have been diagnosed with Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) since I was 16. It isn't severe and I still have my periods like clockwork but I occasionally experience flare ups. Also, back in January of this year (4 months ago), I had a miscarriage/chemical pregnancy at about 5 weeks. Everything has returned to normal since then.... until now.

I posted a picture of what I thought may be a positive test at 11dpo (5 days ago) because my fiance and i had unprotected sex 2 days before ovulation I'd been having horrible cramps, headaches, and fatigue as well as some nausea and vertigo, the same symptoms I had with my last pregnancy before a missed period. I could have sworn it was a light positive and after posting on here, it received almost all positive votes as well, so i was pretty convinced but wanted a more definitive result before getting a blood test done (due to me switching jobs, I currently am without insurance and can't/don't want to pay out of pocket for a blood test if it's just going to be negative anyway).

Well, I tested again yesterday, the first day of my missed period, in hopes of getting a darker positive, and got a BFN!!!! First morning urine and all!! Thought it may have been a false negative so I tested again this morning and... another BFN! So now I'm thinking.... What the heck! I still have no signs whatsoever of AF starting, which is unusual because, again, I am usually like clockwork. I've also started having sore boobs/nipples and having white, creamy CM (sorry if that's TMI), which I've never had other than when I was pregnant.

I want to test first thing every day when I wake up but 1.) That is a waste of money, and 2.) My fiance already thinks I'm crazy enough as it is. I just can't shake the feeling that I'm pregnant again! Could my body still be regulating itself from the previous pregnancy? I don't think I have any cyst flare ups going on as of now and it's so not like me to be late. I can't stand the anticipation. Has anyone else been 16dpo and still been pregnant? Or am I just nuts?

Sorry for the long post and thank you in advance for any tips/advice/personal stories!

1 Reply • 7 years ago



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Whoops, I meant to say, "has anyone else had negatives at 16dpo and still been pregnant?"

Sorry for the confusion!

7 years ago • Post starter

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