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ovulation day!

Hey everyone :) I'm pretty sure today is the big O. Been using clearblue advanced digital OPK and this is my 2nd day of solid smiley. I had ew cm 2 days ago and been having mild cramping today (normal on O day). Anybody right here with me? We have been BDing almost every day since last week, including last night and plan to tonight. This is only our 3rd month but we are extremely hopeful this is the one. This is also our first month using OPKs and REALLY trying. Praying every day for my little baby. Would love to hear from some of you as I'm new to this site.

2 Replies • 10 years ago



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Hi there, you sound just like us. We've also been trying for about 3months and April as the first month of using an OPK as I was unsure I was even ovulating. After 4days of assuming ovulation but nothing, we got a strong smiley face on day 15 of my cycle. Now 6DPO and had a few cramps and feeling sick afterwards but now seem to be ok. Had an increase in appetite and drinking lots of water. Plus feeling bloated and gassy a lot of the time. Maybe I'm just hopeful so want to be positive about it all even if nothing happens this month. But all I want to do is stop stressing about it. I don't really worry too much if it doesn't happen now as it will happen eventually but I don't know how to stop looking at tons of websites about conceiving and ovulation, signs and symptoms etc. I just wanna let it happen but my brain won't switch off. I have heaps of other things in life to stress about and don't want to add this to that list. I do find that the hope of conceiving makes me happy. What do you do?

10 years ago

I know all too well of what you're talking about. I used to be the exact same way. I googled every single little thing my body did and tried to associate it with early pregnancy. I scared myself by looking up infertility causes and I made myself crazy by reading all the TTC success stories. It would all lead up to a BFN followed by AF and I just got to the point where I realized I cannot wish my pregnancy into existence. I cannot mentally force his sperm to reach my egg and fertilize it. All the wishing, obsessing, and stressing in the world will not make me pregnant. This is something that we ultimately cannot control. We can do all we can to help things along but God has the final say. Now, I'm not sure of your faith or what you believe, but I feel very strongly that if we just put our trust in the Lord, He wont ever let us down. So I do what u have to for my fertile week (and the week before, just in case) and then I just go about my life the best I can. It definitely does not hurt to plan for your pregnancy and baby during the 2 WW, but just try not to get stuck on being pregnant "right now". It WILL happen. This is what we are made for. Enjoy your husband and the time before pregnancy! Because soon it will be a distant memory :)

10 years ago • Post starter

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