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Should I give up hope at 10 days late for AF with only BFN's

DH & I have been TTC for 4 years, we always take a little break from OPK's and such over the holidays, so I wasn't back to my usual standards of info in January, as we were just having fun.

A little over a week ago I realized it had been a while since AF had shown herself, I checked my fertilityfriend charts and saw she was due the next day but didn't show. I waited a few days and when she still didn't show I tested, BFN. I have been having some symptoms, fatigue, sensitive nipples, excessive cm (TMI but I kept thinking AF showed up or I had wet myself!) Last friday night/saturday morning I couldn't sleep because the bones in my legs hurt suddenly, and next thing I knew I was sick like I had food poisoning! (DH ate all the same things as me, and has been fine?) so I tested when I gave up and got out of bed Saturday morning and BFN.

More and more weird symptoms keep cropping up that I have never experienced before at even my most delusional TTC moments (My mouth tastes like I've been sucking on keys or pennies. My areolas look like they went to the beach without me and got a wicked tan, aside from the think blue veins showing through, etc). And I have never ever been this late, even at my most hopeful months of TTC I never made it past 1-3 days late. I have been doing my best to keep calm so AF will show if I'm not preggers, but I am losing patience.

I have been tested for PCOS and all that, so it's not like I have a cyst or anything causing a skipped period. I have been reading all over the internet that it's possible for the Hcg to just be running low and to test again later, but this is starting to wear on me emotionally. I know I'm not technically out until AF shows up, but I am so annoyed that if this is my BFP finally....i am missing the first weeks of being able to be excited and all that.

Any input would be appreciated, but please be kind to my sensitive state. I feel silly that I don't have all my usual stats to provide, but wouldn't it just figure that I get my most promising symptoms after a break from actively TTC! lol

5 Replies • 10 years ago



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If your getting neg's u prob arnt pregnant and its related to something else going on. That said...with your symptoms i would get a blood draw and check yr hcg levels. My gf knew she was pregnant and got pos's at home but the dr kept telling her she wasnt preg because the inhouse preg tests were neg. Finally at 5wks she came up pos, so it is poss to test neg and still be preg. I wish u the best! :)

10 years ago

I am feeling the exact same way! 8, almost 9 days late now! I'm thinking of retesting somewhere between 12-14 days late. I've gotten what look like a couple faint positives at 19 and 21dpo but I couldn't see them with the naked eye I just realized it when I put them on here and inverted the pics...

10 years ago

@Jenna - Thanks! I am considering getting a blood test soon, I figure if I miss a second AF and haven't gotten a positive test I will. My family has a history of not being able to get positives at home, my aunt had to have all 4 of her pregnancies confirmed by blood test, she kept doing poas tests for the heck of it and didn't get a positive until she was at least 12 weeks each time.

@Kitten - I see what you mean about the faint positive on the inverted image a few days ago. Are you still having symptoms? no af? Maybe we're waiting buddies :) I am trying to decide when to take the next poas test...those BFN's really hurt but I want to see a BFP so bad! I might try to wait until Monday 2/24 before testing again, I'll be well over two weeks late then so if no AF and no BFP I'll probably be trying to schedule an appointment to see the doc! I wish you the best too :))

10 years ago • Post starter

Mini update -
Still no AF. Last night I read about the "hook effect" for the first time and got my hopes up.
I got so excited to test out the "hook effect" theory last night I was going to try it out with a few of my internet cheapy tests, and after rifling through all of the places I keep tests I realized I'm out of them!

DH and I resisted the urge to make a midnight trip to the store and waited to go to Dollar Tree today, and they are totally out of pregnancy tests! So we went to the Big Lots across the street and they were totally out too!


We also tried a drug store but their tests were even more expensive than the FRER 6Day ones I got at walmart the other day, so I decided against buying more. If I'm going to try and test out this "hook effect" theory then I'd like to have 2-3 cheaper tests to try a sample at different diluted levels with.

Now I'm all worked up an excited about testing, but don't want to waste one of the 2 pricier FRER's I still have on a diluted sample or testing too early again.

What do you guys think I should do?

10 years ago • Post starter

Well, at 12+ days late, what I am assuming is AF showed up suddenly yesterday. It doesn't feel like a normal AF, but I dunno. Definitely heavy enough that I know I am not pregnant anymore if I was...there have been some stabbing cramps and I've been feeling the symptoms I had been experiencing back off slowly (rather than disappear completely like my "imaginary" symptoms in the past have)

I don't really know how to categorize this....late AF? Chemical preg? Miscarriage?.....I considered testing with the FRER's when AF showed, but decided that if I was definitely pregnant then perhaps I'm better off not knowing for sure.

10 years ago • Post starter

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