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Anyone on or near 10 dpo? How are you feeling?

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Just wanted to check in with others who are like me waiting to find out if they are pregnant this cycle.
How are you feeling?
Any symptoms that are standing out that have you hopeful or wondering?
When are you going to test?

I am ttc #1. I have regular 27 day cycles with a 15/16 day luteal phase. I check my cm, take vitamins and use opk's. Been trying for almost 5 years now.

This cylce I got ovulation spotting which has only happened to me 2 times in my life before this. Hoping it's a great fertility sign?

Ovulated on Feb 13th. Now I am 10 dpo.

Symptoms so far
0 day - 7 dpo Not much. Just the usual gassy, heartburn, bloated, nipples sore for a few days after O, Some weird dreams and moody.

8 dpo - 10 dpo (current ) Vivid dreams, hot and cold body temps, dry throat, thirstier, dry skin (but it is winter) rash or pimples breaking out on my chest ??? Stuffy nose for 3 days. Mild ovary cramping/twinges. Getting shooting pains in my breasts a few times a day/night which I have never gotten before. Less moody today then the past week thank GOD! All these could be progesterone as well.

Anyone want to add on so we can obsess, wait, hope, pray and test together?

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7993 Replies • 11 years ago



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Looks like it's just been football and I in here the past few days. Hope everyone is doing well.

I'm 7 dpo today. Having vivid dreams. I have a wedding coming up that I am going to this next weekend. An old childhood friend of mine and I recently reconnected a few weeks back. She is getting married on Saturday. Going to be a beach wedding followed by a fun reception at a fancy place. I'm looking forward to it.

@Football ~ I am glad you feel at peace this time around. I hope you get to hear the heartbeat too. That will be amazing.

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10 years ago • Post starter

Morning ladies! Sheeesh i have been busy. My SIL had her baby girl last Thursday and she is just perfect. Her name is Kennedy Grace :) So sweet. Makes my baby fever sky high though!!

@miracle-Sorry you were lonely but glad you got in some time with your love. I hope your tww flies by and ends with awesome news!!!

@football-Eeeeek excited for your first appt! I love that you are feeling different this time around. So happy for you guys!

I hope everyone is doing well on this Monday morning! DH is getting his six month SA this Thursday. We should have those results on Tuesday of next week. I am 13 or 14 dpo today. I don't really know as I either ovulated twice this month or it was a really long ovulation. I woke up to spotting today though. Normally it's only internally, but this time is when i wipe. Just light pink spotting so I think AF will be here early. I guess I feel the same that I always do. Just hard to imagine my time will ever come, but I know it will.

10 years ago

@lsch your time is going to come sweet lady, just hang in there :-) I have been feeling a little bummed about not being pregnant yet. I can not shake this "whoa as me" attitude that if he had made it to town two or three days sooner, we could have at least been in the running this month. I keep saying oh well but inside I'm a little sad :-( but you know it's never over unless the witch arrived in full affect. So hang in there kiddo. Sidebar: LOVE LOVE LOVE your nieces name Kennedy Grace #perfect

@football I'm keeping you in my prayers sweet pea. Just think
Everything is going to be just fine!!! I'm not sure if you remember @jsx she had a miscarriage and so she was terrified and kept testing to make sure her lines were darker. It was awesome to see her progress. Just believe that everything will be of and inhale deeply and exhale all negative thoughts. And then get ready cuz you're having a BABY! Yeeeeeeee haw!!! And a Pisces baby too!!!! If you go into labor on the 19th, cross those legs

@miracle sorry you were feeling a little lonely, I had just gotten used to it and now he's home and after Saturday...back alone again :-( so I know how you feel lady bug. Beach wedding!!! Awesome sounds so fun and cheerful. Go have big fun!!! Vivid dreams...sounds promising but no symptom watching,...well why not we don't have the police anymore and I will not turn states evidence against you. Lol

**waiving** to everyone else hope you had an awesome weekend!!!

AFM: there really is no AFM, AF is due tomorrow and the only reason she isn't here is because I am holding her off for as long as I can with the progesterone cream. I don't want her to ruin my last week with hubby. I will stop the cream on Saturday.. I know she's circling my house because I'm very emotional. I cried watching a st.jude commercial last night, but in my defense it was very sad.

10 years ago

Miracle I'm here too. I hope you caught that egg.

Football I'm loving your positivity this time around. I'm sure it's still scary but I think this is it for you.

Lschrader. I had pink spotting before my bfp. Don't give up hope yet. I hope dh's as goes well and it has continued to improve.

Pisces I hope your wrong and your egg held off. I would love to see a surprise bfp for you :)

Afm our trip was great, but I'm glad to be home. I have the dreaded gestational diabetes test tomorrow and my 28 week appt. I also have to schedule an ultrasound for his growth scan since he was so little last time and to look at his heart since they couldn't get a good pic the last time.

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Lilypie First Birthday tickers

10 years ago

@athena-I always forget about that. That does give me some hope. Normally my spotting starts as brown. I did the pregnancy test calculator on here, and it actually says that AF is due tomorrow. So i guess we shall see what happens. You look adorable!!!! I hope your test goes well and I hope the little bugger is getting bigger!! I bet your trip was wonderful!

