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Utter OPK Confusion!!

Hey ladies!! Been having an issue, hoping someone can help :/
Currently ttc #1 and have been taking OPKs. Started off using the Answer brand strips but they just seemed soo confusing so i went and got the clearblue difital w the :) .
On the 31st and 1st, got a :) at all hours (tested like 3 times during the day) and had + answer strips. I got no smiley face on the 2nd, but still +answer.

It is now the 7th, anf im STILL getting + answer results but no :)!!
I got 2 :) last nite and the nite before but i think they were a false + cus when i retested in the am, :) gone. When i tested on the 31st abd 1st, the :) never went away.

I know i should stop testing, but my cycle was very late last month and im afeaid of missing ovulation again. Have been getting little twinges in my sides,but no crampa or anything else.

Any advise?? I can post a pic of all of them soon!! Just soo confused and wanna cath this egg this time!!


1 Reply • 10 years ago



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Replies (sorted by likes)

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OPKs can be annoying. I have trouble getting positives at all! I use them as a backup but rely mostly on cervical mucus to tell me when I am fertile, and BBT to tell me when I have ovulated. You are most likely to have ovulated the day after your first positive (the first) but I suggest if you are unsure then keep BDing every couple of days if you can for another little while. It certainly won't hurt and if it means you don't miss ovulation then that would be good.

10 years ago

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