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Anyone else ttc for more than 6 months????

I'm 33 dh is 35 we have been ttc for 9 months now. I never thought it would be this difficult, or this emotional. I appreciate every bit of support and encouragement from all women tic, but only women who have been going through it for more than six months can understand on a deeper level the emotional rollercoaster I feel. I am always hopeful, but its getting harder. I would love to hear how others cope with it as well. Thanks and baby dust to all!!!!

39 Replies • 10 years ago



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Yes we have been trying for two years and one month now. It is a terribly hard roller coaster. We had a miscarriage early last year too, so we go through all the might-have-beens as well. I like the way you put it "always hopeful" but yes, it does get harder and harder. I had a really really bad patch round christmas time as my latest cycle began christmas day. The worst time of all. I started to get depressed, and I am usually pretty good at getting myself out of such bad head spaces. What really helped was talking it out thoroughly with a couple of people. One was the fertility specialist, and one was a really close friend. i have also now lined up a fertility counselor in case I get into that really bad way again. The other thing I am really working hard on is trying not to worry about it too much. I know that sound soooo unrealisitic, especially when you want it so bad, but I am trying to be logical and make myself realise that there is nothing more we can do to help the situation and therefore while waiting to not stress about it. That gets harder towards the end of a cycle (I am 12dpo today with my period due in 4 days) but I am doing much better than this time last cycle, that's for sure!!!

10 years ago

Hi I am in my 7th month ttc #1 it is very emotional and very hard not to get stressed out about it all. I had a night out last night with my girlfriends and I have decided to not drink alcohol and one if them just wouldn't let it drop that I wasn't drinking they know that I am trying but she just kept going on and on it was really getting to me. I am also trying to loose weight and be healthy. I have also started to track my bbt this cycle.

10 years ago

I am 31 and my husband is 33 and we have been TTC for about 10 months far. We had a chemical pregnancy two cycles ago and that was hard to deal with. I have done three rounds of clomid and if this cycle isn't successful, we are on to the next step. It is definitely hard but I have found it is important to stay positive and it will all be worth it in the end. I know with my chemical pregnancy I didn't get a BFP until after AF was late . I am now 11 DPO right now and got a BFN this morning. It is stressful, but these sites help to find comfort.

10 years ago

I have also been trying to lose some weight, I know that can help. I have been using weight watchers online and I really like it.
We might start clomid next month if we have no success this month. Did you have any side effects? I'm nervous about those.

10 years ago • Post starter

I luckily did not have any side effects, I don't think they are super common. The only thing I noticed is that it may make you a little bloated and hungry. But your ovulation will come on fast. I was getting a positive opk in the morning and ovulated the same day. I am not sure if that is common but keep an eye out for that.

10 years ago

I am 32 and DH is almost 33 and we have been TTC for 8 years now with one loss... I wish you all luck, and tons of

I hope and pray that this is our year!

User Image Married to my DH since August 2006 TTC baby #1 since August 2006 Miscarriage - October 2006 I want my Here's to and !

10 years ago

molldoll411 I didn't find the side effects from clomid too bad. I have had 6 cycles of it now, the last two on 100mg. I found that starting from a day or two after the first dose I get hot flashes, usually during the night. Then before ovulation I get agonising cramping which can last for days. But, it is bearable and certainly no worse than anything from IVF! I also found that OPKs were a bit unreliable. Some cycles I have had no positives while using clomid.

I found out yesterday that this cycle was unsuccessful. Started spotting and today my temperature plummeted. AF should arrive tomorrow based on my usual LP. I have three more cycles of clomid then we got on the IVF waiting list. Of course I would prefer to be pregnant!!!

10 years ago

This is my 19th cycle TTC. Finally went to an RE so I'm trying Clomid for the first time this month. I hope it works because the side effects are killing me!

10 years ago

Matrixx I'm on my 10th month and I think we are going to try cloud next cycle if this month doesn't work out. I'm worried about side effects, especially because I have such a stressful job without adding to it.

10 years ago • Post starter

Yeah, I don't know. This is the first time I've tried it, and I'm on 100mg, but so far I've had headaches, hot flashes, and bouts of ridiculous sadness. Like I almost cried because the dog wouldn't sit when I told him to. I guess right now I'm just hoping it works this month so I don't ever have to take it again.

10 years ago

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