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CD 1..TTC Baby #2 and need buddies!!

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I have a 3 year old little girl. I had the mirena iud removed in November and my husband and I decided to wait until after the first of the year to start ttc. This is my second cycle ttc and today is cd 1 for me. Just joined today and could use buddies for the journey!

1122 Replies • 11 years ago



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Replies (sorted by hugs)

1011 - 1020 of 1122 Replies | Last Page

DeLa: I am so so sorry. It still hurts even if it is early. Whether u decide to try again or not should only be determined by you and your dh. Take it from someone who has had 3 losses in 1 year.. It is not easy. I've felt like giving up. But the fact of the matter is that almost everyone that is or has been on this forum has had at least one m/c. It is a fairly normal occurrence even though at don't like to think of it that way. But when it finally does work out everything seems right and it's worth all the pain for the joy you get in return. If we avoid anything we ever have a bad experience with we will go without any of the joys of the world. Trust me. You WILL feel better. Talk about it. Don't hold your feelings back and remember that we r always here.

Zuberi: sorry for no update :) your getting closer to O! Yay!

Dbjohnson: I'm 13 weeks and I am also feeling less nervous as the days go by. My belly is definitely out there too!

Mewling: congrats on your little girl!! I was induced with dd and although the process was long it really wasn't bad at all.

Afm: I am feeling better in most ways now. Less tired and less sick. Actually some days I don't feel pregnant and then a day like today comes and reminds me that I am lol. I am def starting to look it. I've started wearing done maternity clothes but can still fit into my ore pregnancy stuff. I've only gained a couple lbs so far but I'm sure that song last long now that my appetite is back. I am just happy I can still fit into my regular jeans and even button them still but they aren't comfortable so I've been using the Bella band.

10 years ago • Post starter

Thank you Amanda. I guess I thought I was safe from a MC because my family never had one, but they had their own issues later on. I feel annoyed at the fact that my first pregnancy went so well, then this happens. It sucks you can't pinpoint what causes it either. Well in my case there wasn't anything in my blood and nothing in my uterus. I was thinking of taking Maca and getting DH to possibly take something, but idk. I've heard women can get preg right after an early MC like mine and have a healthy pregnancy. In a way I want to try and get it done asap since I'm scared and then a part of me says nooooo because what if it happens again? Ppl already told me to wait because I need to heal or because I'm young so I don't need to rush. I don't feel as if I'm that young where I can just sit and wait and I would like my children kind of close in age.

I'm all mixed up!! Lol!!

ME (27) + DH (28) = DD (2)

10 years ago

Btw Amanda, I'm glad you're ok for the most part. I know pregnancy can be a rollercoaster!

ME (27) + DH (28) = DD (2)

10 years ago

Hey Ladies,

I forgot to mention last night when I was talking about Maca... I had my DH take it too. It is basically a wild yam, sometimes it gets the nickname Peruvian Viagra... But it is suppose to help with egg and sperm health.

DeLa: some other things I tried... In April, my DH and I started taking a spoonful of royal jelly with bee pollen. It just tastes like honey, but is filled with antioxidants and is great for your immune system. It is also supposed to help with egg and sperm health. In September I found a website ( ) I am pretty sure I put a link to the exact article I am talking about earlier in the forum, I'm on my mobile so I can't figure out how to do it now, sorry. She talks about how to get pregnant naturally. I was mid cycle when I found her website, but I did start a few things just for overall health. I started taking coconut oil every morning and fermented cod liver oil. Coconut oil is a healthy fat that naturally helps your body produce and regulate hormones. Cod liver oil is high in omega 3, and vitamin a and d, so it boosts your immune system. I was just after O, so I figured neither of those things would harm the baby if I was pregnant. I wasn't, so when my next cycle started I added the Maca root. I did have the weirdest cycle ever. I am pretty sure I complained about it every day on here, I wasn't sure when I O'ed. However, I guess a normal cycle isn't that important because BAM I got my BFP!

Sorry for the rambling... I always get really into talking about this stuff. Hope this helps!!!

10 years ago

Do you think the Maca is what made your cycle weird? I'm learning about Maca now for the first time.

While taking the things you did, did you also take multivitamins? I don't want to over do it since I take a multivitamin.

ME (27) + DH (28) = DD (2)

10 years ago

I took a prenatal vitamin every morning.

10 years ago

Ok. Thanks for all the info!

ME (27) + DH (28) = DD (2)

10 years ago

Ok. Thanks for all the info!

ME (27) + DH (28) = DD (2)

10 years ago

DeLa: my first pregnancy went well too. There's no rhyme or reason for the losses that we have been able to pinpoint but this cycle there were things I didn't differently. I was in clomid to promote strong ovulation, I took Benadryl after ovulation for a few days (u can read previous posts about it and there's a really good article I think db put on here) and I also started progesterone (prescribed) suppositories vaginally immediately after ovulation. I would def suggest waiting one full cycle. I decided to give it a try before I had a normal cycle, got pregnant and lost that one too. My doc still says he's not sure if he'd "count" that one as far as possibly being a medical problem bc chances are my uterus wasn't capable of good implantation so soon after a loss. There's a lot of research and opinions that go both ways just know that my doc told me it's more likely to happen if u don't wait a cycle. Looking back I would wait bc it's hard to know if it was too soon or if something else caused it but part of me felt a little responsible bc I knew the risks. It is ultimately up to you tho and we will support your decision either way. :)

10 years ago • Post starter

Good morning ladies

Just checking in. ...... I'm waiting for confirmation of ovulation. I'm 2dpo. I will start benadryl and pineapple core tommorow. That's about all for now.

Hope you ladies had a great weekend.

10 years ago

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