10 years ago

Yay! The gang is popping in. Makes me happy! :)

@Pisces ~ I am going to symptom spot all I want now. Yep, there's nobody stopping me now.. lol. I don't blame you for using that progesterone cream to ward off af from coming, I would too. I hope your last week with your dh is special. Will you be visiting him where he's at anytime soon? I hope so. I also hope and pray of course that you get pleasantly shocked and surprised by a bfp but if not than I hope AF is tolerable. Keep us posted.

Athena ~ Thanks. I hope I caught the egg too. You look so good. Love your outfit and your baby bump is looking great. Glad you had a fun time on vacation. Good luck with your glucose testing.

@Lschrader ~ Congrats to your SIL on her new baby girl. Great name for a little girl. I can only imagine intense it made your desire to be a mom be. I went through something very similar last week when my bff came to town with her newborn.. my heart melted with joy and saddened all in the same breath. I'm curious to hear about your dh SA results. I'm sure they will be good. Hmm? I have my fingers crossed for you that this spotting is only spotting and that you see your bfp. Always rooting and praying for you.

@Rebecca ~ How are you? How was your fourth? How is your family and little Titus doing?

@Bean ~ How are you doing?

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10 years ago • Post starter

@athena I love that picture of you and I saw little Eli doing a dance on was absolutely adorable! It's so exciting, enjoy every minute of being's such an exciting and wonderful time. I didn't know you had pink spotting, cool. I had some pinkish/brownish spotting last week like Wednesday but it was too early to be implant or anything, I told DH I must have been a Virgin again. Sorry TMI

@lsch Keep Hope Alive!

@miracle it would be a true miracle that is for sure and God would have all the glory because only he could defy most certainly would not be the first time he has made a fool of science. There was a newborn at the beach (yeah I questioned that judgement too) one of my husband's aunt's nieces on her husbands side (lol) but I was careful up avoid her because I was afraid I would start bawling or something, so I admired from afar.

10 years ago

Hey ladies!

Pisces - use the cream so you can enjoy the heck out of your time with your hubby! I too hope you get a pleasant surprise, but we're here for you.

Miracle - sorry you were lonely! But glad you got to spend some time with your sweetie and his kids. Drawing on the driveway is something my kids love to do. It's memories like those that they cherish.

Lschrader - keep us posted! Can't wait to hear how your hubby's SA turns out.

Football - Love your positive peaceful attitude. Can't wait to hear about your appointment.

Athena - you rock in that picture! Love it! Don't worry about the glucose test, you'll be fine.

Skyline & Bean- how are you?

Afm - last week was a busy but good week for us. My birthday is July 1st, then my 2nd son's birthday is the 5th, so we spent some time celebrating! Nothing elaborate, just spending time together without work or school getting in the way. We drove into northern Vermont and toured a cheese factory and just LOVED the rural scenery. Then my dh grilled out Saturday night and we ate outside, moving to the front yard with our chairs at 9:30 to watch the city's fireworks. It was awesome, and the weather was great. Pregnant momma didn't break a sweat, which is always good! I am counting down the weeks....we actually "placed bets" on when everyone thought Titus would be born. It was fun.

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10 years ago

@Rebecca ~ I don't know if I wished you happy birthday or not.. can't remember. Happy late birthday. Sounds like you had a nice week with family being together for the holiday. Front row seating to the fireworks sounded great.

@Pisces ~ your spotting doesn't sound too far fetched. Stranger things have happened. Ya never know. My vivid dream last night was me looking down at a frer hpt and seeing 2 pink lines. I had a dream similar to this a few months before my last bfp. Hopefully it's a good sign of something wonderful to come.

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10 years ago • Post starter

HI! i'm new to the forum.

My husband and I have been married 2 years now and we just decided to start TTC as of 3 weeks ago. I'm 31 yo. i didn't really calculate an ovulation date but my period is pretty regular - 28 days and it goes on for 7 days. We've been BD'ing pretty regularly. I'm guessing i'm ~11 dpo. Ive been extremely fatigued ( i normally sleep 3 hrs per night but i've been sleeping almost 10-12 hrs per day), gassy, bloated, twinges and cramping around my lower abdomen almost feels like it's around my left ovary. Yesterday I started getting VERY nauseous in the morning that lasted all day off an on w/ headache. I also woke up with a dream (i usually never dream) that all of my patients told me they were pregnant -- even the males! I tested yesterday at 10 dpo and it was . Still nauseous this morning.

I have 4 sisters and all of them told me that when they started trying, they had all of those symptoms several months while they were TTC w/ BPN. Is this normal?

These symptoms are killing me. I told my DH that if i'm not preggers then no touching for a couple months because I can't deal with this hormonal change and emotional roller coaster. haha ( just joking around).

4 more days until AF. I think i might have tested too early? All of my sisters had vivid dreams which triggered them to test and they came out BFP.

thanks for listening/reading. just needed somewhere to vent to because my DH only understands so much and I want to keep it on a down low from my friends/work that I'm TTC.

10 years ago

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