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4 dpo and feeling insane

Hello all, I'm new to this forum and new to TTC.

I've always thought that other ladies were hysteric when asking "could I pregnant???" after 1 week. I always thought "seriously, get a grip - just wait for AF for one more week and you will know for sure, why bother now? It's NOT that big of a deal" And then I got there myself, first month in and I had EVERY symptom of pregnancy. Sore boobs for 10 days, extreme mood swings, cramping, bleeding gums, nausea. Never had any of those problems/symptoms before, so of course I started thinking "could I be.."? Battling myself back and forth in order to stay objective, and after numerous HPTs with BFN I finally got AF. I decided that next month - I am NOT gonna pay attention to all the symptoms, because evidently my body now has decided to torture me with 2 full weeks of extreme PMS every month and the symptoms are equal to pregnancy. No point in worrying, I will not think about it until AFs due or late.

I was able to stick with this plan all the way to 1dpo (wow..), and HERE WE GO AGAIN, my boobs are even worse than last month, and I seem unable to convince myself that this is just pms - again. Could I be, could I be, could I be?? 4 or 5 dpo now and I am not sure how I am going to survive for minimum 10 days without knowing the answer. Why am I sooooo obsessed with this? Why can't I be like many others who doesn't even think about it - they just happen to figure it out while already 2 months pregnant.

Anyone else been in this crazy state of mind?

10 Replies • 7 years ago



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Hey there Smurfeline! I know exactly what you mean. This is month 4 for me, TTC #1. I'm also 4 or 5dpo. Everytime I cross my arms and feel breast pain, I think, is it?? Because I'm 37, I saw a fertility specialist last week and I got to ask the question that's been bugging me. If I'm ovulating (use of opk) and we're having lots of sex before this time, so that egg and sperm are present, WHY isn't it working? The answer was simply that everything has to be pretty much perfect for it to happen. A good egg, a good sperm and a kind uterine wall! Pretty straight forward, but frustrating at the same time.
I am with you in that crazy state of mind. But the bfns the past 2 months have been much easier to deal with. Same with symptom spotting - I've given up trying to analyse my cm.
Hopefully this month is both our lucky month!

7 years ago

Thank you Maxthecat for your reply, it is good to know I'm not the only one! This will be a long wait, but perhaps we can keep eachother company for the next weeks? I am 35, so we are both in the age where we are no longer at the top of our fertility.

CM and position of things in there are the only things I haven't started checking, hopefully I will be able to stay away from this, I am crazy enough already. hahaha.

I do hope this is your month!! Please keep me posted. :)

7 years ago • Post starter

Hey Smurfline! How you going? Sorry it's taken me a while to reply - I've been trying to fill my days up with work!
So we're both either 8 or 9dpo today. How are you coping? Over the past few cycles, I've tested on these days, but this time, I am going to wait. The next hpt result I will see is a bfp!
Have you had any symptoms? I've had really bad integestion for the past few days and when I brushed my teeth last night, my gums bled a little. Google tells me these can be 'signs,' but I'm trying not to read too much into it.
After my speciallist appoinment last week, I'm booked in to have a 'tubal potency' test on 28 October. That's just to check that my tubes aren't blocked and everything is ok. I'm holding off putting in an application to take the day off work just in case I don't need to. Wishful thinking, but I guess you've got to have hope!
Let me know how you're coping!
Take care!! :)

7 years ago

Hi Maxthecat!

So nice to hear from you again! :) Yes, 8 or 9 dpo - and totally unable to get it off my mind. Bbs has gone from sore to supersore, and sometimes I even get this burning sensation. In addition, some lower back pain and tiny cramps in my lower abdomen. I've never had back problems before, but it could just be PMS. The cramps may always have been there, just gone by unnoticed.

I envy you your ability to keep your mind off it, I am absolutely hopeless. Nowadays I take tests everyday. I know it will turn out BFN but I have to do it anyways. It probably sounds a bit strange and obsessive, but my mind seems to calm down when I know there is nothing more I can do today to figure out whether I'm prego or not. As long as I haven't taken the test, I spend the rest of the day wondering what the results would have been if I took the test this morning.

