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9dpo where's my symptom spotters at?

Currently 9dpo and have been feeling slightly "off" this cycle. Which is a good thing of course. My symptoms are as follows

1dpo- O spotting EWCM
2dpo-migraine watery CM
3dpo-Creamy CM
4dpo-lots of creamy CM
5dpo-6dpo less creamy CM
7dpo-lots of cramps, pulling lower belly around hip bone, felt like I was getting the flu, felt run down, tired, diarrhea less creamy CM
8dpo-awful taste in mouth, metallic, pressure in belly creamy CM
9dpo-lightheaded, dull pressure in belly, breasts starting to get tender light creamy CM

So, that's my story... What's yours? Who's with me?

12 Replies • 9 years ago



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Replies (sorted by hugs)

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Ive also felt off this month. Pregnant or not, something is going on in me

1-4dpo watery cm
2-6dpo stabbing pain in pelvic, lower back/hip and shoulder all on right side. Cloudy and frequent peeing, irritable.
Im always tired n gassy, so I cant say if its intense or not. And im a stress eater, so dont know if thats y im eating more or not either.

9 years ago

Have you been stressed? Besides the TWW bc we all know how stressful that is! Lol

9 years ago • Post starter

Yeah at work....

So the curiosity got the best of me....n I took a test 7dpo neg. I guess I was hoping I ovulated earlier, giving me a better chance of being pregnant. Guess not.

9 years ago

Don't get discouraged, it's too early. Earlier O is always nice, bc there's always that chance of getting a surprise BFP. but, try to remain cool and remember stress is no good for our bodies and our possible bundles of joy. Take a deep breath and remember that "this too shall pass". That saying has always helped me calm down and relax. :)

9 years ago • Post starter

possible new symptom

7dpo gums bleeding while brushing teeth

have u gotten any new signs/symptoms?

a lot of my symptoms have been going away :-/ not a good thing for me.

9 years ago

Yes, today was the first day I kind of felt queasy. It would come and go. About 2 hours after I was up it passed. But my left breast is killing me!! Both hurt, but the left is intense! Bleeding gums are a good sign!! Don't get discouraged if they seem to fade away. It's just the body reacting & responding to new hormones.

9 years ago • Post starter

Im excited for u...when r u gonna test? I honestly feel, if u dont have boob pain, ure not pregnant.

9 years ago

I had every symptom under the sun last cycle, this time I feel fine, had slight nausea when I woke other than that I. Av lotion white like cm. I had sore nipples and tender breasts lasts cycle so Im hoping as I dnt have them yet then maybe its a good sign, because I was reading my ttc journals from a pregnant cycle an I wrote.that I had no sore boobs which I always get around a week b4 af.

Ps sorry for the random full stops my :)

9 years ago

Kitten-I'm holding out until Saturday when AF is due! I'm trying to be strong this time around. What about you?

9 years ago • Post starter

Zelda-I've read that online as well, that lack of symptoms led up to + HPT. I keep thinking I should have more symptoms, but then I bring myself back to reality & remember that I'm 11dpo! It's hard not to think about it. Had some queasy waves yesterday morning, that made me stop & go "hmm" this morning CP is super soft. I almost couldn't find it. It was like it became one with my vagina. Have you ever heard about that? I'm usually hard and low. What kind of symptoms are you having?

9 years ago • Post starter

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