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I'm currently 3DPO and absolutely hate the TWW! Was just wondering if there was anyone out there going through the same thing.

1111 Replies • 12 years ago



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Lizzy, I'm so sorry, honey! I'm sending you big ol' Texas hugs from San Antonio. It's okay to feel defeated and saddened. Don't feel guilty for that or think you are stupid for getting your hopes up. Take some time to regain your hope, do something special for yourself, and know that you have friends praying for you.

12 years ago

Thanks Girls!! I love you all!! :)

12 years ago

i'm so sorry to hear about that lizzy.. i have felt what you've gone through.. i was a week late last january and i thought we had it.. but the evil showed up.. just try not to think about it too much.. it really is depressing but i just tried to busy myself..

yup i've talked to my doctor about our situation.. DH will be leaving around last week of march.. we still have ample time to TTC around march 15-24 (fertile days) as per my OB.. so starting tonight i will be taking up clomid to help us with fertility.. hope it works..

how are you lily.. hope we could join you soon..

you are all in my prayers ladies.. God bless everyone..

to us all..

12 years ago

lizzy, still thinking and praying for you!

lhen, That is great hubby will be around for (fertile days) and hopefully clomid will help you this cycle...

Sometimes I feel I have to much agaisnt me for me to even have a baby or be a mother right now... but God can take care of all that... So I am just trying to be hopeful. Today I am just find it hard... I think it must be the gloomy weather we are having today... the lack of sunshine is not mixing well with my hormones or something? lol

12 years ago

same as you fluffmonkey i feel down at 6dpo but we must keep good or we put our body through the mill without adding more worry so keep happy were all wiv y

12 years ago

How is everyone doing?

12 years ago

Hey friends! Gearing up to ovulate in a few days!! How is everyone?

12 years ago

hello ladies.. im on my 3rd day of clomid.. a few days from now will be gearing up to ovulate too.. hope we could have it this time before DH leaves out of the country..

to all..

12 years ago

Glad to hear from you! It was getting quiet on here! Pulling for all my ladies!!! I'm ready to hear some symptoms from you ladies!!!

12 years ago • Post starter

bride, not to much longer to Ov , good luck!

lhen, I hope this your month, I am really pulling for you!! hopefully that clomid will help you this cycle.

Praying for you ladies!

I am getting ready for Ov too... atleast I should be (sometime) not using opk, or temping so want know for sure but from what Ive seen from other cycles this is my fertile week and ov should be soon. which is kinda tricky since hubby is working 2nd shift still...but hopefully we can get some time together ;)

12 years ago

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