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Lots of Baby Dust for SEPTEMBER 2014 Babies!

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Time to start a September board. Welcome, and baby dust to all!

TTC #1 since November 2012, Diagnosed with MTHFR (C677T - heterozygous) 7/14Missed MC and D&C: 4/8/13 just shy of 11 weeks <img src=

659 Replies • 10 years ago



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Rebecca i live in northern va. Prince william county. Manassas.
Heck yeah please let me know next time u guys come up!!!
Fredericksburg is only 40 minutes away.

DD's 5 and 6 missed miscarriage - angel baby may/2013 chemical pregnancy - november/2013 TTC#3 Me:38 DH: 56

10 years ago

Feeling so sucky today.. Puked out my breakfast ( a piece of banana choc bread) feeling so sick right now. Dog barking for abt 20mins to the air for no reason? DH was surprised witch is here- he said: I sure had full loads on n I'm surprised to see that you are having menses. ( rolled my eyes on him) had great chat over breakfast bt I was mainly day dreaming staring in the blank than DH felt I was too quiet asked if I was unwell. I wasn't. Just tired and getting to terms that witch is here.
After DH left, while taking a shower preparing to start my day, the awful feeling came and started to throw up. ( sorry tmi!) it was gross... Suddenly, I m worried. Like super worried...

The symptoms seems alike to EP previous... Only no constipation this time. I know it's silly, I didn't do hpt the other time. I'm gg to hold urine for 4 hours and test. For peace of mind and check the flow of period. It seems normal to me. Then again it seemed normal years back. I never throw up during period as far as I can remember except for that...

Waiting for DH to reply if he feels awful after the breakfast as we ate the same bread.

Anyone can help me?

Note- last EP I had 3 cycles of "menses" n was diagnosed as stomach flu for those symptoms.

Koti, cristi, blushing,gv, archi,and all... Anyone? Gynae is not available and I want to stop wasting unnecessary money to see him too. He felt that I'm overly paranoid. :(

I'm like bursting out crying!

DH has a very impt meet with the local authority on some projects, I dun wan to call him on this. Moreover, it could be me over think . Just probably stomach disagree with the bread. Even though I had 2 of them last afternoon.

xoxo, Sugar

10 years ago

Sugar: You really need to go get checked if you think it might be something else other than AF, Im sorry you sicked your bread up this morning :(

Samantha,: Are we cycle buddies then? 10DPO today, could be AF any time up to Saturday then I know ive missed *fingers crossed*

Feeling pretty knackered after a very sleepless night, thought I was going to be sick and my boobs hurt something terrible if I lay on my left side. (normal sleeping side) So turned onto my right side and my hips were aching so bad it almost made me cry. That and the bf was snoring in my face, the dog wouldn't give me any of the cover/ bed space back near my legs, and the UK is going thru some bad storms at the moment so the wind didn't help!!

Anyone else having trouble getting their head to shut down for the night despite being absolutely exhausted!? No AF yet for me

Check in later, its nice to finally have someone to talk to! (Bf hates me going on this website and I feel silly when I try to check, so before work at 5am is a good time ;) )

and to all xx

Me(25)&BF(38) Together Since- 6th July 2010 TCC Since July2013 User Image User Image

10 years ago

Hi all! AF is 6 days late, and I'm on 19 DPO today - still haven't tested yet! Only just got home from a wee trip 2 days ago - went to get one at the supermarket but Murphys law was that there was a group of people standing having a chat in front of them! Rather than be a tad rude I just left without it. Will test in the next couple of days.

Have the mental battle of I am/am not - I'm sure you all know the drill!

Have been dutifully listing my symptoms and have been able to tick so many boxes - however I do wonder how many are in my head! At the moment I have sore boobs on the sides, sore nips, and dull cramps on/off which keeps making me think AF is coming - but no sign! Don't have my usual pre-AF skin breakout either!

to the s , and commiserations to those who have had AF arrive - fingers crossed we all get the s we deserve soon!

Sorry theres too many posts to read back on - will try and keep up! Had to get rid of my ticker cos it shows a day behind for me (I live in New Zealand) plus now its ticked over to my new cycle which of course hasn't happened yet!

Fingers crossed for some s soon!!

