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girls i am so confused, i kno my cycle now. my first ovulation day was 13th of nov and had lots of the symptoms especially the tiredness. iv had neg pregnancy tests up to now.
I randomly did an ovulation test 24th and today the 25th was highly positive iv got one of those digi blue ovulation tests with the smiley faces. Could this be a sign that its detecting early pregnancy. I am 11 DPO today still neg pregnancy tests. I took a tesco digital test today 25th nov and said not pregnant but when i took the plastic bit off there was a tiny faint line like it had detected something. i am so confused can somebody please help?x

8 Replies • 11 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

1 - 8 of 8 Replies

Sometimes your body "gears up" and gets ready for ovulation. Same thing happened to me, I thought I ovulated but I didn't, it still wasn't darker than the control line, but then i ovulated almost 1 or almost 2 weeks later (like you) so your actual ovulation must have been the 25th, especially if you got a smiley. So I would count ovulation the day you got the smiley which was 24th? i think you said or today. When you get a postivie OPK you usually don't actually ovulate til about 12 hours after you get that positive, which means get to baby dancing!! :)
As for the digital HPT, they ALWAYS have a faint line on a digital, never take apart a digital test because you will always get two lines. the only tests you can take apart are the normal line ones, but only after the time limit... Hope this helps! I've been TTC for 2 years now, I've been through it all, & did the same thing you did with the digital, & had the same problem with my ovulation.

-> please forgive any typeos, i type fast without checking and sometimes i'm on my phone. thanks! <- & User ImageUser Image

11 years ago

another thing, EWCM (egg-white cervical mucus) is a great sign for Ovulation.

-> please forgive any typeos, i type fast without checking and sometimes i'm on my phone. thanks! <- & User ImageUser Image

11 years ago

Thankyou for the info,

The only thing is im really worried now because my period didnt come last month and im due on in the next 2 days for my period that i may have become PCOS that my friend seems to think i am.
I'm 23 yrs old wen i was 20 i had an abortion(Stupid choice i made) and im afraid it may have effected my chances and may have cysts on my ovaries with all this wierdness going on :( . What you think?

11 years ago • Post starter

Thankyou for the info,

The only thing is im really worried now because my period didnt come last month and im due on in the next 2 days for my period that i may have become PCOS that my friend seems to think i am.
I'm 23 yrs old wen i was 20 i had an abortion(Stupid choice i made) and im afraid it may have effected my chances and may have cysts on my ovaries with all this wierdness going on :( . What you think?

11 years ago • Post starter

Thankyou for the info,

The only thing is im really worried now because my period didnt come last month and im due on in the next 2 days for my period that i may have become PCOS that my friend seems to think i am.
I'm 23 yrs old wen i was 20 i had an abortion(Stupid choice i made) and im afraid it may have effected my chances and may have cysts on my ovaries with all this wierdness going on :( . What you think?

11 years ago • Post starter

abortion may not cause PCOS, it's more of your hormone levels being affected.. I do know that the cause of PCOS is still not really known, so i highly doubt the abortion affected it but you are ovulating so thats a good sign. With PCOS you most likely will not ovulate. here's a site that can help you more on PCOS or anything in that matter, i love this site.
if you do believe you have it, then the only way to confrim is going to the doctors for blood work and ultrasounds.

hope this helps you :)

-> please forgive any typeos, i type fast without checking and sometimes i'm on my phone. thanks! <- & User ImageUser Image

11 years ago

I meant to add that you can still have pcos and still ovulate with the whole "if you have PCOS you may not ovulate" but the most common ones are woman that have pcos don't ovulate. but its still possible because I was tested for it at 15 and i had a bunch of small cysts on my ovaries when they did the ultrasound and then on my right ovary i had one huge one the bursted, and oh boy didn't that hurt. I ovulate when I have my period but i can't keep a pregnancies :(

-> please forgive any typeos, i type fast without checking and sometimes i'm on my phone. thanks! <- & User ImageUser Image

11 years ago

i went to see the nurse today and get my results next week fingers crossed that im ok.
Thanks for all the help and info you helped me with nice of u.

11 years ago • Post starter

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