I must say it is pretty annoying that my pms suddenly decided to go maniac starting the same month I got off the paragard. I don't think I'd been so obsessive with pregnancy if my body just stayed with the ordinary pms-symptoms I'm used to.

How long are you going to wait for your HPT? And when do you expect AF? Yes, let's hope you get BFP long before your tubal test.

7 years ago • Post starter

Hey Smurfeline! How you coping? Tell me you've seen that mystical second line!! The only time I see it, is when I daydream just before I fall asleep. . . .

I think it's a great sign that your BB are sore! From everything I've read, that seems to be the sure-fire sign!
I'm holding off until one day after AF is due to test - that is on the 20th, assuming that she doesn't turn up early, like she did last month! When are you due?

I was exactly like you - testing everyday from about 6dpo. but after the second month ttc, it just got me down. But if you are testing everyday, you've got the cheapies, yeah? Man, weddings and babies are huge money spinners! Lol!

Hope to hear some GREAT news from you soon. . .

Take care!!

7 years ago

Hi again,

Well, 11 or 12 dpo now, and still BFNs. :(

I still have sore bbs and I have some strange twinges in lower abdomen. Yesterday I was superbloated, and it seems to continue today. But it could certainly just be something I ate. I do not have any of the other symptoms everybody seems to have; no nausea, no food aversions, no extreme sense of smell, no implementation bleeding, no increased cm. Pretty sure I'm out this month, as over 80% gets BFPs by now. AF is due 19th or 20th, so I will know for sure pretty soon. :)

I also read a looot about bbs being the first sign, but now I've also read a lot of posts that claims it is the other way around, sore bbs before AF is due is normally PMS-symptoms, not prego symptoms. But as with every other symptom in 2ww, you can never be sure.

Not so cheap tests this month, I use a local brand (I'm Norwegian), which costs about 10USD per item. The hcg-level on these are 15mlu. If I'm out this month I will buy som cheap internet-tests instead (about 1-2USD per item, and has 10mlu), then I can obsess as much as I want. Hahaha. :)

I cross my fingers for your test!! Have you had any new symptoms?

7 years ago • Post starter

Hey there!

How are you going? Any GREAT news? I caved in last night and did an internet cheapie test, given no AF yet - just bad cramps on Monday, then some light brown gunk and that's it. But, it was a bfn.

My partner said not to test again until Saturday, with a proper hpt. But this is frustrating! My tubal next is next Thursday - it has to be after AF. But if AF doesn't start until Saturday, then I'm pretty sure I won't be able to do the test! Of all the months to go haywire!

I definitely do not feel pregnant - no symptoms. I am really begining to disassociate myself and give up. Yes, it's only been 4 months, but this is so mentally draining. I've even put off organising and booking holidays, thinking that I'd be heavily pregnant! Surely it was not meant to be this difficult! Lol!

7 years ago

Hi Maxthecat!

Well, had a couple of rough days with all the bfn's. Went to the irrational state of mind where "everybody but me gets pregnant, I will never have a baby, bla bla bla, cry cry, my body doesn't work, bla bla". Afterwards I've gone back to normal set of mind where I think "ah, well - next month perhaps". 14 DPO and AF due today, feels like she's coming right on time.

My partner is also waaaaay to relaxed about it. Partners doesn't get this. They really don't understand why we are so "hysteric". That is why we have these forums, where people (women) understand us. :)

In my opinion; If you feel the need to test, then test. Twice a day if necessary. :)

7 years ago • Post starter

Lol! Love your attitude.

Sad to say I'm out this month. My beautiful dream of announcing my pregnancy to the world (well, family) at Christmas lunch is gone. . . AF arrived last night.

However, the silver lining is that because AF was a tad late, that means we can try next month. My test is on the 27th and ovulation is due to occur on the 31st. So at least that's something!!

I completely get what you mean about feeling that your body doesn't work. I'm just petrified that I've got no good eggs left. That's why I didn't want to wait the full 6 months before seeing a specialist.

My fingers are so crossed for you. Let me know either way!

7 years ago

AF arrived yesterday, so I'm out this month too. Better luck to both of us next month. :)

7 years ago • Post starter

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