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9dpo .... 3 days of positive opks..neg hpt


i am 9dpo today and for 3 days i have gotten a solid smiley on my cbd.

but i am still getting negative hpt.

i also have been having alot of ewcm and watery cm!?!?!? please some one tell me you have had these syptoms and gotten a bfp.


6 Replies • 10 years ago



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Replies (sorted by informative)

1 - 6 of 6 Replies

Hi there. How did you confirm ovulation? You could be ovulating later than you thought. Even women with a typically regular cycle can have an off one in which they don't ovulate when they expect to. Are you temping? I hope you are having lots of sex in case it is ovulation coming up :)

10 years ago

i have PCOS so my cycles range between 28-32 days

i confirmed ovulation with the cbd , which i got a solid smile 2 mondays ago, then my CM still was there and was progressively changed from lotion like to ew now there is just alot of it , almost feels like i wet myself...

i have read online that these are all good signs.

i also have been temping every day and my average temp is 98.4-98.8
but since ovulation it has been between 99.0-99.7

i also have been getting more headaches.

we have been having lots of sex because we do not want to miss anything.

i also have been on metformin for 2 months and am on month 8 of fertibella.

10 years ago • Post starter

It's normal for many women to continue getting positive OPKs till their period is underway. Opks are NOT a reliable pregnancy test! however if you were to be pregnant then your Opks may never fade.

10 years ago

im pregnant!!!!!!!!

wonderful news! i am 6 weeks

10 years ago • Post starter

Congrats congrats!!!!!

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10 years ago

Fantastic!!! So am I :) We will be 5 weeks along tomorrow. I also have PCOS and my husband has sperm issues so we are amazed! How far along ar you? We are avoiding medical people at the moment so noone except us (and strangers) knows yet. Last time I was pregnant we miscarried at 10 weeks and it was so stressful. This time I jsut don't want to know anything until such point as we could be more sure of our progress. More relaxed = better pregnancy outcome surely?

10 years ago

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