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Wannabe May Mommies WMM

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Hi ladies, I was in the Wannabe March Moms thread and I think there were 4 or so lucky ladies who got their BFP but alot more of us who got BFN. So here's hoping for August or September BFPs which will bring us May babies!

A little about me: I'm 35, from Australia, TTC first baby since mc in March. Just bought a fertility monitor so hoping it's worth the $ because I hate OPKs, haven't started charting yet but will consider it soon.

Join this thread if you WMM too!!!

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467 Replies • 12 years ago



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461 - 467 of 467 Replies

Well ladies revealed her atrocious and agonizing features today. Mrscml I guess I will be joining you in the june forum soon. ladies and have a you all deserve it and you guys were a wonderful group of ladies.

12 years ago

Hi ladies,

It is 12 DPO today and I had a beta hCG test done today. Got the value of 41.8
I will have to take another test after two days to confirm the levels. Also, a progesterone test is to be taken.


12 years ago

Hi all....11 dpo today. I'm pumped that I can finally confirm I don't have a luteal phase AF yet....would be due somewhere between Monday and Wednesday this week.

I can't tell if the odd symptoms this weekend are from being sick (probably) or if they are THE symptoms. Each morning and several times throughout the day, I get a slight nauseous feeling.....I will eat something and it will subside but then come back. Plus...I am getting at least 10 hours of sleep each night, but find myself tired throughout the day.

I was at a girlfriend's house yesterday and we watch What to Expect When You're was pretty funny....although not overly realistic. All the ladies only gained weight in their HELLO!! I am pretty sure my face and ass are just going to blow up....

Anyways....she also has a 6 week old baby so I got my fix by hanging out with him.

My CM hasn't been abundant.....but more white/creamy the last couple of days. I haven't been overly emotional and my breakout is diminishing a little (yay!) Not bloated. Boobs are fuller, not overly sensitive unless I push on them.

How are you ladies doing?!?!?!?


12 years ago

Well I'm out ladies :( AF Started Sunday :(

TTC Miracle Number 1

12 years ago


TTC Miracle Number 1

12 years ago

Sorry this post is sooooo long in coming, ladies!!!! I meant to write it sooner but have been pretty sick lately so I couldn't.

How I got my BFP...
We BD every 36 hours starting on day 8 of my cycle. I was talking to my sis and apparently DH and I were dtd TOO MUCH (shocker, yes, but its possible). However as soon as we starting BD every 36 hours STARTING IN THE MORNING and going from day 8 of my cycle til a few days after ovulating we got our BFP :)

We woke up at 5 and BD between 5:30 and 6 on the days where we were supposed to BD in the morning. Idk if that really affected it or not but better include it to be safe.

I hope that helps some of you ladies! I know a lot of people think that the more you BD the better chance you have but that is not always the case...

I should add that I have 28 day cycles and O on day 14 of my cycle but the plan still works for those who have longer or shorter cycles.

12 years ago

Thanks for all of that great info! Trust me, my husband and I TRY to bd less but we can't keep our paws off each other! Haha

3x Hyperemesis Gravidarum survivor: Sky- born 12/16/03, moderate HG, untreated RJ- born 2/19/07, severe HG. 10/3/11 blighted ovum- severe HG 10/2/12 ready to bring on HG- early intervention hopefully means less agony. HG is more than morning sickness:

12 years ago

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