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Mid Month Madness!

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Welcome :) this a group dedicated to those who test around the middle of the month!

32yrs old DH 36 TTC #1 TTC since Oct 2011 - diagnosed anovulatory Feb 2013 6th cycle clomiphene Party trick - mood swings par excellence! Located: Palmerston North, NZ User Image

1172 Replies • 10 years ago



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Congrats on the new house, Makiet! Moving is such a pain, but worth it in the end. And very exciting!

32 years old and BF is 37 TTC #1 Mom to 2 fur kids TTC since June 2013 Diagnosed with perimenopause Location: Colorado, USA

10 years ago

Eek Divact. Have you been over-analysing with Dr Google after that? Anything different for you might be good. You still have a while to test though! Must be driving you crazy with all those ics just sitting there, screaming to be used. did that help ease your urge to test?

So sorry about Big Red Makiet. At least you have a lot of good distractions right now! Hopefully the baby will come after the house is settled... if you build it they will come right? Wendy, is there an equivalent Maori saying?

I'm still waiting to O ... seriously. Based on my opk and fm stick I think I might surge tomorrow. Hope I haven't missed it. We actually did it again yesterday. Dh was feeling better. And the moon must have been in the right phase. And the lighting just right. I swear sometimes he needs everything in perfect alignment. Btw Bindy my dh would never Actually go for the floor thing. He'd just complain about his old knees and it will be like The Bathtub Incident all over again. Maybe I should get him knee pads.

So anyway that's two rootaroos (I just made that word up) so far this cycle. Is it enough? We're going to try and do it again tomorrow now dh is in the right frame of mind. Still think my chances are slim this cycle.

Bindy it still might be a little early for a bfp. That would be so shite (as the Irish say) to get stuck with that on the plane. Silver lining is at least you don't have to move around much. And like Dogmom said you can get it over with and enjoy your holiday!

Come on people we need some bfps! I think I'm supposed to test around the 20th or something. So aaages. Need to live vicariously. Divact hope you're the Chosen One to be next. Although still think Dogmom and Bindy are in with a chance.

Me, 31, dh 34 TTC #1 since Feb 2013 I cp in May Ttc mantra: ICs do not count!

10 years ago

So impatient, are you a writer? If not, then you should be. You have such a way with words and each of your posts makes me laugh.

Glad to hear that your DH felt up to it yesterday. Hopefully you do O tomorrow! You should look into some floor cushions for him. Rootaroos is the perfect new term!

So, I'm trying to give myself some hope today despite my 90% accurate BFN test yesterday. I've been freezing cold since Sunday and a quick Google search revealed that it can be a common early symptom before a BFP. Also, I had half a glass of wine tonight while finishing some work and now I feel queasy and can't finish the rest of the glass. These are both new for me. I also feel like AF is about to arrive, so I'm ready to know one way or the other!

32 years old and BF is 37 TTC #1 Mom to 2 fur kids TTC since June 2013 Diagnosed with perimenopause Location: Colorado, USA

10 years ago

Sorry that your period came Makiet! Congrats on the house! maybe packing and moving will be a good distraction. (it was for me with DS...)

Oh wow Divact. That sounds promising! Maybe you can be the one to prove that implantation bleeding isn't a myth! . I would probably already be peeing on sticks if I were you .

I agree with Dogmom, so impatient. You really have a way with words! the 20th is still soooo far away!

Dogmom hope its not only Af symptoms. New symptoms might be a good sign!

Bindy have you tested again? Or when do you plan on testing again? Well done on the 2kgs . Should stay off, you are loosing it the healthy way.

I am laughing so much at myself today. woke up this morning feeling very nauseous and it doesn't want to go away, swear my nipples are a different colour and i've got indigestion/heartburn. Please note that I have not finished my period completely. Still spotting. Crazy lady

10 years ago

Lol Autumn. I was like that last month. I had my period and yet during and after I was still convinced that I could possibly be pregnant. I even peed on a stick AFTER (I wish we had italics on here) my period. What can I say...? If you're nuts and you know it raise your hand!

