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2016 IUI/IVF

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Ladies we've had some great news lately, let's keep it going! This is for everyone starting out for their first or trying again! Best wishes to everyone and loads of baby dust!

540 Replies • 8 years ago



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Woohoo :-) good luck these next two weeks, praying you get your BFP!

7 years ago

Good luck on your 2WW. I just got back from the dr..... follicles # increased from 2 to 6 today. She said I sm responding good and still early so some other can catch up. I am on CD8 5 days of stims. Anyone else doing an IVF cycle?

7 years ago

Ma espe what were the follicle sizes? What protocol are you doing?

7 years ago

I have a 10, 11, 11, 12, 14 and 16. There were some more but still under 10. I am doing a short protocol. First IVF cycle. Have to go back on Wed .

7 years ago

Sounds like your doing well. I'm guessing your using Ganirelix? My first was antagonist protocol which was short but ended up canceling due to lead follicles. Then my second was the microdose and third will be the same. Good luck!

7 years ago

I am using Puregon 159 and microdose..... and started Orgalutran already. Hope no need for second cycle as this one is government funded and probably can't afford it otherwise. Fingers crossed it doesn't have to get cancelled either. I hope 3rd one is the one for you!

7 years ago

Your folllicles are staying together, so sounds good so far. Mine that was cancelled was on day 8 of stims bc my 2 follicles were way out in front. I hope you don't need a second one either. I feel good about the third, just stay positive:-)

7 years ago

Hi everyone,

Had my first IUI with Gonal F injections eight days ago - did the trigger Friday night and they brought me in 36 hours later on Sunday the 30th. Not much to report in way of symptoms except for a stabbing pain on left side this morning. I'm not getting my hopes up however because I know these things take a few times to work, usually.
Good luck to everyone this month!

7 years ago

I still had a positive opk this morning. But not as positive as yesterday mornings. I'm still freaking out wondering if the iui was timed right. this is stressful. I need someone to ease my mind. at least I got my crocheting to help keep me occupied for these 2-weeks

I can't even rely on my bbt temps this cycle as they have been all over the place. I have cold/cough temps this cycle are all outta whack. :(

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7 years ago

Trying- hang in there. I always questioned timing as well but if you used fresh sperm it lives longer than frozen so hopefully still catches the egg :-) good luck and I know it's easier said than done but try to stay occupied.

7 years ago

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