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Bleeding during ?Pregnancy?

I wanted to pass along a website article that I had found that helped me understand some bleeding during pregnancy concerns..

At this point, I haven't gotten a BFP :'-( and instead got a "period" (although I also had a period with our first pregnancy).

My husband and I were very active in TTC last month and I immediately got a surplus of symptoms that were very similar to my first pregnancy (motion sickness being the key element).

So of course when AF came, I was confused, devastated, bewildered... HOW am I NOT pregnant?

Then, of course, I started questioning how did I have a period with my first pregnancy... Which led me to this...

All in all, I am Praying HARD to GOD that this is going to imitate our first pregnancy and that I'll get a BFP soon.....(PRAYING)...

But, in the meantime, maybe somebody else could use some guidance from the article....

#BABYDUST to us All!

1 Reply • 10 years ago



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What color was your period when you were pregnant with your child? You can't have a period and be pregnant. You can have brown/pink spotting while pregnant and it be nothing and you can have break through bleeding which break through bleeding is like you had a small tear in the placenta which sometimes can be fatal but other times everything is fine. The actual meaning of period though is your uterus shedding it's lining which if you are pregnant and your body sheds it's uterus lining it's not a viable pregnancy/ chemical pregnancy/miscarriage. Best of luck though maybe it's just break through bleeding take another hpt after you stop bleeding or spotting and take it with first morning urine.

10 years ago

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