Dogmom, I agree that so impatient should be a writer. She should at least have her own ttc blog.

Makiet, congrats on the house. How exciting! We are looking for a new place too, but so far no luck finding the perfect place to raise our child. :)

So impatient, this is a long one for you! At least it helped you to get in some badoiinkadoinkdoink before the big O (no, not orgasms ladies. Naughty minds!). I see no reason to think your chances are any slimmer than normal this month. 15-20% it is.

Well, doctor Google says that if you spot before your period, your more likely to not be pregnant than for it to be implantation. But the symptom over analyzer that I am, I have woken up with pretty sore bbs this morning. I did do arms at the gym two days ago though, so it could be that, but I swear it's the actual boob and not the muscle below.

I think I'll steal some plastic cups from work today so that I can start peeing on sticks tomorrow. Way too early. I know. BUT, IF I did implant yesterday at 6dpo, then. Test could possibly start working at 8dpo. I wish I were stronger and could just wait until my missed period. Hahaha. Never will happen.

10 years ago

Funny, my ticker is one day off because I wasn't sure which day exactly that I ovulated and put it a day later.... But it says one of the most common symptoms on 6dpo is vivid dreams. I had the craziest dreams last night!!! Just sayin..... :)

10 years ago

Raising my hand while jumping up and down, divact. . Yes, so impatient should so start a blog! I would totally follow it.
oh boo for dr google. There are many women who spot before a BFP. Where else would the Implantation bleeding "myth" come from. (hope you can take it from myth to proven!) I would also be testing if I was you. Just probably today

10 years ago

Thanks everyone. That's so nice to hear you like my posts. Now that I'm fat I really need to develop my personality.

I am not a writer, although would love to be one. I just think ttc is comedy gold! And btw I believe the reality show "why the f--- aren't I pregnant" bloomed from Dogmom's Beautiful Mind (yes, I mean that in the Russell Crowe way). So I am certainly not the only funny one here. Otherwise I wouldn't be on this awesome forum! E.g. Love the fact that plastic cups are mysteriously disappearing at Divact's work! And for the record I have Zero interest in being a TTC blogger! Yikes. My pathetic state will be confirmed if I'm The Expert on ttc! Your well-intentioned comments just convince me I'm becoming far too institutionalised and Need my bfp!

Divact are your dreams ttc related? I had a weird ttc dream last night. I was peeing and all my new toilet rolls were stained with big splotches of dried blood and I was showing and telling everyone who would listen that I didn't stain the toilet paper, it all just came like that. Hmmm I wonder what that could symbolise!

I adore my dh btw. Probably haven't been doing the poor man justice. He's always saying and doing sweet things. You know what he actually said to me today. "Being married to you is like being married to a magician, because you amaze me every day." Love when he comes up with cute things like that. *sigh* again desperate to give him a bfp too!

Me, 31, dh 34 TTC #1 since Feb 2013 I cp in May Ttc mantra: ICs do not count!

10 years ago

Woohoo! I just surged. Checked my opk after posting. Must be my reward for saying nice things about dh.

Me, 31, dh 34 TTC #1 since Feb 2013 I cp in May Ttc mantra: ICs do not count!

10 years ago

I agree, Dr Google isn't always so accurate. Too much information can really be a bad thing sometimes. I love that your office sponsors your cups to pee in, divact!

YAY so impatient!!!! It is always comforting to know that you did actually ovulate. Let the TWW commence! Maybe once you have your baby you can start a mom blog?

Your DH is so sweet. I love my BF dearly, but let's be honest - no one is perfect and it feels good to vent sometimes.

32 years old and BF is 37 TTC #1 Mom to 2 fur kids TTC since June 2013 Diagnosed with perimenopause Location: Colorado, USA

10 years ago

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