TTC #1 with Hubby As of Jan 9th 2014 - found out we are expecting #1 User Image

10 years ago

Test sugar!
im praying that it is not ep! Since hope dies last i am kmfx for a healthy bfp!
If bfn, then we are all here together trying again!
as hard as it is, but know u are not alone!

DD's 5 and 6 missed miscarriage - angel baby may/2013 chemical pregnancy - november/2013 TTC#3 Me:38 DH: 56

10 years ago

Gv- tested , bfn.... And it's look more like regular flow... Yeah... Try again! This journey is quite long...let's work harder:)
Guessed I'm glad it's not EP.. Based on hpt... Will monitor the flow as well.. All the best to all of us trying ((hugs))

xoxo, Sugar

10 years ago

Sorry sugar :(

Floz: every night is a constant battle to get to sleep. I'll be up for hours and finally crash at 2 or 3 am. Doesn't do me any good since I have to be up at 6. Thankfully my kids have been visiting their grandparents all this past week and I have been able to sleep in till 8 or 9 and even 11 one day. The boys came back last night though so I know no more sleeping in for me. School starts back tomorrow for them anyway.

Im on Cycle Day 15 - OPK negative (faint test line just like CD13)

Is it normal to have only one day of a positive OPK (CD14)?
How do you know when you ovulate based on that?
Temps have been the same the past three mornings.

Truly think I'm out for the month since DH is too stressed out at work to BD. He is just too overwhelmed and can't think about doing the deed. At least we got one day for the month.

Having slight cramps on both sides (thinking it might be O pain) and have had an emptiness feeling (like I haven't eaten in a while that causes slight nausea).
Again, I always have these symptoms but the cramps are usually worse.
Maybe, just maybe this one day of BD will produce a sticky bean.

Praying for you all!!!!!
(Stay warm in this frigid weather)

April 30, 1998 - 8lbs. 11oz, 21 inches 9 week miscarriage - March 17, 2001 May 31, 2002 - 6lbs. 15oz, 20 inches October 2, 2003 - 7lbs. 3oz, 20 1/2 inches Praying for a EDD September 29, 2014 User Image

10 years ago

Sugar - I'm so sorry you're not feeling well, but I'm glad you don't have to worry about it being an EP. My 2nd pregnancy was an EP, and it was pretty scary. Keep your chin GV said, we're all here in it together! Praying for you.

Floz - I definitely have had periods of time where I can't shut my brain off and toss and turn for hours! I hate that. When it happens I usually get stuck in that pattern for a week or two, then have to just start forcing myself to go to bed earlier, without leaving the light on or the TV on. (My solution to my sleeplessness is usually to read or watch TV.) It might take me awhile, but once I fall asleep a little earlier the first time, I've broken the cycle and sleep better. Hope you can!

Mrs. Tiddle - wow, NZ! That's cool. As a teen, I read numerous books by a woman from NZ, and her descriptions of it always made me want to visit. And then the beautiful scenery in the Lord of the Rings movies really brought it all back. Maybe one day....

Hope you can get a test and it comes back with a BFP!

Afm - FF and CTP can't agree on my O date. One says 1/2, the other 1/3. I'm going with 1/2. So I'm 4dpo today. I'm glad we're back home and on our normal schedule - it'll keep me busy enough I won't stress the TWW so much. Teaching the kids will especially keep my mind occupied.

Hope everyone has a great start to their week.

User Image

10 years ago

Thank you everyone who replied to my question! I had a vivid dream last night that I POAS and it was a BFP...hopefully that comes true next week! I don't really have any symptoms today, don't feel overly warm like I did the past few days, so I guess I wait and see. If it doesn't happen this month, I'm REALLY hoping for next month (that would be my 6th month of TTC).

Who else is on their TWW? I'm currently CD20 and 8DPO, my cycle is usually right around 28 days, so I am due for AF around the 15th give or take a day. I plan to test the 17th if it doesn't show up by then. It's going to be a LONG two weeks!

User Image

10 years ago

I'm also on cd20 not really sure when I ovulated though. Usually it happens around cd15 but I didn't take any tests until later. I haven't really tracked this cycle. AF should start the 15th or 16th so I'm just gonna wait it out. Maybe it's a good sign that I'm more laid back this time around.

10 years ago

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