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New - PCOS & Hypothyroid

Hi everyone,

I'm new to the site and so far think it's great! My husband and I have decided to start TTC and it's likely to be a long, long journey. I have PCOS & Autoimmune Thyroid/Hypothyroidism. Since going off of birth control in March for something unrelated to TTC, I have only had 3 cycles and ovulated twice. It's the first time I can remember ever ovulating so it's definitely a very different experience. Eventually I'm going to ask my Endocrinologist for clomid or something to help, but Hubby and I wanted to see if we could conceive by ourselves first.

This is the 2nd cycle we've tried and all of the symptoms are very confusing because I had a ton during my first ovulation, and this one is very similar but also have new symptoms. I don't know what to contribute to ovulation and what to contribute to increased symptoms from PCOS, Thyroid or IBS due to the higher level of progesterone. I very much doubt I'm preggers but would be very happy if so!

Is anyone else in the same boat with PCOS & Autoimmune Thyroid? Any advice?

3 Replies • 13 years ago



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Replies (sorted by informative)

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I don't have your conditions, but I do have Crohn's Disease. This disease causes a lot of abdominal pain, IBS symptoms, and aching joints. It is sometimes hard for me to tell the difference between what are Crohn's symptoms and what are ovulation or pregnancy symptoms. So, I can kind of relate. Try getting a OPK kit. Also, tracking your symptoms for each cycle on this website really does help. It helps you know what is normal for your body each cycle. It is definitely possible to get pregnant on your own with PCOS. One of my best friends did! But, if you are having a hard time you should not hesitate going to a doctor. There is nothing wrong with getting some help with it. You might want to look up Vitex. It is an herb that is supposed to help with cycles and ovulation. Hope this information helps a bit!

*~* Rachel *~* Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers

13 years ago

I have hashimotos.. i found one of the best docs where i live and told her that i wanted to get preggo.. she told me that she would treat me aggressively and she did and a month and half later.. boom... i am pregnant..

User Image 5/26/10

13 years ago

I have an under active thiroid as well and have finaly gotten it under control. I completely understand what you are going through.Last cycle I had so many what I thought were signs that I was pregnant and I ended up not. I did know from the start that many of my symptoms are similar with feeling nausea tired cramping. This time I have no symptoms so I thonk I'm not pregnant again but I will keep my fingers crossed and hope I'm wrong.

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

13 years ago

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