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Anyone late 30s and up trying to conceive again? :) Pt.3

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Hi ladies,

since we have reached 17 pages on our thread, we have to start a new one...

Me: 43 DBF: 49 13 unsuccessful cycles TTC IVF #3: u/s 8w2d: bean stopped growing, no hb , 06/21 D&C IVF #4 BFP - it's a girl! 06-03-2013 Fiona Isabel was born

64 Replies • 12 years ago



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51 - 60 of 64 Replies | Last Page

mountainmama- WOW!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! So happy for you.

DH-43 Me-41 User Image

12 years ago

Congrats Alison and Mountain Mama - that is great news!!

Alison, the ovarian pain can result from the corpus luteum (your former follicle that is now producing progesterone to maintain the pregnancy). If the pain gets worse or persist, you may want to get to a doctor early to rule out an ectopic. FX!!

Mountain Mama... I hear you... in my natural cycles I used BBT, a CB monitor and OPKs... Narrowed down O-date pretty good but still was not successful. So now I am praying for my last IVF, which I am starting about Sept 1.

Me: 43 DBF: 49 13 unsuccessful cycles TTC IVF #3: u/s 8w2d: bean stopped growing, no hb , 06/21 D&C IVF #4 BFP - it's a girl! 06-03-2013 Fiona Isabel was born

12 years ago • Post starter

Hi torontschick, it's eased right off and it's v similar to the bedding in pains I experienced last time around this time. If it does get any worse ill be straight to the doctors. I'm there next week anyway xxxx

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12 years ago

WOOOHOOO!!!! My bloodwork came back positive. have my first official prenatal visit where they will also start monitoring my beta levels, next Tuesday. Having to pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming. :)

DH-43 Me-41 User Image

12 years ago

OH WOW!!!!! I just thought I'd peek in today to see how my old CTP friends are doing, and lo and behold I see BFPs all down the page!!!!! CONGRATS CONGRATS CONGRATS!!!!

Hope to see more grads soon over on the CMP boards! Boatloads of to all the ladies on this forum still trying!

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12 years ago

Congratulations, angel!

Torontochick, you are in my thoughts. Great good luck this cycle!


MountainMama -- 47 year old mom of 3 (20yo DD, 17yo DD, 4.5yo DS) TTC #4

12 years ago

Congrats to you too MM!

Wow! I'm so excited for you guys.

User Image

12 years ago

How is everyone doing? It's gotten so quiet in here...

Looks like AF is at the gate for me!! (YAY!) If she arrives tomorrow, I could start stimming as early as Friday!! (Guess I've never been so happy about pre-AF spotting ;) )

Hope EOE is doing ok!!

Me: 43 DBF: 49 13 unsuccessful cycles TTC IVF #3: u/s 8w2d: bean stopped growing, no hb , 06/21 D&C IVF #4 BFP - it's a girl! 06-03-2013 Fiona Isabel was born

12 years ago • Post starter

Hi Ladies! I was hoping a thread like this with us late thirties plus would start up again. :) I just started day 1 of my cycle with today so expect to O on CD 10-12 possibly. I'm 38 and have one DD who is gonna be 7 next month. Hubby and I decided we'd give it one more shot so this is our 2nd month TTC. Officially started charting in August. I have a 24 day cycle and right now am not taking anything other than prenatals. OB wants to give us a shot before exploring any additional fertility aids. I am a POAS addict admittedly and a bit paranoid as I had 2 MC before DD was born. Looking fwd to folllowing your posts and wishing you all tons of and and a big on those who got their .

12 years ago

Hi babyfever, welcome to the group. I had three early m/c when 29 & 30 between my first two kids and two before this pregnancy at 41. I feel your anxiety keenly. Good luck!

Torontochick, did you start stimming? Good luck this cycle!

I hope everyone's doing well and I am liberally spreading baby dust here as I want to see you atnour group on CMP.


MountainMama -- 47 year old mom of 3 (20yo DD, 17yo DD, 4.5yo DS) TTC #4

12 years ago

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